Barta = smarter than we give him credit for

If you read the article in the Gazette today, than you would realize Husky that our AD doesn't agree with you.

When you are including the bowl game in your win total for the season (which I don't agree with, but that's how they do it) seven win seasons are disasterous for a program like Iowa.

I also didn't say he would be fired, I said he would be on the hot seat, and if you don't believe me there is clearer evidence in your rear view mirror of that than there is of a Big 10 championship. KF rear end was as hot as it gets when we were 3-3 in 2008.
You all are not great at reading between the lines. 1) 7-5 won't cut it. 2) Norm is a problem. 3) I am going to let KF deal with it...for now.

How is Norm the problem? That doesn't make any sense. Iowa's defense over the last 5 years has to rank close to the top 5 on average. KOK is the problem. You can't gain 230 yards against Minnesota and not be in trouble. With that said, Ferentz is at Iowa as long as he wants.
If you read the article in the Gazette today, than you would realize Husky that our AD doesn't agree with you.

When you are including the bowl game in your win total for the season (which I don't agree with, but that's how they do it) seven win seasons are disasterous for a program like Iowa.

I also didn't say he would be fired, I said he would be on the hot seat, and if you don't believe me there is clearer evidence in your rear view mirror of that than there is of a Big 10 championship. KF rear end was as hot as it gets when we were 3-3 in 2008.

I can see where you might get that if you only read this:

“I’m disappointed in 7-5 because of the fact I’d like our football team to be better than that,†Barta said. “[Coach] Kirk [Ferentz] would as well. I’m disappointed in 7-5 because of the way the season ended. And so, it’s just disappointing on a lot of fronts.â€

But to say he’ll put KF on the hot seat if next year is a repeat… completely ignores the rest of the article:

“One of the things I admire about Kirk every year, whether we have a great season, a mediocre season or a season none of us are accepting, he sits down and for the next 30 to 60 days and he breaks down every piece of his program. Then, he comes up with a plan, 1) how to attack the bowl and 2) how to attack 2011.
“I’ve watched him do it five years now. I admire how he goes about his business. That’s just one of many things I admire about how he operates as our head football coach.â€

Of course Barta’s disappointed… any AD worth his salt would be, but doesn’t mean he’s going to force changes if next year ends in the same record. If he was that short-sighted, he’d done that after 2007… I took the article as meaning he was more disappointed about the way this team finished out their season amid lofty expectations and has complete faith in KF to move the program forward. Basically, KF has earned Barta’s trust and will give him the latitude to do his job.

It's all about perceptions and putting them into the proper perspective... The difference between today and 2008 - KF hadn't proved that 2001-2005 seasons weren’t just a flash in the pan. Once 2008 & 2009 seasons were in the books, KF solidified his destiny with Iowa. He proved he could put the team back onto the map. IMO… It'll take consecutive losing (5 win or less) seasons (maybe 3) before Barta gets serious about a coaching change (Alford and Lick should be enough evidence for that)... just the way it is. I believe 6-7 win seasons are acceptable to Barta as long as Iowa continues to make bowl games and are supplemented with 8 or more win seasons.

BTW, I’m not including bowl wins into the total…
Husky to be clear, I am not suggesting that a disappointing year next year puts him on the hot seat, I am saying next year and the year after that.
Husky to be clear, I am not suggesting that a disappointing year next year puts him on the hot seat, I am saying next year and the year after that.

And him and I both disagree with you. If Kirk wasn't on the hot seat after 2007 (the off the field stuff) he's not going to be if the Hawks don't win some arbitrary number of games over the next two years.
He absolutely was on the hot seat after 2007. If we hadn't rallied in 2008 to finish 8-4, he is not our coach right now.
You are wrong again. I donated $1500 and than bought two tickets at $350 a piece. So all in all I paid $2200.

It's the same thing at Iowa. Donate more, get better football/bball seats
Wait a second. I think we are all missing something here...He actually paid $2200 to go to Iowa State football games. Does your a-hole hurt? :)
You are INSANE. That's all. You REALLY think the football coach could have the AD fired? Seriously? If he openly complained about HIS BOSS, he would get fired. What would happen if you openly complained about your boss and the job he was doing? Would the president of the company take your side and fire your boss, or would your boss sit down for the regular lunch he has with the president and tell the president that he was planning on firing you for insubordination? You have no grasp on how corporations work, apparently.

It doesn't matter who means more to Iowa financially. You could make the argument that Barta does, because without Barta there are no UI Athletics. But even Ferentz doesn't generate the money for the program, the players do. If Ferentz was replaced by another coach who brought success, the money wouldn't diminish. We aren't paying to see Ferentz coach, we're paying to see the players play.

Again, please explain to me how an employee is more powerful than his employer. If you can tell me how that works I'll be really excited because I'll go fire my boss immediately.

You are not very smart, are you? If last year Kirk went to UI President and said: "It is me or Barta - one of us has to go" - what do you think would happen?
Man, I'm amazed at just how long you guys are/were carrying out an argument with a complete idiot (cyclones17).
You are not very smart, are you? If last year Kirk went to UI President and said: "It is me or Barta - one of us has to go" - what do you think would happen?

EXACTLY! Barta would be gone in 2 seconds. The U of I president wouldn't even have to think.

I can't believe people are even arguing about this. I am giving your coach praise and saying how much he means to your University and you cans act like I am trolling.
You are a very small man, cyclones17.

You find it easy to say that Barta has done bad things but can't give him credit for anything good that he has done. He hasn't done ANYTHING well since he has been at Iowa? What about getting rid of Alford without a buyout? Coming up with funding for the basketball complex when the hoops program was at an all-time low in the worst economy in 60 years is a major accomplishment.

According to your line of thought, there is no way in which Barta COULD do any good. He could only do bad. You set it up that way in your definition of things so that you can be right in your assesment.

You are a very small man if you can't give credit where credit is due.
EXACTLY! Barta would be gone in 2 seconds. The U of I president wouldn't even have to think.

I can't believe people are even arguing about this. I am giving your coach praise and saying how much he means to your University and you cans act like I am trolling.


Bobby Bowden
KF needs to win 10 games in the next two seasons to avoid being on the hot seat.

He is our coach 100% through 2012 regardless of what happens next year as well he should be.

Fixed that for you...

There is a message board 'hotseat' and then there is the real-world one, and KF hasn't sniffed the real-world one since 2001.
Good point Rawk....let's see if a couple 7-5, then 6-6's sprinkled in continue to make Kirk untouchable. I'll be the boosters will have a few things to say about that.

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