Bad performance. Disappointed


Well-Known Member
I think this team is a threat to win the BIG title. The talent and the experience is on the roster. This is a team that Iowa should have blown out. This is not a team where a fan should be biting their fingernails with 3:30 left.
Depth does NOT equal talent. Iowa has depth, not talent. Fran still out recruiting one. Tyler Ulis would have been that difference maker. Maybe in 2015 class.
UNO out hustled us. Plain and simple. They and their coach knew what it was going to take, to come into CHA and steal a win. They had to get the loose balls and rebounds with more effort than we were going to apply and they needed to shoot well from the floor. They did just that. You have to give their coach some credit. I'm glad we weathered the storm and pulled out the win in the end. That was a good basketball team we played.
We've lost similar games like this in the past.

South Dakota State and Campbell come to mind.

We won this one. We got outplayed for most of it but held our composure and won it at the free-throw line.

Keep watching the box scores during the out of conference season. Same thing's going to happen to many of the big boys. Some will lose.

What's not to like??
UNO out hustled us. Plain and simple. They and their coach knew what it was going to take, to come into CHA and steal a win. They had to get the loose balls and rebounds with more effort than we were going to apply and they needed to shoot well from the floor. They did just that. You have to give their coach some credit. I'm glad we weathered the storm and pulled out the win in the end. That was a good basketball team we played.

That was not a "good" basketball team. We made them look good.
Iowa is going to score a LOT of points this year regardless of percentages because I think a lot of points will come at the line with the clock stopped, extending the game.
Every team will have a close win or maybe even a loss to an inferior team this year. It happens in college basketball. I think we all need to relax. It was a win and hopefully a huge learning opportunity for the coaching staff and team. Obviously Gesell is playing tentative, Marble was off so things are not clicking yet. I am shocked they are not in mid season form in game two???
2 years ago we lost to Campbell and then beat Wisconsin twice and Indiana
3 years ago we lost to South Dakota State and clobbered Michigan State and beat number 6 Purdue. The point is college basketball is weird and anything can happen in an individual game. Am I happy about tonight's performance? Not really. Does it reflect anything in the long run? Probably not. This group of players has proven they can compete and beat teams way better than Nebraska-Omaha.
I expect thing to improve as Jok gets more experience and Gesell comes back from his injury and gets his legs under him and his shooting touch back. Jok made some very freshmen like mistakes and he will learn from them. You could see his improvement in just this game as he showed an awareness to protect the ball after some poor passes and ball handling mistakes. I thought our interior guys looked good tonight. It was the guard play that hurt us the most tonight. Fran will get it cleaned up and have the guards looking much better after a few more games. Just glad to have the win after such a lackluster and flat first half.
The three things that really bothered me.

Jabbing for rebounds with bad timing, instead of finding your man and boxing out.
How Iowa didn't adjust to the effect screens Omaha were using that left wide open threes.
Really sloppy with the ball on fast breaks and transition passes.

The shooting I can get over, but I really hope Iowa can stop leaving the three open all day.
I didn't see any of the games in Europe, but I'd hoped that trip would have us more ready to open the season with less drama. It always takes time to get started, but counting the exhibition we have struggled a bit in 2 of three games. We will get better and we also have shown we can play some dominating ball at times. Consistency will be a key and we know it will improve with play.
Buck up little campers.......we won. Playing not so great and winning isn't all bad. Should we fire the coach? That'd show em!
As White said, Fran didn't read them the riot act at halftime, because you have a couple of games like this a year. Everyone does.

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