Barta = smarter than we give him credit for

Barta fired the basketball coach and raised 40 million for a new practice facility during the worst three year stretch in program history.

That qualify?

Your statement that Barta "doesn't do anything" is nothing more than a flat out lie. Take it back to CyFan where such falsehoods are accepted as gospel.

Haha raised 40 million during the worst 3 year stretch?

I'm sure it had nothing to do with Ferentz doing the following....

selling out damn near every game in Kinnick
Winning an Orange Bowl
Win 11 games last year
Win 9 the year before
Top 10 finish
Beat SEC South Carolina in bowl game

Where do you think the 40 million came from? It came from the success of the football program. Going into this season have you ever heard so much excitement for Hawkeye football? That means $$$ for the Athletic Program.

Fran McCaffrey and Gary Barta owe a big thank you to Ferentz. Fact
You could have just answered my question. To the best of my knowledge, wasn't in any pre-season polls in 2006. They certainly didn't finish the year in the top 25 either, and had a losing record, so they wouldn't have been in the top 25 before 2007 either.

Did I just answer my own question?

Let's see if this jogs your memory.....

Drew Tate senior season. Thoughts of a Big 10 title. One publication even had us in the National Championship game (LA Times, I believe). Preseason Top 20. Started 4-0 and got to #13, with #1 OSU coming to Kinnick. Gameday. Night game. Goldrush. Lost our last 5 Big 10 games after team quit following Indiana game.
Haha raised 40 million during the worst 3 year stretch?

I'm sure it had nothing to do with Ferentz doing the following....

selling out damn near every game in Kinnick
Winning an Orange Bowl
Win 11 games last year
Win 9 the year before
Top 10 finish
Beat SEC South Carolina in bowl game

Where do you think the 40 million came from? It came from the success of the football program. Going into this season have you ever heard so much excitement for Hawkeye football? That means $$$ for the Athletic Program.

Fran McCaffrey and Gary Barta owe a big thank you to Ferentz. Fact

You do realize that you can't use football donations for the basketball program, right? Or are you really that dense?
Oh and it doesn't hurt that the Big 10 network came into play 3 years ago either. That brings in around 20 million a year to Iowa I believe.

Let's be honest, Barta hasn't had to do anything at Iowa
Let's see if this jogs your memory.....

Drew Tate senior season. Thoughts of a Big 10 title. One publication even had us in the National Championship game (LA Times, I believe). Preseason Top 20. Started 4-0 and got to #13, with #1 OSU coming to Kinnick. Gameday. Night game. Goldrush. Lost our last 5 Big 10 games after team quit following Indiana game.

I did forget about all that; but I guess it makes sense now that I'm seeing some folks compare this year to 2006.

I do know that nobody expected much in 2007. A bowl game, obviously, but not much more than that.
I did forget about all that; but I guess it makes sense now that I'm seeing some folks compare this year to 2006.

I do know that nobody expected much in 2007. A bowl game, obviously, but not much more than that.

Actually, there was a decent amount of excitement heading into 2007. JC was the QB and everyone (including Jon) thought he was going to come out of the gates smoking. Albert Young and Damien Sims were seniors, so even if JC took a few games to get adjusted, the thought was that we could lean on the running game. The defense was thought to be stout with King and Kroul juniors and Mattison and Iwebema seniors.

What no one figured is that KOK would have JC throw the ball 35 times a game, our Oline would give up 46 sacks and we would lose to Western Michigan on senior day to keep us from a bowl.
Prove it. You're here spouting off opinions as fact.

I did notice that you skipped over my mentioning of Barta firing Lickliter.

You really want to go there? Who hired Todd Lickliter? Gary Barta? How does he get credit for firing him?

Alright, well, this conversation is over. I don't mind debating people, but I refuse to debate someone who has no grasp of the facts and flat out lies when he's losing an argument. Good day, sir.

Well you are wrong. Unless you earmark where you want your donation to go specifically. I donated 1500 to ISU to get good football seats (just like you have to do at Iowa) and that money is used for all sports. So sorry, you are wrong.
You can say all you want but Ferentz has more power at Iowa than Barta. He makes the school the money, he brings in the results, he's paid more, etc. It's not even up for logical debate

So then Ferentz could walk into Barta's office and fire him right? At the very least he could demand his resignation, right? Again, if BARTA can fire FERENTZ then BARTA is more powerful than FERENTZ. Your whole argument is like saying that Wade Phillips was more powerful than Jerry Jones because without a head coach the team would lose all of its games and thus Jerry would make no income. You're full of crap and your whole argument is based on one big falsehood.
You really want to go there? Who hired Todd Lickliter? Gary Barta? How does he get credit for firing him?

Well you are wrong. Unless you earmark where you want your donation to go specifically. I donated 1500 to ISU to get good football seats (just like you have to do at Iowa) and that money is used for all sports. So sorry, you are wrong.

Hold on, hold on. You DONATED $1500 to get good football seats? In other words you BOUGHT SEASON TICKETS? That's not a donation, that's a purchase. It's like saying I donated $60 to EA when I bought NCAA Football, then I donated $5 to Little Caesar's for my Hot and Ready pizza. Thank goodness I chose to donate $50 to Mobil, otherwise my car would have broken down.
So then Ferentz could walk into Barta's office and fire him right? At the very least he could demand his resignation, right? Again, if BARTA can fire FERENTZ then BARTA is more powerful than FERENTZ. Your whole argument is like saying that Wade Phillips was more powerful than Jerry Jones because without a head coach the team would lose all of its games and thus Jerry would make no income. You're full of crap and your whole argument is based on one big falsehood.

Dumb. Jerry Jones OWNS the Cowboys. Gary Barta doesn't own Iowa.

If Ferentz wasn't happy with what Barta was doing he could have him fired. He could openly complain about him, he could talk to the president of Iowa, he has that power there.

Who means more to Iowa financially? Barta or Ferentz?
Hold on, hold on. You DONATED $1500 to get good football seats? In other words you BOUGHT SEASON TICKETS? That's not a donation, that's a purchase. It's like saying I donated $60 to EA when I bought NCAA Football, then I donated $5 to Little Caesar's for my Hot and Ready pizza. Thank goodness I chose to donate $50 to Mobil, otherwise my car would have broken down.

You are wrong again. I donated $1500 and than bought two tickets at $350 a piece. So all in all I paid $2200.

It's the same thing at Iowa. Donate more, get better football/bball seats
You really want to go there? Who hired Todd Lickliter? Gary Barta? How does he get credit for firing him?

Let me make sure I understand you correctly. Yes, the hiring of Lickliter was a mistake - a mistake that was rectified when Barta fired him in March. Maybe you could give him a little bit of credit for recognizing that he had made a mistake, recognizing that the fan base was in open revolt, and for recognizing that he had to make a move.

Contrast that with what happened in Ames, where Pollard didn't have the sack (or money, take your pick) to give McDermott the axe despite all the same conditions being applicable.
Dumb. Jerry Jones OWNS the Cowboys. Gary Barta doesn't own Iowa.

If Ferentz wasn't happy with what Barta was doing he could have him fired. He could openly complain about him, he could talk to the president of Iowa, he has that power there.

Who means more to Iowa financially? Barta or Ferentz?

You are INSANE. That's all. You REALLY think the football coach could have the AD fired? Seriously? If he openly complained about HIS BOSS, he would get fired. What would happen if you openly complained about your boss and the job he was doing? Would the president of the company take your side and fire your boss, or would your boss sit down for the regular lunch he has with the president and tell the president that he was planning on firing you for insubordination? You have no grasp on how corporations work, apparently.

It doesn't matter who means more to Iowa financially. You could make the argument that Barta does, because without Barta there are no UI Athletics. But even Ferentz doesn't generate the money for the program, the players do. If Ferentz was replaced by another coach who brought success, the money wouldn't diminish. We aren't paying to see Ferentz coach, we're paying to see the players play.

Again, please explain to me how an employee is more powerful than his employer. If you can tell me how that works I'll be really excited because I'll go fire my boss immediately.
Let me make sure I understand you correctly. Yes, the hiring of Lickliter was a mistake - a mistake that was rectified when Barta fired him in March. Maybe you could give him a little bit of credit for recognizing that he had made a mistake, recognizing that the fan base was in open revolt, and for recognizing that he had to make a move.

Contrast that with what happened in Ames, where Pollard didn't have the sack (or money, take your pick) to give McDermott the axe despite all the same conditions being applicable.

You don't get credit for firing the guy that you hired. That is a ridiculous argument.

Jamie Pollard made a mistake hiring Greg McDermott and we didn't have the money to fire him because ISU doesn't have the coin that Iowa has. See I can see the real picture and ADMIT it.
You are INSANE. That's all. You REALLY think the football coach could have the AD fired? Seriously? If he openly complained about HIS BOSS, he would get fired. What would happen if you openly complained about your boss and the job he was doing? Would the president of the company take your side and fire your boss, or would your boss sit down for the regular lunch he has with the president and tell the president that he was planning on firing you for insubordination? You have no grasp on how corporations work, apparently.

It doesn't matter who means more to Iowa financially. You could make the argument that Barta does, because without Barta there are no UI Athletics. But even Ferentz doesn't generate the money for the program, the players do. If Ferentz was replaced by another coach who brought success, the money wouldn't diminish. We aren't paying to see Ferentz coach, we're paying to see the players play.

Again, please explain to me how an employee is more powerful than his employer. If you can tell me how that works I'll be really excited because I'll go fire my boss immediately.

You are so wrong I don't know where to start, but I will try :D

I am in sales. In my company there is a guy in Tennessee who has brought in 15 million in business. He didn't like his sales manager and so he went over his head and complained to the regional president. Guess what happened? Sales manager was fired. Why? Because the sales manager doesn't make the company the money and he wasn't the talent.

Ferentz is the talent and with the talent comes the power.

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