Bad news for Katenda.

Really terrible news, but the saving grace of it is that Notre Dame is honoring his scholarship (which they should). This will be a tough recovery but the young man can adjust, and will recieve a great education and real shot at a promising career outside of playing basketball. Then again you can never rule anything out.

I wish him the best of luck.
Definitely feel for the kid. Scary how something like that happens in a pick up game can have such a drastic effect on a kid's future.
11 years ago my then 5 year year old daughter lost an eye in a car accident. Now 16 we struggle with it daily with sports. The other eye is now paramount. This can be overcome if he has the will. Depth perception is an obvious problem so there will be a huge adjustment. He has a challenge ahead of him. I will now follow this kid and hope for the best.
This is terrible, you have to feel for a kid, but as much as I dislike ND, it truly is classy to honor his scholarship. In a time when institutions just kick kids to the curb when something like this would happen, it is refreshing to see them follow through, hopefully Eric can follow through with a top flight education..
Notre Dame might just be saving face with the comment. I would be VERY surprised if he is awarded a 4 year degree from Notre Dame. So when does Fran start re-recruiting him? He may never be able to play for ND, but he still might be able to crack the Hawkeye starting line-up with one eye and bad knees.
Sorry to hear of your personal tragedy, Cyhawk. Hope all goes well. Never like to see the young ones suffer.

I wish the best of luck to Eric Katenda. Notre Dame is doing the right thing. Good to see honor in the college ranks.
What an unfortunate situation ... Wow ... was sort of expecting to read he tore an ACL or something ... Losing site in one eye ... very sad and unfortunate ...
Wow, unbelievable injury. I can't imagine what it would feel like to have the opportunity to play basketball in the Big East potentially taken away because of something like this. He has a long road to recovery, but I sincerely hope that he makes it.
You are correct greghammel.

Only Iowa would honor a scholarship under the circumstances that Katenda is in. No other and I repeat NO OTHER school in the WORLD would do the same. ND MUST be lying to simply save face. What else could explain it???

Just another example of how some people think Iowa is the only school around that does things the right way. We can be trusted to do the right thing, but if anyone else does there must be some nefarious reason for it.
Perhaps not. Maybe he would have come to Iowa to play in the rec league? I believe the season is over, which means he probably would have gone home and played pickup bb, which means he probably would still have lost his eye or he might not have.

Who knows...either way, based on what has happened, I would much rather see Notre Dame deal with his scholarship right now than Iowa.