Big Televen Makeover

Actually, ScottyD, he has some good ideas. I love the MSU (from their B-ball court) and Purdue. Even Indiana. Some dogs, though.
Like Purdue a MSU..Illinois isnt bad, its a reverse scheme of something they have had before. the rest, not a fan

The Wisconsin helmet is not good. NW too wordy.
I liked all of the helmets pretty much, the Michigan reversed is the COOLEST one and the Illinois one is a definite upgrade and is pretty cool. The dogs in this sorority are the Wisconsin helmet and the Ohio State helmet...
I liked Illinois, Northwestern, and MSU. Purdue was alright. Indiana? Either way. The rest I wouldn't change.
Anyone who liked MSU's makeover has issues....the Spartan logo as it currently stands is by far their best and should not be messed with.
Kinduv a fun off-season exercise.

Illinois -- screw pc.
MSU -- the redesign is nice, but still . . . can't mess with the Spartan emblem. Now if they could take a Spartan helmet and redesign it into a football helmet: sweeeet.
Purdue -- very nice
PSU -- anything is better than 'flat white ceiling paint'. Well, except for the next one:
Minnesota -- anything that makes the GGs look more comical or cartoonish . . . I'm good with that.

Bad: (these just can't be changed...Yes, I know the guy's point was to change everyone, but . . . )
OSU -- not awful redesign,...
Michigan -- awful, even a below-average football team the past couple of years wouldn't deserve this.
Iowa -- not this color. Can't mess with the black helmet. The only possible legit change would be to change the round jowel into a sharper cut/angle.

Indiana -- but really, who cares
NW -- Wildcat for a nickname and instead spell out the school . . . okaay
Wisconsin -- maybe a white pawprint . . . meh
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I think Iowa has the best looking unis in football with the black/gold. But I think it would be neat to see the gold helmet/black tigerhawk logo for maybe one game a year kinda like the gold bb unis.
If I re-did the Illini's helmet, I'd make it white with a big orange block I (w/a blue stroke) and a blue helmet stripe. Gray facemask. Maybe white.
Simple, somewhat retro/old-schoolish, classy. Too much orange sucks, and that dark shade of blue would look poopy on a helmet. And if the Illiniwek logo can't be used, there's no point in that even entering the discussion.
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