Beer Sponsor in Kinnick

As soon as Barta can draw up the paperwork and get the signatures on the dotted line. He's got to make up some money somehow....
I'd like to hope Iowa won't be the last school to the 'party' when it comes to selling it. It's being sold and consumed in droves. May as well get in on the action.
There was some article out the other day that Iowa's overall athletic department was like 2 or 3 million in the red... I blame womens sports for not holding up their end of the bargain... But that's the anti PC thing to suggest.

Equality means everybody having the same, but only the producers paying for it.
There was some article out the other day that Iowa's overall athletic department was like 2 or 3 million in the red... I blame womens sports for not holding up their end of the bargain... But that's the anti PC thing to suggest.

Yes. The football program pretty much funds all other sports. Basketball probably holds it's own and makes a profit, but all other is reliant on football.
Not unless Mediacom starts a brewery.

Minnesota has been selling beer at their games for years now and its bee a huge hit. Its rather foolish that more schools don't get in on it.

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