bars on gameday

deadwood is just a bar you sit around and drink there's never any dancing or excitement. i do like the bloody mary w/ beef jerky though. anyway, deadwood is not really a fun bar to be at during iowa games. you said the bars i suggested suck so which one do you suggest for game days and why?
Why people go to Brothers is beyond me. Its like wanting a good steak in Chicago and going to Outback Steakhouse. I was a student when that place was put in (replaced the old Hardees) and viewed it as the IC city power's first step in an attempt to turn downtown into a giant Fridays/Applebees.
stay at stella's on melrose if you want to actually watch the game and not get run into the whole day
Stay away from brothers, you won't be able to move anywhere in there (i.e. bathroom, bar, outside, etc).

Of course that's always where my roommates and I went.

Pints might be OK...
I would say Brothers if you can get there an hour before game starts. That should give you enough time to get a table. Also, Bo James isn't a bad option now since they have new TVs
Spoco was pretty wild for the ISU game. Had a few Jameson shots that I didn't want...ended up spitting one of them out! Not my proudest moment...