Basketball Voice of Reason


Well-Known Member
This is for those already calling for Fran's head. I'll walk you through this line of thinking.

1. Fire Fran
2. Lose all our recently signed recruits and probably a couple already on the team (Basabe, White, maybe more)
3. Have a very difficult time finding a new coach after the debacle of our last two coaches.
4. Find a coach, and now he's behind the 8 ball like fran was on getting his first class.
5. Suck for at least a few more years as the conference we play in is really good.

This is what you get. Is that what folks like "hawkforce" want?

How about this for those who are so ticked off right now. Stop watching the games. Take the year off. This is the same team that lost 20 games the last couple years and we lost our only inside presence to graduation (which is why I believe Mel is having a down year). We also don't have a true backup PG. Those things will change next year, and in two years things will be much, much better.

So, go away, blow off some steam, and come back in a couple years. That's basically what I did the last 2 years under Lick. I found myself so angry watching the games that I wasn't having fun. I am having fun now. I enjoy the style of b-ball that Fran wants to play, and am looking forward to the future.
I could care less what the Iowa bball team does...theyre awful and a long ways from being relevant but I cant understand all the people that complain about Ferentz.
tell you what. if fran has a season like this after 13 years, i'll let him have it. for now, i'm giving him the benefit of the doubt.

i've never called for kirks head, for the record, but a lot of folks on here have.
tell you what. if fran has a season like this after 13 years, i'll let him have it. for now, i'm giving him the benefit of the doubt.i've never called for kirks head, for the record, but a lot of folks on here have.
no I wasnt trying to single you out at all but read the mccall thread...people are blaming ferentz and making mccall a victim. And bball is a different animal....i would say 2 years in bball is enough to get the rebuilding pretty well underway. Not regressing, but I will withhold real judgement on Fran until after this season.
i think we'll get torn up this year in conference play unless brommer suddenly becomes superman. if campbell can tear you up inside and get sooo many dunks and blocks, then most big 10 teams will have no trouble doing the same. the only thing i knock fran for is not getting a quality juco big man. going to be a long year, just brace yourself for it and you won't be surprised.
only an asstard of epic proportions would advocate for the firing of fran.


If you are calling for Fran's head... please just stop watching the basketball team, because I seriously have to question if you are even a fan.

Absolutely ridiculous. We lost 2 games and people are acting like this? Have we seriously forgotten what Fran has already done for this program? What is was like under Lick?

Some people are so dumb that it's baffling. If Iowa still sucks after 10 years then ok, but it hasn't even been 2 years yet.
I could care less what the Iowa bball team does...theyre awful and a long ways from being relevant but I cant understand all the people that complain about Ferentz.

Jesus, when will people stop getting this wrong? It's "COULD NOT CARE LESS".

And you feel that, with Fran not even being 2 years in yet, that he has had sufficient time to rebuild? Lol.. you're funny, brah.

I don't get how people still don't get this. Lick drove this program straight into the ground. You don't rebuild a program overnight. Remember that Ferentz didn't have a winning season until his 3rd year. Anybody calling for Fran's head is a complete idiot.
Basabe needs to step up to the plate, May has gone back into his non shooting shell, a lineup of Carwright, Gatens, Marble, McCabe and Olaseni might be a good idea, until the others get their collective heads out of their @ss if nothing else it would serve as notice their jobs are on the line, at this stage going into the 2nd season people who call for the coaches head, knows absolulety nothing about basketball
you don't go from the worst 4 year stretch of the teams history to top of the conference in year 2 and have no business expecting a complete turn around in one year
i am dissapointed in Basabe he is in a complete Funk, Cartwright is hurt from a head injury and has the Flu
Marble showed what he is capable of playing the 2 or 3, he is not a one, according to Fran, Olaseni as been the best rebounder in Practice, and he certainly can't do any worse than Brommer or Archie, after taking a beating on the boards you would think Fran would give up on the experiment to make either one a Big Ten center, and start looking to the future, this team will take a beating, so live with it
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Jesus, when will people stop getting this wrong? It's "COULD NOT CARE LESS".

And you feel that, with Fran not even being 2 years in yet, that he has had sufficient time to rebuild? Lol.. you're funny, brah.

I don't get how people still don't get this. Lick drove this program straight into the ground. You don't rebuild a program overnight. Remember that Ferentz didn't have a winning season until his 3rd year. Anybody calling for Fran's head is a complete idiot.

could not have said it better!!! Do you think Fran has enjoyed this Thanksgiving?
Fran will be fine. I do think he didnt have this team ready for the game, but am sure this will be a wake up call for ALL!! players, coaches,and fans. see what the next game brings.Something is wrong with the chemistry right now,we'll have to see if it can be fixed.
Yesterday, I gave thanks for the BTN having (for very good, proven reason) shunned TV broadcast of Iowa men's bball games. NOT having to watch, coupled with only listening to the "homer" filter that Bobby and Dolph provide has allowed my to stay somewhat detached from these inexcusably awesome losses.

Although I was VERY much looking forward to watching the progress of this team within Fran's system, it is probably in my own and everyone elses' best interest that I continue this strategy until next season.

Go Hawks! Hope you can pull out the W against the 3-1 powerhouse that is IPFWNEofINDYonI69/HWY30.
So where are all these threads calling for FM's head??
This is just one among the many threads saying basically this: Hey all you morons calling for Fran's head, knock it off and be reasonable like me.
Well I haven't seen anyone calling for his head, and all the Hawk fans I've read and talked to have been reasonable. All realize this is the way Hawkeye bb is going to be this season.

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