I have written in the past that Cook was the hole in the offense. As the ball was swung across the perimeter it would stop at Cook and he would do his face-up and fake shot, then drive and try to score or kick. The problem was he didn't have the ball skills to either shoot or pass, so it usually ended in a T/O or a dunk. Cook played hard but Fran wanted him to play inside but Cook preferred to play on the perimeter. This is Fran's fault. He's the coach. I don't blame Cook. Could Iowa use a weak side rebounding machine, athletic wing on fast breaks, high motor player on D? Sure, but that's not how Cook played. Does anyone believe Garza would have this break-out year splitting shots with Cook? Or we wouldn't spend the year watching Cook audition for the League? Iowa's offense and defense is just relentless right now. When I'm watching Iowa play now late in games, I'm not thinking how will they lose this game, I'm thinking when will the the other team give up. I remember Cook's first games and I thought he might become the best player in Iowa history. Honestly, I saw almost no improvement in his game in year 3. This post is asking for opinions, that's mine.