Barnes was apparently VERY impressive last night

I like Barnes and wish him all the best because he is an Iowan. But I find myself disliking him because he dissed the schools in Iowa, even Iowa State, of which would have made me hate him!!!:) I understand that will happen when the big boys come calling. I will probably be a bigger fan when he makes it to the NBA. A few games in, his is living up to all the expectations. Hard to do and good for him!

FYI: Paige, if you want me to dislike you too, go ahead and not choose Iowa. It's up to you!!!
He definitely was more of a catch and shoot player this game but might be just because of the system they play at UNC, haven't watched many of their games except this one. Wish him the best of luck, should be fun watching him this year.
I saw the highlights while watcing the Illinois-Texas game, and I will admit, he did look impressive, especially since he is a freshman. I had never seen him play before.
He is so damn smooth. That was what was most impressive to me when he was in high school. No matter the competition level, Iowa HS or high level AAU, he played exactly the same way. Got to the same spots and got the shot he wanted no matter who he was playing.
Amazing fact?! They stated on ESPN yesterday that Harrison is the first Freshman college basketball player to be named Pre-season crazy is that?!

A kid from Iowa is the first.....and never once did he want to be a Hawkeye. Amazing what 10-15 years can do to a program.
He's a great player and we all wish he would have come to Iowa. He didn't. So why post about him? This thread shouldn't even be in this forum. Time to move on.
He's a great player and we all wish he would have come to Iowa. He didn't. So why post about him? This thread shouldn't even be in this forum. Time to move on.

Didn't realize the messageboard police would be out this morning. That's my bad considering there was a lot of Iowa hoops discussion going on today
Reminds me of Luol Deng without the brain farts and random disappearances for large stretches of games. If he could get his handles straight and be even more forceful at the rim he could start reminding me of Dwayne Wade.
Didn't realize the messageboard police would be out this morning. That's my bad considering there was a lot of Iowa hoops discussion going on today

So talk about Iowa hoops. We know Barnes is a great player, we know Iowa is in the cellar and had absolutely no chance to get him. This is news?

I think it's more productive to talk about kids who want to play for IOWA and what Fran is doing to bring this program back from the dead.

Knowing HB a little bit, and watching him grow up, nothing he does surprises me. He has, and will continue to represent the state of Iowa well. No reason we should not be able to talk about him on here. If I was in his situation, I am not sure that I would have picked Iowa either. Actually, check that, I would NOT have picked Todd Lickliter and Iowa. No need to be pissy. Go Harrison and Go Hawks!
Isn't HB from Iowa? Can't we support kids that are from Iowa?

He's saying I should have posted it to a different forum because talking about Barnes technically isn't talking about Hawkeye basketball. But as I mentioned sarcastically in responding to him there really wasn't much else being talked about.

I think everybody else understands Harrison Barnes is good message board fodder and people like talking about him because he's from Iowa. It's not like I brought something completely off topic on to the board
I think it's more productive to ignore a thread if you don't care about it rather than complaining.

Fair enough. But every time HB has a great game this season is someone going to post here and remind us all about the work in progress that is Iowa basketball?
I can't blame HB for not going to Iowa or ISU. If my kid was that good I might have encouraged him to leave the state based on the coaches at the time.
I can't blame HB for not going to Iowa or ISU. If my kid was that good I might have encouraged him to leave the state based on the coaches at the time.

You think back to some of the better recent coaches at both schools and wonder whether any one of them could have persuaded him to stay in state: Lute Olson, George Raveling (regardless of what you thought of him as a bench coach he was a heckuva recruiter), Tom Davis, Johnny Orr, Maury John.

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