Big donation

No, but they have no problem coming back in the off-season to use the facilities.
You my fellow Hawk, are the most miserable person that I have never met. You must hate just to wake up in the morning and see yourself in the mirror.
I currently reside in MN and Greenway just recently gave some donations at one of the Children's hospitals for kids and their families whic h I think is better than giving to the U of I. I think many have been generous to their high schools as well. I think the guys from P-burg were pretty generous when the tornado hit as well. with some of the PR that they give to the program and staff it is far better than monetary amounts
I believe players that have played at Iowa and that have gone into the NFL should give back in some way shape or form. Whether it be in the form of giving money or giving of their time at camps, etc, I really don't care. But I strongly feel they should give back to the University and the fans who have funded the program! Biggest disappointment has been BJ Armstrong! Other then serving on search committee, has never really given back.
Criticizing former players for choosing not to donate and/or for using the facilities is off-base, but I disagree with the idea that they owe the UI nothing. Obligated to contribute? No. Understanding that the UI played a big role in their success, in where they are, and WHO they turned out to be? Absolutely.
I believe players that have played at Iowa and that have gone into the NFL should give back in some way shape or form. Whether it be in the form of giving money or giving of their time at camps, etc, I really don't care. But I strongly feel they should give back to the University and the fans who have funded the program! Biggest disappointment has been BJ Armstrong! Other then serving on search committee, has never really given back.

Two points.

1. Those young men all busted their *** and made a lot of sacrifices to generate a staggering amount of money that supported the athletic department, created positive PR(most of it anyway), and entertained guys like us. They earned every nickel of those scholarships.

2. Many if not most pro athletes struggle with money later in life. Most the Iowa kids make a modest amount of money in teh NFL which will provide a decent nest egg but certainly will not make them rich for life. Conspicuous spending of any kind, including charitable gifts, is not a great idea for 90-95% of NFL players. Guys like the Mannings might be an exception.
Several ex Hawkeye players gave to the Hawkeye Carver addition. Ronnie Lester gave in the 100,000-999,000 category for the Athletic Training room in memory of John Streif. In the 50,000-99,000 category Mac and Kent McCausland for Mens asst. basketball coach office. Steve Waite in the 25,000-49,999 category. Les Jepsen and Mark Mysnyk in 10,000-24,999 category. That is a few I saw in the rededication program. I am sure some ex football players are giving money for the new training facilities being built. I am not surprised that they don't come on the public news and brag about it.

Whoa, when did Streif die???
People like Gallery, Bob Sanders, Chad Greenway, Adrian Clayborn.......all have done very well. They are not obligated to give back in anyway, but if they are invested in the future success of the football program, they should give what they can. This could make a big difference in our program.
Add Bobby Hansen to the list, he also gave a good chunk to the Carver-Hawkeye renovation. I think plenty of Hawkeyes have donated back to the University and will continue to do so.
Biggest disappointment has been BJ Armstrong! Other then serving on search committee, has never really given back.

Are you positive about this? I don't either way, but I do know a number of players have given large donations and chosen not to talk about it. Sort of the Iowa style. It could be that BJ is one of those.

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