Barta on fence about Black Friday game

As a student this game sucked. Driving from des moines isnt bad, its driving from des moines, then going back home, then returning to IC that sunday.
Oh boo F'N hoo. A whole 100 mile drive from IC to DM? The HORROR! Such a sacrifice required of you to support the program. Someone give this kid a medal already.
Oh boo F'N hoo. A whole 100 mile drive from IC to DM? The HORROR! Such a sacrifice required of you to support the program. Someone give this kid a medal already.

I think you missed the point of what he was saying. Not surprising, though.
If the football program is too much of an inconvenience for the hospital, let's just tear down Kinnick and put up a swimming pool. Give me an F'N break.

if the hospital wanted that, thats what would happen. dont kid yourself. fortunately, the athletic dept and UIHC have a great relationship.
Allowing this game to be moved to anything other than on "Black Friday" at 11am
would be a huge mistake as it is the only game on. It is a national audience.
It shouldn't be about fan convenience; more so, than being biggest recruiting
opportunity of the season.

Like it or not, Nebraska still has a national appeal
and having a chance, every season, to take it to them; is a golden opportunity
if KF wants it and goes for it. Iowa cannot afford to pass on any opportunities.
I believe this is A.D. speak for .........
ABC wants a competitive team playing the bugeaters.
ABC would welcome other teams participating on this day.
bugeaters renewing their rivalry w/ OU, so might as well gear up now for this ratings windfall.

"Irregardless" is not a word. "Regardless" is a word.
Is there any reason this couldn't be made a Black Friday prime time game? 5pm? 7pm? That would give Thanksgiving fans time to get up on Friday, and make it to IC in advance of the game. I haven't heard anything about a rule saying this has to be a day game... Maybe there's some reason it can't be played that Friday night, but if there is, please do tell.
I'm pretty much done with Gary "Licklited" Barta. Perhaps he and Kurt can go retire to mediocrity together and wax poetic about Just Iowa.
Is there any reason this couldn't be made a Black Friday prime time game? 5pm? 7pm? That would give Thanksgiving fans time to get up on Friday, and make it to IC in advance of the game. I haven't heard anything about a rule saying this has to be a day game... Maybe there's some reason it can't be played that Friday night, but if there is, please do tell.
1. You obviously don't follow B1G football very closely, but there are no night games allowed in November. 2. Do you have any idea how freaking cold that would be? This year's game was one of the coldest I can ever remember, now let's move it out of daylight hours. Tremendously brilliant idea there, skippy.
Since language is constantly evolving (just like everything else) if enough people use irregardless at some point it becomes a "real" word.
The Nebby/Colorado Black Friday game was mostly a one sided affair yet it was continually picked up by ABC. Don't give me any of this crap that they are looking for a more competitive team.
Barta is trying to save face when the B1G tells him that the program isn't competitive enough to be a showcase game any longer.
Keeping the game on Friday, but getting it pushed back to at least 2:30, would be alright. But with the early kickoff, it creates more of a conflict with Thanksgiving.

I think this is a big part of it. I don't think people realize how many season ticket holders actually drive 4,5,6+ hours every home game. I know several that sit around us that drive 6+ hours. For every other 11AM game during the year they drive to IC or DM the night before the game, with the night before being Thanksgiving it does create problems.

There are also a ton of people that don't have Friday off, that plus long driving times, students being out of town, etc. and it's easy to see why they are at least thinking about switching it.

Obviously if the team was better this year I don't think it would have been as big of a deal but it will continue to be a problem. I hope the game stays on Friday but I think from what Barta has said there is a good chance it won't.
I know KF didn't like the Friday game, and I wonder if this is them trying to get out of it. I hope not. I've really grown to like it.
If they end up moving it because its not "competitive", I think it'll be a knee jerk reaction. The Iowa program will be back and that game will have implications for the title game (for both teams) in the future. If Bary Garta doesn't fight to keep it there, the he needs to go. The exposure for the program is tremendous .
The only request I have is that it not get locked into the 11am slot. A 2:30 or 5 kickoff would be great (obviously depending on how good both teams are).

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