the first half was a complete waste......hindsight being 20/20, I think Iowa should kicked an onside kick when they got it to 26-24

That would take KF to think outside the box he lives in. It sad enough to see our offense play unbridled and having fun then KF boring ball. Maybe we could get more recruits if we played like the 2nd half all the time.
Kirk's wet dream. Rudock played good enough in the end to justify playing him next week. Then all we have to do is get through the bowl game until that pesky talent leaves.
Kirk's wet dream. Rudock played good enough in the end to justify playing him next week. Then all we have to do is get through the bowl game until that pesky talent leaves.

Rudock would be starting next week, regardless of how he performed today - good, bad, or indifferent. He's the #1 QB on the depth chart.

It sucks. I dont believe in moral victories either man. But at least we didn't lay down when we got behind. If Ferentz would have called the gm in the first 3 qtrs like we did late we would have probably won this gm. It sucks big time

That first half was vintage GDGD. Passes short of the sticks, Running Weisman around the corner for 4 feet a pop, etc. Great second half but they are SO SLOW to generate urgency, make wholesales changes on the fly, attack downfield, etc. They should have run the hurry-up from the second quarter on.

I swear this offense is still based around the idea that Matt Roth and company will keep things close while they play for field position. I understand they don't WANT to be in a shootout, but they have to stop waiting until their backs are against the wall to take some shots. Playing one half of offense isn't going to get it done.
Best Iowa gm ive seen in a long time. Man im proud of our Hawks the way they battled and didn't lay down against Wisky

Yep, haven't had an Iowa game like that since......2009 or 10. Night game atmosphere ....looked pretty crazy from where I sat here in NC
Ferentz comments -

Both teams competed hard - lot of intensity / physical play both sides - going at it hard.

The charged T/O - failure to communicate kinda like Cool Hand Luke. ... officials too far away .. .wish I came down the sideline

On Melvin - Part of it is DB's pushing ball to the outside. tough tough play on that long one. our guys competed hard, made every effort to contain him...credit to him. Its all close in a game like that.

On getting them to 3rd and long....hoping to make that happen... but didn't get ahead on scoreboard. They did nice job executing on 3rd down tip your hat to them
There was 5:01 left. Very few coaches would onside kick only down 2 with that much time left. Under 3 minutes left, probably.

And to me, today proved that Rudock is more than capable of thriving in a more aggressive offense.

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