Bielema touts A.J. Derby

Wow it appears the stress of coaching a failing team in the SEC could be wearing on Biels.

In regards to Derby, I don't feel right saying anything other than good for him. I can't blame the kid for wanting to give QB his best shot. In hindsight, it appears the Iowa coaches were correct all along in trying to get him to switch positions, and AJ was apparently very stubborn about it. However, he's finally decided to make the switch to TE and most people who are familiar with Derby know that he's a hell of an athlete who has great size. I imagine everything Biels says is true, and I hope AJ goes out and plays as well as he's practicing. It's unfortunate that it took him this long to make the switch, but if he has a solid year he could absolutely earn himself an opportunity at the next level. The tough thing for him will be getting the opportunity to show what he can do. If Arkansas is as bad as they are predicted to be it could be tough for him to showcase his talents given that they will be playing in the most difficult conference in college football.

Looking back at Biels years in Wisconsin I'm trying think about his use of the TE position. Lance Kendricks, Jacob Pedersen, and Jake Byrne are all guys who had solid careers. If Derby is as good as Biels is claiming I imagine he'll try to carve him out a role somehow.
Wow it appears the stress of coaching a failing team in the SEC could be wearing on Biels.

In regards to Derby, I don't feel right saying anything other than good for him. I can't blame the kid for wanting to give QB his best shot. In hindsight, it appears the Iowa coaches were correct all along in trying to get him to switch positions, and AJ was apparently very stubborn about it. However, he's finally decided to make the switch to TE and most people who are familiar with Derby know that he's a hell of an athlete who has great size. I imagine everything Biels says is true, and I hope AJ goes out and plays as well as he's practicing. It's unfortunate that it took him this long to make the switch, but if he has a solid year he could absolutely earn himself an opportunity at the next level. The tough thing for him will be getting the opportunity to show what he can do. If Arkansas is as bad as they are predicted to be it could be tough for him to showcase his talents given that they will be playing in the most difficult conference in college football.

Looking back at Biels years in Wisconsin I'm trying think about his use of the TE position. Lance Kendricks, Jacob Pedersen, and Jake Byrne are all guys who had solid careers. If Derby is as good as Biels is claiming I imagine he'll try to carve him out a role somehow.

You can look at it two different ways:

1) "AJ, we REALLY need TEs, and your athleticism and ability to learn quickly gives us hope. Would you consider it?"

2) "Kid, you try hard, but as a QB you're...not...not good..."

Either way, hope it works out for him.
I won't bash Derby either. His life is his to live. Just because your better at something doesn't mean you like it more. He wanted to be a QB. Lots of kids do. He probably could have played LB or DE too. It's too bad it didn't work out at Iowa for him. But I have no ill will towards him.
I think Beliema is wishing he stayed at Wiscy ... The pressure on him at Arkansas is going to be intense this season ... They were bad last year. He needs to produce some wins.
In my opinion he absolutely went to Arkansas for the guaranteed $$$$.

Now this is just my opinion, but I feel like there is some truth to it. Bielema had a lot of success at Wisconsin. Because he was the head coach he does deserve a lot of credit for that, and I'm not going to take that away from him.

With that said, I think his best attribute as a head coach was finding excellent assistants. I think his assistants played a huge role in Wisconsin's most successful years under Biels. Plus it's pretty well known that Biels personality had rubbed a lot people in Wisconsin the wrong way. For being as successful as he was there it's amazing how many people will admit they weren't really a big fan of the guy. I think he realized his luck with excellent assistants was running out, and I believe he took advantage of his recent success in order to accept an elite coaching position and a huge paycheck elsewhere because he realized at some point he was going to be canned at Wisconsin. In other words, he left while he could when he was on top because he realized it was the most opportune time.

If this is indeed the case you kind have to give him credit for taking advantage of his situation. I certainly give him credit for that. I just don't think he's that good of a coach if he doesn't have great assistants underneath him. He bit off more than he could chew with Arkansas, but he's going to make a lot of money before he gets canned there so it will work out for him.
There have been tons of rumors about Bielema and Alvarez basically hating each other and not seeing eye to eye on anything.

that is very easy to believe. you won't find a more arrogant person that alvarez. and biels maybe a close 2nd. put that into the mix, and that makes for a difficult working relationship.
I won't bash Derby either. His life is his to live. Just because your better at something doesn't mean you like it more. He wanted to be a QB. Lots of kids do. He probably could have played LB or DE too. It's too bad it didn't work out at Iowa for him. But I have no ill will towards him.

at the end of the day, you only have a limited amount of time to do something. In this kid's case, he is a senior. he's up against it. do i want to play, or do i not want to play.

he 'did it his way' so to speak. he can go to bed at night, one would think, knowing he did everything he could to realize his dream - to play QB. But now with time catching up to him, he realizes that if he wants to play, it will have to be at another position.

he very well should have listened to the coaches at iowa and played lb or te - we all know they have been real good at developing players at those positions. and who really knows why he left iowa - but we do know that he tried again to play QB at CC.......and again at it was likely that he didn't want his QB dream to die.

best of luck to him!

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