Best custom license plates?

Seriously, what is up with these rules about going to Iowa to be an Iowa fan (from many ISU fans) and going to Iowa to be able to get U of I plates (from some in this thread)?

Rules, rules, and more rules. What if I have had season tickets longer than you? What if I got season tickets before you even went to Iowa? Does this count for anything?

We are all Iowa fans. Who cares how we became one, or if we went there, or if we have a brother on the team. I guess I just have a hard time understanding it.
I think that each of the collegiate plates should be reserved for alumni or at least attendees of that college.

faculty and staff would be OK too
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I've never had Iowa plates. I'm a grad of UNI. Lifelong Hawkeye fan. Went to sports camps there. Chose my college based on my field of study, not my favorite sports teams. I felt my education was best obtained at UNI for the degree I chose.
I've never had Iowa plates. I'm a grad of UNI. Lifelong Hawkeye fan. Went to sports camps there. Chose my college based on my field of study, not my favorite sports teams. I felt my education was best obtained at UNI for the degree I chose.

You sound exactly like me. Except I have had Iowa plates before.
I was at the Iowa MN game cant remember the year and there was a car with minnesota plates and it said GOHWKS I liked that one rep'n the hawks in minn everyday! If I were to get personalized plates I would get CYSUXIT if they would approve that..
But if you were say, a person from minnesota, and had lived there all of your life, when you saw that car with that plate would you think, "oh that person driving that car went to Iowa"? Probably, and that's why its pretentious. My position has nothing to do with your level of fandom.

No one thinks that. When I lived in Wisconsin, I didn't think the guy in the 89 Rustang with Packers plates was Brett Favre.
They were never meant to be "alumni" plates...they were meant to be "rake in some cash" plates and if cliche` has a problem with it, that's on him, not the rest of you. As for ISU fans having a hang up about "most Iowa fans didn't even go to Iowa"'s little brother syndrome, trying to boost their own egos and to explain their small numbers...and they could try to run that crap at every other BCS college fanbase in the country and sound just as stupid...
We just got IFOOTBAL in March. Couldn't believe it was not taken. My other plate is MOOSE1. We ditched CUBFNS for IFOOTBAL and before that we had 4GAMDAY. I think we will stick with IFOOTBAL for quite a while. I've got a ton of possible plate combos that are not taken on the DSM register database.
If I could spell I meant we got IFOOTBL not IFOOTBAL. Sorry...thought i better change that before being blasted. My buddy from Des Moines has FOOTBLL and his neighbor has ILVit3X for Jim Zabel.
I think that each of the collegiate plates should be reserved for alumni or at least attendees of that college.

faculty and staff would be OK too

so with that thinking none of us non alumni should be able to join I-Club either or join any other group that supports the U. It's all about the money it generates, not some elitist club.
Because some people think it's tacky if you have those plates and didn't graduate from the UofI.

I'd venture to say there are more people who are not alumni who have hawkeye plates than those who are grads. Stating the obvious, you can only get hawkeye plates if your vehicle is licensed in the state of Iowa, how many alumns live out of state? How many people live in Iowa and are Hawkeye fans but did not attend the U?.............those are the people who gets these plates.
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As for ISU fans having a hang up about "most Iowa fans didn't even go to Iowa"'s little brother syndrome, trying to boost their own egos and to explain their small numbers...and they could try to run that crap at every other BCS college fanbase in the country and sound just as stupid...

The only thing worse than always being picked last is never getting picked at all. 9 out of 10 Sports fans choose Iowa.
For my daughters 18th birthday, I got her a plate reading HWKICHK for her car. That car died so we gave her the Saturn. I used to car pool with the wife until she got laid off and to make a long story short, I ended up driving the Saturn, with the HWKICHK on it. Ill be looking for a new car soon.
We have:

Off the top of my head I've seen:

Not Hawkeye related, and not worthy of starting another post, but my all-time favorite I saw years ago: H8MYXWF. That's one bitter dude.

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