Basketball Voice of Reason

Win or lose, I believe barring some major violation Fran will be our coach for the next 10 years. Where else would we go?
Not sure what people expected this season, we lost to the team predicted to win the MVC, and not sure what to think of Cambell. curious to see them go against Creighton to get a feel for them, this not FB where BCS teams are limited to 5 or 6 conferences, this is BB, Cambell is in rhe same conference as Memphis and i have not heard anybody call them a mid-major BB program and last i checked they are ranked #10 in the country
get over it, they lost they have to work thru whatever is going on
very few expected this team to be great, but i still expect them to have a winning record; and as i and others said they will probably lose a couple they should have not lost and win a couple they shouldn't, it will even out in the end so sit back and let the season play out, before going crazy and call poeple out or even think of calling for the coaches head
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All im saying is if you whine and moan abouy Ferentz you have to whine and moan about Fran....

I'm sorry, but this is one of the dumbest posts I have seen in a while. Fran has barely been here a year and is just now getting his guys. If you are complaining about Fran this early in his tenure, feel free to go root for some other team.
All im saying is if you whine and moan abouy Ferentz you have to whine and moan about Fran....
I'm sorry, but this is one of the dumbest posts I have seen in a while. Fran has barely been here a year and is just now getting his guys. If you are complaining about Fran this early in his tenure, feel free to go root for some other team.
I am not...just not going to attend anymore games
Yesterday, I gave thanks for the BTN having (for very good, proven reason) shunned TV broadcast of Iowa men's bball games. NOT having to watch, coupled with only listening to the "homer" filter that Bobby and Dolph provide has allowed my to stay somewhat detached from these inexcusably awesome losses.

Although I was VERY much looking forward to watching the progress of this team within Fran's system, it is probably in my own and everyone elses' best interest that I continue this strategy until next season.

Go Hawks! Hope you can pull out the W against the 3-1 powerhouse that is IPFWNEofINDYonI69/HWY30.

Actually at one point in the game Dolph even said "this is embarrassing". But yes consider yourself lucky you didn't see it. I may need to step away until next season also.
you 2 disgust me, you are the perfect example of fair weather fans
you can go and watch and support the team but act like spoiled 3 year old brats that got told no when going down the candy isle,
me i am stuck at home having to rely on others to take me anywhere and would love to go to a game, being disabled limits my ability to do this
so do me a favor get off this board for good and go follow Kentucky or UNC, and never come back
you 2 disgust me, you are the perfect example of fair weather fans
you can go and watch and support the team but act like spoiled 3 year old brats that got told no when going down the candy isle,
me i am stuck at home having to rely on others to take me anywhere and would love to go to a game, being disabled limits my ability to do this
so do me a favor get off this board for good and go follow Kentucky or UNC, and never come back

Classic. And for the record I've been to at least one game for the past 10 years or so but wouldn't walk across the street to see the effort I saw the other night. Disgusted even more?
That is what you don't understand herby. If I chose to root for UNC then I would be a fair weather fan. But I don't so I'm not. I root for the Hawkeyes no matter how pathetically bad they are and probably always will. But I can also choose not to waste my time and money watching them if they are pathetically bad.
That is what you don't understand herby. If I chose to root for UNC then I would be a fair weather fan. But I don't so I'm not. I root for the Hawkeyes no matter how pathetically bad they are and probably always will. But I can also choose not to waste my time and money watching them if they are pathetically bad.
You know it was the same people calling for ferentzs head that are solely responsible for my beloved bball team being in its current state.....we never would have lost to teams like campbell....but people got greedy and wanted the "next level"....well iowa bball is at the next level....just not in the right direction.
Just because people take over good programs with history (places like Kentucky and Memphis etc) and bring in NBA players doesn't mean it happens everywhere.

Iowa basketball isn't going to and shouldn't take only 2 years to rebuild. And why is Ferentz crap in the basketball board?
Just because people take over good programs with history (places like Kentucky and Memphis etc) and bring in NBA players doesn't mean it happens everywhere.

Iowa basketball isn't going to and shouldn't take only 2 years to rebuild. And why is Ferentz crap in the basketball board?
you mean like in Ames....?
Just because people take over good programs with history (places like Kentucky and Memphis etc) and bring in NBA players doesn't mean it happens everywhere.Iowa basketball isn't going to and shouldn't take only 2 years to rebuild. And why is Ferentz crap in the basketball board?
you mean like in Ames....?
The mayor didnt lose to campbell by 16!!!
you don't turn your back on a new coach starting his 2nd season because they are not living up to your standards, only fair weather fans turn their back on a team because they don't win like you want, the season is 5 games old and you give up and turn your back on them, as disabled as i am will take whatever tickets you want to throw away, i would try to get to as many games this year as i could, this team needs support, and yeah you fit the fairweather fan tag to a "T"
as i said go follow UNC or Kansas, they don't lose, but i guess if you did switch you couldn't b1tch and moan, pathetic, and Iowa doesn't need fans like you around
They're not as bad as Iowa is not exactly a ringing endorsement for the improvement of your program.

I'm a Hawk fan, Just can't stand people giving Fran a pass on wasting a season when the talent is here....but they have regressed talent wise and he can't motivate/connect with the team.
I don't think anyone is calling for Fran's firing. Fran has a very tough job uprighting the ship after what Alford and Lickliter did to this program. At least let Fran get his own players before criticizing.

I think everyone, including the coach, expected Basabe to be playing better. Iowa desperately needs Basabe to at least play like last year. If he doesn't, Iowa is in big trouble because Iowa has no others inside.

We are five games into the season with mostly Lickliter talent on the floor. Fran is trying to do the best he can with what he has and right now he is lacking although he is better off this year than last. Sorry that Fran does not have the recruiting ability of a Petino or the school's history that Kentucky has. Iowa was a very good basketball school for many years. Alford and Lickliter destroyed this program and simply will take a few years to get the program going again.

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