Best place for championship game?


Well-Known Member
What does everyone think? Where should B10 title game be held? I imagine choices are Indy, Detroit, minny, and maybe Chicago.

I live in Indy so of course it's the best. Regardless, I think it makes the most sense. Indy hosts big events all the time, has a very walkable downtown, and is somewhat centrally located.

I've heard area imediately around Ford field is nice but that's about it.

Metrodome sucks and Chicago is outside.

Maybe it rotates every year.
Either Chicago or Indianapolis would be excellent sites. I put Chicago first because the Big Ten Alumni base is huge.
If Texas gets into the Big Ten and the championship game, then it must be played in Gopher Stadium, or whatever city has the coldest weather that day.
I just moved to Indy about three months ago and went to the Big 10 Bball tourney in March. It was a great atmosphere! I haven't been in Lucas Oil yet, but it looks amazing from the outside and have heard only good things. Regarding location, It's within easy roadtripping distance of almost every Big 10 city.

Iowa City - 5.5 hours
Minneapolis - 9.5 hours
Madison - 5.5 hours
Chicago - 3 hours
Lafayette - 1 hour
Bloomington - 1 hour
Ann Arbor - 4 hours
East Lansing - 4 hours
Champagne - 2 hours
Columbus - 2.5 hours
State College - 8 hours

Average is a little over 4 hours.

Looks like a GREAT location to me.
Actually the best situation might be rotating between the "west" and "east" divisions. This would mean the Vikings would have to get off their *** and build a new stadium with a retractable roof.
Minny- No way.
Detroit- Don't want to get killed, but if we bring Steve Deace with us maybe we get some street cred.
Indy- Yes.
Chicago- Double yes

It's most likely going to revolve between Indy and Chicago/Kinnick East every few years. Which is fine by me.
You really think they will have the Championship Game outside in December? I'm not necessarily against it, but i think there are more cons than pros.
I think the Drum is the best option with its retractable roof. (As long as it doesn't spring a leak! :eek:)

If it's merely chilly, but dry open the roof and play the game in classic Big Ten weather.

If it's raining, snowing, or sub-zero, then close the roof.

I don't think it should be anybody's home field, and since neither Indiana nor Purdue (or Notre Dame :D) will be in a Big Ten championship game any time soon, then you won't even have a home state team.
I say Chicago or Indy.

Toss up

Chicago is better city IMO but it would be outdoors in December at night.

Indy would be inside. Dont get me wrong, i love cold weather football but....
It doesn't matter what city we play in. We will fill the seats.

Chicago, Indy or Pittsburgh on a rotating basis.

Add New York, DC or Baltimore if we pickup Rutgers or Maryland.
What if it was rotated between 3 geographical regions. West: Vikes new stadium (if ever built); Central: Chicago, Indy, Michigan; East: Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Balitmore, NYC, D.C.
I think Indianapolis makes the most sense with the dome stadium. Soldier Field needs field turf if they are going to do it there, because the field was in HORRIBLE condition for Iowa/NIU in September. What do you think that field would look like in December? Plus it's kind of small, only 65,000 I think? Correct me if I'm wrong. I would say Indy would be choice#1, Ford Field #2. I don't like any other options.
Soldier Field. Epic games.

If the pros can play in Jan in the cold, the b10 teams can do it in early Dec.