B1G League Play Question....

The goal is to win the conference & go to the Rose Bowl. No coach is going to assume that they will lose the next weekend. The object will be to win the following weekend.

Your logic is flawed. It is a losers mentality. Do you really think that Wisconsin would have run that fake punt if the teams were going to play the following weekend for the championship? No, it is a play the Badgers would have saved for the following weekend.

Ha. Ha. Ha. You are the one suggesting they don't mind losing the week before. I say try to win both games. If you think you are the better team then you should have no problem. It would seem to me that a "loser mentality" would be, let's save our trick plays for the more important game, because we can't win without them.
No - you are still playing for bowl positioning.

You answered it in the most simplistic way, which is true before we had divisions. I agree that you would still play to win for bowl positioning, normally, but what if you have players that are dinged (that could easily make the injury worse) -- do you still play them knowing that you have the B1G championship game locked up? Of course you still play that game to win, but I would sit the players that are banged up.

After the BCS, and how watered down a january bowl has gotten, i could care less if we played in the Cap 1 or Insight. You have to admit with the Championship Game now in the B1G it will change some of the league play that we will see at times.

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