Best Gray Team Player?

1. It is also "ignorant" to post something negative about guys who worked their arses off in the past for a team that you loved, when you easily could have not responded at all. Heck, you could have left your first post as I can't remember any... and it would have been fine... it was the comment after that I still can't believe any Iowa fan would make.

2. If you took the other post seriously, why do you bother coming onto this website? You take everything with a grain of salt, and a reasonable person would have seen the humor/jokingness/irony.

3. I have never taken any unnecessary jabs at your family, I married an ISU fan and do I care.. no.. because there is a heck of a lot more to life than college athletics. The reason she hates Iowa is because of my obsession (and do I care... no!)

1. G
2. O
3. H
4. A
5. W
6. K
7. S
Yo tmurph - I can't be responsible for letting a good luck charm like that go to waste. Message me, I have two extra season tickets for ya
Darryl Moore as a 6'2" walk-on occasionally played PF, and was a rebounding machine for his height. He had 10 boards against #1 seed Kentucky in the Sweet 16, and he had 14 boards against an ISU team that had Marcus Fizer on it. He played like a 6'8" scholarship player. His name is right up there with Street, Settles, BJ and Woolridge in my favorite Hawkeyes of all time.
Darryl Moore as a 6'2" walk-on occasionally played PF, and was a rebounding machine for his height. He had 10 boards against #1 seed Kentucky in the Sweet 16, and he had 14 boards against an ISU team that had Marcus Fizer on it. He played like a 6'8" scholarship player. His name is right up there with Street, Settles, BJ and Woolridge in my favorite Hawkeyes of all time.

That is why he is one of my favorites. I like to play on the block and at 5'10" on a good day I'm not exactly the tallest guy on the court.
My fav...BJ Terrones

He could dribble out the clock with the best of them...or maybe it was just b/c he wasn't very good at poker. :D
Not sure if Nick Baer counts, but if he does, he's right at the top of the list.

In 2 years, hopefully we can put Riley Till on the list as well.
Brett Olson. He is from Muscatine and now runs the YMCA here.... and was a high school teammate of Steve Weiskamp, Joe's dad!