Beano's prediction last time Iowa was 7-0


In 1985 Beano picked 7-0 Iowa to lose to OSU. I was beyond ticked(course I was a snotnosed 19 Yr old at the time). This week Beano picks 7-0 Iowa to lose at MSU.

Its over folks.
I'm not so certain that Beano Cook could find Iowa on a map let alone make an informed prediction about the outcome of this game. I'm not saying that MSU can't beat Iowa, but I wouldn't put any stock in Beano Cook's expertise. Do you think he's watched Iowa this year short of maybe the Penn State game and occasional highlights?
Afraid I must agree with you. I was a snot-nosed sophomore at the time, and that loss to OSU sucked.

I know we will lose at least one game, and this is one of the two games that I am afraid of (the other being @OSU because it is so hard to win there).
In 1985 Beano picked 7-0 Iowa to lose to OSU. I was beyond ticked(course I was a snotnosed 19 Yr old at the time). This week Beano picks 7-0 Iowa to lose at MSU.

Its over folks.

Beano was pretty old back in '85. He hasn't gotten any younger. Beano can't be right everytime.
This post makes me think of something...I was 14 at the time Iowa lost to OSU and was crushed...Hayden was like an actual living legend to me.

Think of all the teenage Hawk fans right now...or kids 10-19...tomorrow night's game is going to be something they never forget, just like many of us will never forget 1985 and how special it was to us.

And for many of those kids, Kirk is probably a living legend to them...

The circle of Hawk life...thankfully its been a great circle for my 38 years on the planet, 28 of those years I can remember with regards to Hawk history
This post makes me think of something...I was 14 at the time Iowa lost to OSU and was crushed...Hayden was like an actual living legend to me.

Think of all the teenage Hawk fans right now...or kids 10-19...tomorrow night's game is going to be something they never forget, just like many of us will never forget 1985 and how special it was to us.

And for many of those kids, Kirk is probably a living legend to them...

The circle of Hawk life...thankfully its been a great circle for my 38 years on the planet, 28 of those years I can remember with regards to Hawk history

You're just a kid!
What is REALLY funny about mom wrote him a letter after his prediction in 1985. Told him "it really ruffled her feathers as a Hawkeye fan"....among other things. I guess it was a pretty scathing comment he made. Anyway...HE CALLED her! I was the one who answered the phone. He asked to talk to her and told me who he was. HAHA it was so funny...he told her if his prediction didn't come true, he would come to Iowa so she could feed him his crow.

Of course, we all know what happened.....let's hope he eats crow tomorrow.
In 1985 Beano picked 7-0 Iowa to lose to OSU. I was beyond ticked(course I was a snotnosed 19 Yr old at the time). This week Beano picks 7-0 Iowa to lose at MSU.

Its over folks.

Digger, if you add the numbers in the year 1985 you will come up with 23, which is exactly what Iowa needed to win that game against OSU. This year, if you add the numbers in 2009 you will get 11.
Maybe it's just me, but I'm failing to see how what Beano Cook predicted would happen in a game 25 years ago has any relavence at all for tomorrow night.
I'm confident that Beano has been wrong more than right. I loved Jon's post about being an young fan, and how it's been almost 25 years, but here we are again with another great chance at Hawkeye history.

I was at the Rose bowl game that year, on vacation with the family and pulled out of Kindergarten. I will be watching the game with my 79 year-old father, and my 5 year-old nephew. We will all be hoping for something never seen before that we can talk about for all of the years we have left.
Realize that his "beans are cooked" anyway and I'm sure he has to use beano in his bean soup to reduce the gas.

I believe this was just a little passing of some of that gas.

See I'm starting to believe in this team but Jon would tell you if I pick them to win they would probably lose so I'll do like last week and say I'll give the nod to MSU since it is a home game. Sure hope I'm wrong.
Beano also said that Notre Dame QB Ron Powlus would win TWO Heisman Trophies about 10 years ago.Still waiting on that first one.
In 1985 Beano picked 7-0 Iowa to lose to OSU. I was beyond ticked(course I was a snotnosed 19 Yr old at the time). This week Beano picks 7-0 Iowa to lose at MSU.

Its over folks.

Lee Corso also picked MSU - so "the Corso Curse" is in effect for Sparty!!!!

The Hawks chances just increased immeasurably!!!!!
And remember Beano said fmr. ND QB Ron Powlus would win 2 Heisman's.......before the kid even played a snap of college football!!!!

That should tell you all you need to know about that crazy ol' man!!!!