Bad game day coaching aside....

What hurts is all the recruits we had in sunny September at the ISU disaster....maybe we should just have recruits visit during bye weeks.
What hurts is all the recruits we had in sunny September at the ISU disaster....maybe we should just have recruits visit during bye weeks.

You still keep in touch with Troy and Emmitt? Shame about Nate Newton and the path he went down...can you believe how poorly Jimmy was treated on Survivor?
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Wow, Playmaker... just wow. Here's a first-hand story. My cousin's son is the starting center for UCLA, Jake Brendel. He was recruited by a LOT of big time programs, even though he was a 3-star. Got offers from Northwestern, Minnesota, Wisconsin (where his dad is living), among others. He chose UCLA. First off because it was a top twenty business school (he's been academic all Pac-12 each year). Secondly because he knew he would play fairly quickly (he's on the watch list for the Rimington award). And finally because of the weather. Try getting those recruits from Texas (where Jake is from) or Florida and other places south by getting a visit in November or show TV shots during games where they move snow before playing football. Turns a lot of them off right away.

And yet Nebraskas starting qb is from arguably the best high school football program in Texas over the last decade. Is it really warmer in Lincoln in December than that of Iowa City?
And yet Nebraskas starting qb is from arguably the best high school football program in Texas over the last decade. Is it really warmer in Lincoln in December than that of Iowa City?

the same can be said about one of the QBs at iowa. does that make him the best qB in the past decade??
He is NOT doing all he can to land top talent.....there are schools all over the country with ZERO football history (Kentucky) landing better recruits than Iowa. I've heard way too many stories about how he recruits...talks to a guy once, and then says something along the lines of "You have to do whats best for you"....and then leaves him alone. BS!!! What 17 year old knows what's best for him? When you recruit, you do it with a purpose....and you do not take no for an answer. Anyone can land a bunch of players from Ankeny and Springville...or guys from Minnesota who may have a couple of MAC offers....that means nothing. Either drop the football program or bring in a coach who has the mindset that Iowa can be relevant again. The Florida, New Jersey, and Texas pipeline at one time won helped Iowa win more games in the 80's than any other Big Ten now that is no longer possible??? If so, that is sad...and an attitude of a quitter.

This basically sums up where Ferentz is at now, coaching high level college football is an absolute grind. You have to put in insane hours, suck up to stupid 16-18 year olds and do lots of other things that most normal human beings wouldn't want to do, which is why I don't blame for slacking off here, he earned those big contracts, he was great when he was a hungry new coach, but now he's not quite the hungry. And there are other coaches who are outworking him in every facet of the game. Ferentz could have went a lot of directions with the OC hire, he went with another established, career assistant rather taking a shot on an up and comer with more potential. KF does just enough to be slightly above average in a bad conference and that's fine, I'm not mad at the guy for it, I just realize this is where the Iowa program is now and the days of being a top 20 team are long gone.
This basically sums up where Ferentz is at now, coaching high level college football is an absolute grind. You have to put in insane hours, suck up to stupid 16-18 year olds and do lots of other things that most normal human beings wouldn't want to do, which is why I don't blame for slacking off here, he earned those big contracts, he was great when he was a hungry new coach, but now he's not quite the hungry. And there are other coaches who are outworking him in every facet of the game. Ferentz could have went a lot of directions with the OC hire, he went with another established, career assistant rather taking a shot on an up and comer with more potential. KF does just enough to be slightly above average in a bad conference and that's fine, I'm not mad at the guy for it, I just realize this is where the Iowa program is now and the days of being a top 20 team are long gone.

Good post, good points. I think KF got burned by some higher star recruits who were not good citizens. I think KF wants integrity in his program which I am all for.

But like many professional positions like city manager, school superintendant, politician, you can burn a lot of bridges with people and your 'fan base' can get tired of you. I would like to see KF and especially his younger assistants put on the full court press to get some top talent. I think if we have a more explosive passing game we can bring in better receivers. The coaches also seem to have two good QBs and need to keep the QB talent high.

I dont know if KF goes into recruits homes that much to seal the deal anymore or not. If anyone with intimate knowledge of the hawk recruiting process could chime in that would be nice and enlightening.
An additional early signing period plus the ability to allow recruits to take official visits during the Midwest's summer months would go a long way to aiding Iowa and many of the BIG schools. However, with an early signing period also comes the probability that there would be a lot of "hard closes" being utilized earlier by schools that are better at it than we seem to be.

With only a few spots to fill it's hard to be too critical of Iowa's recruiting results from the many who were on hand for ISU. We can afford to be selective and play a waiting game to some degree but I'm sure we had hopes of gaining some verbals from that game. Reminds me of the PSU night game of a coupe years ago where we had an even bigger recruiting weekend with similar off the field as well as on the field results.
I only know of one, but in this case a QB Father called me on the way to work and said KF was at his house last night and it would be coming out that morning that that his son was going to Iowa. ( and it did ) So he does go to some homes. IDK how many
Hey TC, if you can go down to Florida and convince a 5 star player to reject UF, FSU, Miami and every SEC school to come to Iowa to almost be guaranteed no playing time until he is a red shirt sophomore then Kirk should definitely hire you. However, I doubt you or anybody could do that.
I think he's still trying to land the top fight kids but they're coming up short for whatever reason. Iowa was in the mix for Hilliard's brother and that kid from the Twin Cities, both who have said they're going to OSU. I know he works at it. He was in DM watching Boyle play last Friday, making sure he stays in the fold, so I don't think he's mailing it in. He did add some younger guys to his coaching staff, and I think that can make a difference. It's my impression that Iowa, almost to a fault, tries to stay squeaky clean when it comes to compliance with the recruiting rules. That's hard to do when you're swimming with a bunch of sharks, and it may cost them. I bet they have some stories to tell about what goes on out there, but it remains untold.
Could he spend more time calling/visiting elite recruits? Probably. Would it be a gigantic waste of time? Probably. He is best served spending time he has to recruit on the mid-level recruits that Iowa has a legit chance to land. I don't think its the attitude of a quitter. I think its the attitude of a guy who wants to use the precious recruiting time he has most efficiently.

I totally disagree with this philosophy. You don't stop recruiting top players just because you assume you won't get them. No, we won't get most of them, but we might get a few of them...

The way I see it, you've gotta take your shots at these guys. If they say "Thanks, but no thanks", ok, then move on. You don't spend endless amounts of time and resources trying to get them to change their minds. But if there is some interest, then for the love of Pete, keep working these guys!

If you just recruit 2-3* talent, that's all you're going to get, barring the occasional Dallas Clark or Bob Sanders miracles.
I totally disagree with this philosophy. You don't stop recruiting top players just because you assume you won't get them. No, we won't get most of them, but we might get a few of them...

The way I see it, you've gotta take your shots at these guys. If they say "Thanks, but no thanks", ok, then move on. You don't spend endless amounts of time and resources trying to get them to change their minds. But if there is some interest, then for the love of Pete, keep working these guys!

If you just recruit 2-3* talent, that's all you're going to get, barring the occasional Dallas Clark or Bob Sanders miracles.

But we HAVE landed a number of 4* players over the years. Funny how many here look at the current QB's and relate it back to Jake and Ricky. Jake was a 4* QB coming out of high school and Ricky was a 3*. Having more stars doesn't always relate to success at the next level.

We currently have offers to 5 of the top 100 players for 2015; not saying we'll land them, but they have offers.

As an aside, we landed five top 100 players in 2005, four 4* players and one 5* player. Rivals shows the top 100 recruits back to 2002. The only other time we have landed any top 100 players was when we landed Jordan Bernstein and Brian Bulaga in the same class.
OK....KF peaked in 2002 with a bunch of guys he recruited while the team had a losing record.
Melrose - So recruiting 4 stars in 2005 didn't work out....big deal. Ask Alabama how recruiting 4 stars works out. You keep landing them year after year and you will eventually find yourself in a National Championship hunt. Of course, you do have to have a coach who doesn't attempt to play every game close no matter the opponent.
Why 4-5*s don't seem to succeed as you'd expect under KFz, when 2-3 stars so often over-achieve is quite the head scratcher...and probably a thread all its own. One could surmise that the *s are based on an observation of raw talent. Whether or not that talent can be fit into the rigid KFz mold may be the determinant.

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