Best Gray Team Player?


Well-Known Member
Tom Davis always had the Gray team and a member got to suit up and often played. I can't remember all of them that played significant minutes, but some even earned a scholarship. In your opinion who was the best of the Gray team? I remember Waymon, but can't remember the last name as being pretty good.
Tom Davis always had the Gray team and a member got to suit up and often played. I can't remember all of them that played significant minutes, but some even earned a scholarship. In your opinion who was the best of the Gray team? I remember Waymon, but can't remember the last name as being pretty good.

You have to remember the Maui Classic where half the team got sick right before it started and we ended up discovering Darryl Moore and Jason Bauer from the gray team... not to mention Jason Smith was the lone gray team member that Alford kept.
All members from the 2009-2010 Iowa roster, except for Lil Lick. They all tied for getting the most votes as the best gray team players ever. Lil Lick got last place in the poll, with every former gray team member getting more votes than him.
I can't remember any. Don't think I really want to.

Seriously... this is one of the best traditions that Mr. Davis had.... you might have just made one of the most ignorant comments I have ever seen from an Iowa fan.

The only excuse for this comment I could see is if you were born in 1990 and was 8 years old when Mr. Davis left.

At least Mr. Davis had 5 guys that his starters and bench players could get reps against in practice!
Seriously... this is one of the best traditions that Mr. Davis had.... you might have just made one of the most ignorant comments I have ever seen from an Iowa fan.

The only excuse for this comment I could see is if you were born in 1990 and was 8 years old when Mr. Davis left.

At least Mr. Davis had 5 guys that his starters and bench players could get reps against in practice!

I was born in 76. You do the math. So I am ignorant because I can't remember any of the gray team players names? seriously? How is that being ignorant? Do people at Duke, North Carolina, or Michigan State remember kids that didn't play? I don't think so. Congrats to Mr. Davis. I do remember this tradition, but it doesn't mean I have to know who these kids were and when they "played." Stop living in the past.
Darryl Moore was the greatest Gray Team player of all time. After Jess Settles back went out in Maui, Darryl made the most of his opportunity and parlayed that into a spot on the rotation earning a full ride scholarship in the process.

Waymond King was not a Gray Teamer as he was a walk on under Lute.
I was born in 76. You do the math. So I am ignorant because I can't remember any of the gray team players names? seriously? How is that being ignorant? Do people at Duke, North Carolina, or Michigan State remember kids that didn't play? I don't think so. Congrats to Mr. Davis. I do remember this tradition, but it doesn't mean I have to know who these kids were and when they "played." Stop living in the past.

If you don't remember, you don't remember. It was the comment about "don't think I really WANT to" that is ignorant. You basically discounted the hard work these players put in... regardless of whether you known their names or not, in your own terms you are saying that they are irrelevant.. I frankly don't give a crap if you remember specific names or not... but don't make a comment that makes them seem not important at all.
If you don't remember, you don't remember. It was the comment about "don't think I really WANT to" that is ignorant. You basically discounted the hard work these players put in... regardless of whether you known their names or not, in your own terms you are saying that they are irrelevant.. I frankly don't give a crap if you remember specific names or not... but don't make a comment that makes them seem not important at all.

"Ignorant" is asking for free season football tickets because your ISU loving wife is a good luck charm. I actually found that in the dictionary. Look it up.
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I did not realize Moore was a gray teamer. He was one of my favorites. Even more so now that I know that.

Moore was also one cool dude. I remember attending basketball camps and he was always clowning on people and kick my @$$ in a wrestling match one year ha. Great Hawkeye and even better guy.
Darryl Moore best Grey team player on the court.

Jim O'Conor--best grey team player on my dorm floor. He was a great guy. The night that he scored his first point, we decorated his door with a big #1 and everyone signed the door. It was pretty cool.
"Ignorant" is asking for free season football tickets because your ISU loving wife is a good luck charm. I actually found that in the dictionary. Look it up.

1. It is also "ignorant" to post something negative about guys who worked their arses off in the past for a team that you loved, when you easily could have not responded at all. Heck, you could have left your first post as I can't remember any... and it would have been fine... it was the comment after that I still can't believe any Iowa fan would make.

2. If you took the other post seriously, why do you bother coming onto this website? You take everything with a grain of salt, and a reasonable person would have seen the humor/jokingness/irony.

3. I have never taken any unnecessary jabs at your family, I married an ISU fan and do I care.. no.. because there is a heck of a lot more to life than college athletics. The reason she hates Iowa is because of my obsession (and do I care... no!)

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