Barta on Brust/Larson release hubub


Just spoke with Gary Barta. There are some concerns in the Larson and Brust camp related to what they were led to believe about being released from their Iowa scholarships. They felt they could transfer anywhere including in the Big Ten. But there is a Big Ten rule that states players cannot transfer within the league and be on scholarship. They could pay thei own way but not get a ride

the two families feel this was no explained to them while Barta isn't sure that is the case or if they didn't understand it or if he didn't explain it adequately

the bottom line is this is a Big Ten rule not an Iowa rule. They can try to appeal to the Big Ten, but they are not pleased

this is now my own comment: I never felt iowa was going to get back in with Larson but I did think they had a great shot with Brust. I would not say that now

I don't think Gary Barta is to blame from a standpoint of doing anything unethical. By his own admission there was some breakdown in communication here.
Jon, it seems as though if Brust's family was so upset about not knowing the transfer rule, he wasn't really giving Iowa much of a chance anyway.
In order for this to become a problem there not only had to be a miscommunication/misunderstanding between Barta and families, but also a very basic failure of due diligence on the part of the other B10 schools recruiting Brust and Larson.

If the families are holding Iowa solely responsible for the problem they face, then they are being irrational and unfair.
Sounds like a communication breakdown to me. And that goes both ways - it's the school's responsibility to provide all information clearly and up front to the player & family, and it's the family's responsibility to ask questions, do their homework, etc, etc.
It appears that there are 5 other Big 10 schools that didn't know the Big 10 rule also, because they recruited one or the other.
I guess I don't see where they have anything to complain about. Iowa didn't write the rule and it does address a very important issue. By not allowing interleague transfers to get scholarships you cut way back on the bad blood that can develope between programs.

As far as not being told, I don't see where Iowa has any responsibility. The players asked for the releases. When someone walks away from a contract it isn't the spurned party's resonsibility to help the individual go to a competitor.

It's to bad there was a misunderstanding, but the players and their families have to be responsible for their own actions. I hope the Big Ten doesn't fold on this. It would be opening a huge can of worms.
Wasn't this the case with Luke Recker? Shouldn't it be the responsibility of say Wisconsin or whoever is recruiting these kids to explain to them that they will have to pay their own way if the transfer within the B10?
How is this Barta's fault? Its a BigTen rule, so their options were limited by the conference, how does Barta explaining it to them make a difference? Would they have stayed with their LOIs if this was told to them? Can they not resign with IOWA if they truly want to play in the BigTen and still possess the scholarship? Plus, if this was so clear cut of a rule, why were there other BigTen schools lining up to get these two? It appears that it may not be a well known rule in regards to being released from a LOI, in that it qualifies as a transfer in the BigTen's eyes.

Plus, arent the players and families/guardians responsible to find out stuff like this on their own? Why is it always someone else's fault when things dont go all your way?
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It would be stupid to think that there was anything improper done by Barta. What possible incentive would have have to deliberately hide this from them? If anything, you would think he would want them to know "Hey, you can leave, but you can't go to another Big 10 school".
It appears that there are 5 other Big 10 schools that didn't know the Big 10 rule also, because they recruited one or the other.


Look, we released them from their contract. A contract that stipulated they were going to be members of the Iowa Basketball program. A contract that Iowa was fully prepared to honor. A contract that the players wanted out of. Maybe, just maybe, the players (and their parents) should have had all of the answers before they decided to break a contract.

Iowa (and Gary Barta) are not to blame for this situation. AND there is absolutely no reason that we should release them to go play for ANY Big10 program other than Iowa.

Life is a tough lesson to learn when you want to make up your own rules along the way.
I am so sick of this BS. I don't believe for a second that neither Larson or Brust are still considering Iowa. Even before this little oversight on THEIR part. Like one poster said "be careful what you wish for". I will be glad when both of these guys move on. Get players that are 100% Iowa Hawkeyes.
I want both back in the worst way, but for the parents or the student athlete to be upset is totally juvenile. If an individual breaks the law, telling the officer that they did not know the law will never fly nor should it. This is not any different, ignorance does not equal innocence...
In order for this to become a problem there not only had to be a miscommunication/misunderstanding between Barta and families, but also a very basic failure of due diligence on the part of the other B10 schools recruiting Brust and Larson.

If the families are holding Iowa solely responsible for the problem they face, then they are being irrational and unfair.

I have to be honest here, the fact that THIS is causing such an uprising with the families of the recruits is making me miss them a lot less.

Someone used the word juvenile upthread. I think that was a very good choice of words.

Grow up.
How is it considered a transfer if they are released from their letter of intent?

But it should be the responsibility of the student to understand the commitment they are making when signing a letter of intent and should know their limits in being released from scholarship.

I would think the documentation for signing with a big 10 school would detail information like this.

Then again, I would also think that there should probably be a provision for making an exception to the limits of being released when there is a coaching change.
Let's just say (hypothetically) that Barta told them upfront, "Yes you can be released from your LOI, but per Big 10 rules, you can't go to another Big 10 school on scholarship." Would that have prevented them from backing out? If not, why are they upset? If so, why are they upset, since they can still choose to honor their original commitment to Iowa??? Basically, I'm saying either way I don't see any reason to get upset with Barta, Iowa, or McCoach.
I can see the parents being disappointed, but its the big ten rule not Iowa's. If Iowa had told them the rule I believe they would have asked for there release anyway. I say lets move on. Your either on board or not the ship is sailing.
I don't know. There have been many recruits who have went from one B10 team to another and I have a hard time believing NOBODY knew this rule. Obviously all the recruiting gurus didn't because they are openly discussing Brust to Wisconsin and Larsen to Ohio State. So... the recruits didn't know, the players didn't know, and the supposedly guru's of recruiting didn't know? I wish they both were coming to Iowa and thought they were honestly thinking about it, but if their families are this upset about 1) the Iowa fans weren't that excited about the inbound class, and 2) that they blame Iowa for something completely out of their control? I have to just shake my head and say "good luck". Those two would have been appreciated at Iowa. Reading the Indiana and Ohio State boards and they don't seem very excited about landing Larsen anyway. Not much excitement from the Badgers over Brust either. IDK what kind of reception these families are looking for? How hard can it be for them to go on record and be honest about their intentions? Why continue to play a cat and mouse game? School starts soon. Even my daughter has picked a college to attend this fall for her freshman year!

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