Bandwagon fans

my favorite team is LSU. My 2nd favorite team is Alabama but i only like them a tiny bit better then Oklahoma State
I met a girl at Iowa who is from the burbs of Chicago, like me, who is a "fan" of the: Packers, Cardinals, and Bulls. Try to explain that one without sounding like a bandwagoner, you have a hometown (technically) team in every sport and yet your favorite teams are the defending super bowl champs, perennial WS competitors, and a team that had the best record in the NBA last year. Hard to believe you're truly committed to your team's outcome.

I had a roommate from Iowa who is a Raiders fan. That I can respect. He followed them pretty closely, they haven't been very good in a decade-ish, and he's from Iowa so it's not like he's intentionally ignoring his hometown team because they aren't good.

What annoys me about bandwagon fans is their opinion regarding teams, it's usually not based on personal observation. It's like they get all of "their" opinions from ESPN or the box score. They're usually confrontational in their rooting as well. It's not "Woo! Go team!", it's more like "Woo! In your face!"

I digress...
I think bandwagon fans are like ***-holes. I'd like to stick have sex with both of them. But only if they belong to hot girls. If they belong to dudes I wouldn't.
I think bandwagon fans are like ***-holes. I'd like to stick have sex with both of them. But only if they belong to hot girls. If they belong to dudes I wouldn't.

Wouldn't a bandwagon fan that belongs to a hot girl be a dude?
MLB: Cubbies
NFL: Packers (only team I've ever liked because my big brother was a fan when I was a kid)
NCAA: Hawks, duh.
NHL: Sabres (played hockey for years growing up, started liking Buffalo because of "NHL 95".. do you all realize how sick that team was?!)

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