Bielema touts A.J. Derby

That's how some schools pick their head coaches.


I have to admit, as a fan, I have never considered charisma all that important when picking a coach. Maybe because i have too many co-workers who were unfocused goof-offs when they needed to shut up and focus on their work. But i don't like the ******* types either who have an intense focus but who have a quick temper and speak their mind too much.

But hey the times are changing, I guess. I need to get used to the media savvy coach who can behave himself in public. The Mike Stoops, Bo Pelinis and Bret Beliemas with the quick temper but focused intensity generally dont last long in one place and wear out their welcome. Whereas the charismatic goof-offs eventually get exposed and end up working as an analyst on tv.

If he wants to be the HC at Iowa I'd like to see BF take on that roll somewhere else first for several reasons. Gain experience, prove his worth, and be able to get it completely on merit so people don't question the hire as much.
When Kirk retires, Iowa could do a LOT worse than BB. I like how brash he is an unapologetic for kicking your teeth in when he has the horses. His style will struggle in the SEC IMO..but at Iowa, he'd be just fine.

I remember a previous football coach at Iowa who would run up the score on occasion.
When Kirk retires, Iowa could do a LOT worse than BB. I like how brash he is an unapologetic for kicking your teeth in when he has the horses. His style will struggle in the SEC IMO..but at Iowa, he'd be just fine.

Spot on. I'd welcome Biels back with open arms. If Diaco can prove himself at UConn, we will have some options when KF retires.
After BB took the Arkansas job, in an interview he said there were a few select jobs in the country he would have left Wisconsin for. Id love to know which jobs he was referring. BB has the type of personality that he would have left Wisconsin for Iowa. He would know the hostility he would receive from Wisconsin and he wouldnt have cared.
Bret was underpaid. The state of Wisconsin is struggling financially and there was no way he was going to get the kind of cash that Urban or KF gets. Not sure why the Wisky athletic dept could not cover his salary like Iowa covers KF's but that's my understanding. It was a matter of time before someone came calling for him.
Bret was underpaid. The state of Wisconsin is struggling financially and there was no way he was going to get the kind of cash that Urban or KF gets. Not sure why the Wisky athletic dept could not cover his salary like Iowa covers KF's but that's my understanding. It was a matter of time before someone came calling for him.

i'd bet it wasn't just about the money. check alvarez' comments last year - 'no one misses one has approached him saying they missed bret' alvarez is as arrogant as they come, but those comments paint a picture, to me.
i'd bet it wasn't just about the money. check alvarez' comments last year - 'no one misses one has approached him saying they missed bret' alvarez is as arrogant as they come, but those comments paint a picture, to me.

Yeah, this ^

I can't claim to know either guy personally, but knowing just what I know about those 2 from being around B10 football my entire life, I'm guessing that was a pretty tense professional relationship (Barry as AD, Bert as coach). If I had to make a guess, they were both happy to put some distance between each other.
i'd bet it wasn't just about the money. check alvarez' comments last year - 'no one misses one has approached him saying they missed bret' alvarez is as arrogant as they come, but those comments paint a picture, to me.

I've talked with Wiscy fans who have said they didn't like Bert; but if Anderson doesn't produce wins, something tells me they'll miss what Biels brought. Time will tell.
Bielema will never set foot on this campus. There was a ton of baggage with him up at Wisky. When I was up there for a game that a Wisky co-worker took me to against UNI their fans were talking about how much they hated him and there was plenty going on including escapades with CoEds and hard partying with the student body. Lots of inappropriate stuff. He was not liked by many including the players. There was a sentiment that he was going to be canned regardless of record. Then low and behold he takes the Arkansas job.

Those making decisions are well aware of his reputation and will nix his name from any list. You can also bet that Mr Alvarez will place a call to fill them in and confirm any details.


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