Baylor's Scott Drew- Negative recruiting tactics from ESPN

This kind of information about Drew has been out there for a while. I don't think it will elude Barta, and I don't think it will sit well.

Of course none of us have any idea what's going on in the search, and maybe Barta has an ace in the hole. However, I won't be surprised if the choices end up being limited to mid-major HC's and high-major assistants.
So this:

"On Friday, Drew was asked by a reporter if he recruits the way he does because he had to rebuild the Baylor program. The Bears were on probation for five years through this season for N.C.A.A. violations that were discovered in an investigation prompted by the 2003 murder of a player, Patrick Dennehy, by a former teammate."

We don't need violations to establish a winning program at Iowa.
The majority of those reports seem to emanate from UT. From what I've read, he's not breaking any rules, he's just aggressively going after recruits and some of the other coaches such as Barnes don't like it. Personally, I don't have a problem with a coach elbowing an opposing coach to get to a recruit as long as it falls within what the NCAA considers permissable.
The majority of those reports seem to emanate from UT. From what I've read, he's not breaking any rules, he's just aggressively going after recruits and some of the other coaches such as Barnes don't like it. Personally, I don't have a problem with a coach elbowing an opposing coach to get to a recruit as long as it falls within what the NCAA considers permissable.

I still think Iowa needs/wants Excitement, not Drama. Drew feels like he could play out like Days of our Lives. I strongly doubt that's the publicity Barta desires.
To be successful in recruiting, you have to go to the edge. If you cross the line and pay players, then you are dirty. As for 'negative recruiting' that stuff seems silly but it happens against Iowa every day in football and basketball. Kirk's gonna leave for the pro's, etc.

The Iowa basketball job is going to require a ton of work. It's nit going to be an easy sell for a while. I never want iowa's coaches to cheat. But it's going to take some work
This definitely rubs me the wrong way. Not something I want to see said about an Iowa coach.
Doing some research on Baylor coach Scott Drew and saw this today on ESPN Dallas. You can't believe everything you read but I didn't like what I saw here. A google search revealed similar comments on his recruiting tactics that are taboo in college basketball and the sort of thing we don't need here.

From ESPN's Jeff Caplan:

Men's basketball coach Scott Drew has succeeded with Baylor but drawn ire of other Big 12 coaches - ESPN Dallas

I don't get some of you...I want our coach to run the program like a business. There is nothing in any of those articles that bother me...Barnes is whining (Baylor beat them three times this year alone). Knight does not have any room to talk...his behavior in the past has been far worse.

I will take Drew or someone like him any day of the week! It is someone like him that is needed to turn this program around. Can we get him...that is the question that is yet to be answered.
To be successful in recruiting, you have to go to the edge. If you cross the line and pay players, then you are dirty. As for 'negative recruiting' that stuff seems silly but it happens against Iowa every day in football and basketball. Kirk's gonna leave for the pro's, etc.

The Iowa basketball job is going to require a ton of work. It's nit going to be an easy sell for a while. I never want iowa's coaches to cheat. But it's going to take some work

You'd like every team in the league to hate Iowa because we hire (what amounts to) the Ron Zook of the college basketball world? Of course, this guy is Ron Zook with a winning record, but I'm sure you see my point.

This guy will tweet his players and do all kinds of crap that a respectable adult shouldn't be doing in order to impress a 17 or 18 year old kid. I'd rather see a guy hired who doesn't break the unwritten rules of the coaching fraternity.
There's a difference in cheating and rubbing people the wrong way.
Anybody that gets under Bob Knight's skin goes up on my list.
If you cheat, I don't want you. If you do what you can to be successful within the rules of the game, that's another story.

And I don't care what other schools think of Iowa. They all loved Alford and Lick. Why? Because they beat them and they were a non factor in recruiting the same kids, for te most part
Tweeting with players in today's world is smart business if it's in te rules. Kirk may not text or email but his assistants do that if it's within the rules. If you aren't then you aren't doing your job
This definitely rubs me the wrong way. Not something I want to see said about an Iowa coach.

I would rather have our coach win games, bring in B10 talent and compete for the B10 championship every couple of years even though other coaches in the league hate him than someone who Tom Izzo likes, recruits mid major talent, and loses 20 games a year.

Drew has taken a team from a complete disaster and brought them to the forefront of the B12 conference. I think the other Texas schools are just jealous that Baylor isn't the ugly stepchild anymore and are competing with the likes of Slick Rick Barnes to get in state talent.

We aren't KU, UNC, UK, and big time D1 BB recruits aren't abundant in the state of Iowa. We are going to need a coach that works and is willing to challenge the norm if needed without violating any NCAA rules. Whether it is Scott Drew or anyone else. There is no reason we should settle for anything less. Gary Barta's job might be on the line with this hire.
If you cheat, I don't want you. If you do what you can to be successful within the rules of the game, that's another story.

And I don't care what other schools think of Iowa. They all loved Alford and Lick. Why? Because they beat them and they were a non factor in recruiting the same kids, for te most part
So, do you think the coaches in the Big 12 don't like Drew because Baylor is beating them (at least Barnes at Texas this year anyway)?

Also, what do you think of Drew taking his team off the court during the player introductions in Lawrence?

I am honestly just curious. I don't really have an opinion on Drew either way.
The majority of those reports seem to emanate from UT. From what I've read, he's not breaking any rules, he's just aggressively going after recruits and some of the other coaches such as Barnes don't like it. Personally, I don't have a problem with a coach elbowing an opposing coach to get to a recruit as long as it falls within what the NCAA considers permissable.

This. If we are withing the rules, then so what? I'm guessing Rick Barnes also doesn't like the fact that another coach is challening him for supremacy in the state.

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