AZ predictions now annoying


Well-Known Member
If anyone read Harty's column this morning, he too is predicting Iowa to lose to AZ. Does anyone think Iowa is going to mop up this team like I do? I have never seen more predictions for a loss to a team that will likely finish 7-5, based upon location and kick time than this one. My guy tells me Iowa blowout here. Iowa may still lose to NW, but not AZ this year.
If we can get by AZ and Michigan and survive a ticked off MSU, I think OSU only stands in our way. Arizona should be the first true test.
I didn't know anyone still read Harty's column.

As a kind of side note, Morehouse was on Tirells show a month or so ago, and said that he expects Iowa to finish somewhere around 9-3 or 10-2, but that he still expects the game v. OSU to decide the Big 10.

People are skittish about the AZ game because of what happened in 2004, but I would expect the team to be better prepared than that team was, and I would also expect any home field advantage the 'cats have to be taken away by the 15K or so Iowa fans that make the trip.

All that being said, I wouldn't be too disappointed with loss. Top 25 team, on the road, in a situation where Big 10 teams typically don't fare well. It would be considered a "better" loss than lets ISU at home the week before.
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Arizona was one of the losses I predicted for Iowa this season. History shows us that we don't play well on the west coast. And although Arizona lost some talent, they will still be a quality team.

Although I picked AZ to win, I can see Iowa winning this game. But by no means do I see us mopping them up. It will definitely be a battle.
It seems to me that alot of people have forgotten that Iowa's last game was the Orange Bowl that had a really late start time to it as well. The hawks may not win, but they have been in almost every game situation already. I know that last season took about 5 years off of my life. Kirk and Co. will have them focused and ready to roll. This team will not quit, they have already proved that!
I can see why people are predicting AZ to win based on Iowa's past performances out West, but this AZ team has to replace a lot on defense from a team that was an ok defensive unit last year. Additionally, they don't have that explosive of an offense. I just keep remembering Clayborn running down from behind the to fast Grigsby like 2 or three times last year. I think it will be a close first half and a blow out by the middle of the 4th to many players for Iowa with experience at the skill positions.
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I love the Arizona predictions....if there is one thing we know its that all "experts" and especially Pat Harty are idiots. I am skittish because of what happened against ASU but i also know in the back of my mind that Ferentz and co have learned from that experience and this team will be ready to roll
Each game that PH thinks Iowa will lose are games I have been extremely concerned about.

The Arizona game comes early in the year. Tough road venue, solid BCS team that has gone to a bowl the last two years. Iowa is going to be really green on the offensive line. So what if they lose a lot of guys on defense? If they blitz the entire game and keep Iowa's o-line out of rhythm, it could be problematic to the point where Iowa loses the game. It's not out of the realm of possibility.
Arizona is definitely a game they could lose, it would suck, but it is completely possible. Other games that I am really worried about are OSU and PSU. One of these days PSU is going to get that Iowa monkey off of their back, I just hope it is not this year.
Each game that PH thinks Iowa will lose are games I have been extremely concerned about.

The Arizona game comes early in the year. Tough road venue, solid BCS team that has gone to a bowl the last two years. Iowa is going to be really green on the offensive line. So what if they lose a lot of guys on defense? If they blitz the entire game and keep Iowa's o-line out of rhythm, it could be problematic to the point where Iowa loses the game. It's not out of the realm of possibility.

If they blitz all game, Stanzi will have a field day.
If we can get by AZ and Michigan and survive a ticked off MSU, I think OSU only stands in our way. Arizona should be the first true test.

Eastern Illinois should work out some OL issues, but with several suspensions we certainly won't be playing our best ball. The 'Jake' factor could make this game interesting and we do not want another UNI game.
Iowa State should be another tune-up but will bring out the emotions to where anything could happen.
@Arizona will be the first big test. Ball State should be our final fine-tuning game.
I don't see a break the rest of the way until @MN: PSU, @MI, WI, MSU all in a row. Then there's @IN, who almost beat us last year, and @NW, who did beat us last year. Hopefully, these last-year-results will be motivating factors because OSU will be the biggest game of the year but, it won't mean near as much if we don't take care of business before-hand.

I think this is the year of put-up-or shut-up for Iowa. They've got a team that could do a lot of national damage. But will they crack at the seams with injuries, suspensions, or head-cases?
They'd better be ready for Arizona because that game could set the tone for the murderer's row soon to follow. Iowa traditionally has been more vulnerable earlier in the year because they improve better over the course of the season than most teams. To meet their expectations this year, they've got to improve faster than they have in the past and not take anyone for granted: remember Northern Iowa...
Iowa has a young offensive line & the AZ game is an early test in the season on the road. Iowa can definately lose this game if the OL are having problems. This game will tell a lot. I think Iowa will come through, though. I think AZ is replacing something like 8 players on D, but I could be wrong.
What "Jake factor"? Christensen is no longer at EIU and I doubt Hawkeye players will give it a second thought.

As for the Arizona game, I think it will tell us a lot about the fall ahead. If we can mop up, as you say, things will look very promising for the Big Ten season. But I do expect a tough contest... this is a game Arizona (and their fans) will be ready for. Yeah, I know...we said the same about Penn St but this will be a tough one.
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No doubt it's a dangerous game. I guess with the veterans on the team, I don't see them looking past AZ. It wouldn't shock me if they lose but I'd be pretty disappointed too.
If we learned anything last year, it should have been that Ferentz's teams are not intimidated by playing on the road, and can even take an alleged knock-out punch and still come back and win.

They'll be ready to play. That doesn't guarantee a win but Kirk doesn't field teams who turn into sissies when people in the stands yell mean things at them.
First of all, the Arizona game, whether it’s a win or loss, means nothing , let me repeat, NOTHING to the overall success and grades for the 2010 Hawkeye Football Season.

Why, you ask? Because the success this year, every year, depends on the Big Ten season.

The outcome of this game has nothing to do with the Big Ten Conference Championship.

This team, for better or worse, will only be deemed successful, a great team, “not a failure” if they win the BIG TEN Championship. This is based on the reality of the returning players and depth charts, returning Coaches and the ”favorable” Big Ten home schedule.

For Hawk fans pooh poohing Arizona’s 7-5 record from the previous years, personnel losses, the loss of Mark Stoops as DC or anything else…

This team is a Mike Stoops’ team that is out west with a game time start of 9:30 PM and is part of the Pac 10 that live to beat the Big Ten.

I would love to see a W but an L will not allow me to enjoy the rest of the season any less (see 2004 AZ ST)

As far as the comparison between the Orange Bowl late start and the Hawk’s success, (we can(?) handle the 9:30 start) that has nothing to do with a west coast trip 2 hours later during the season when the “student-athletes” are attending classes and haven’t had a week and a half prep like last January in sunny Florida.

Having said that, Iowa can't win a National Championship without beating Arizona, but they still need to win a Big(11)Ten Championship to win a National Championship.

Go Hawks!
I worry about this one for several reasons
1. They will be ****** about last years game and looking for revenge
2. It was very close last year and were on the road this time
3. Last time we played in AZ we got destroyed and we had a very good team that year, so IDK if the travel is a factor or what but it means something.

Why Im not
1. We played great on the road last year and the fact people are already saying we could lose this one has to **** off the Hawks. They finished last year top 10 and suddenly we can't beat AZ? Well have a chip on our shoulder
2. We lost some players but AZ lost more.
3. AZ is faster then our slow Big 10 team, yet their RB isn't faster then our DE, very curious....
The offense we seen last year from the Wildcats should be a lot different than the one we seen last year. Nick Foles is much better as a passer out of the spread then Matt Scott was. He's really good at taking what the defense gives him by dinking and dunking. Although I don't think it will lead to a lot of points, my big concern is that they could control the clock that way kinda the way Northwestern has done to us. I would like to think offensively that we should move the ball pretty well and as long as the Hawks score and score early that they should win the game. I don't see Arizona being able to put more than 21 points on the board.
The offense we seen last year from the Wildcats should be a lot different than the one we seen last year. Nick Foles is much better as a passer out of the spread then Matt Scott was. He's really good at taking what the defense gives him by dinking and dunking. Although I don't think it will lead to a lot of points, my big concern is that they could control the clock that way kinda the way Northwestern has done to us. I would like to think offensively that we should move the ball pretty well and as long as the Hawks score and score early that they should win the game. I don't see Arizona being able to put more than 21 points on the board.

21 points B_ ll S_ _ T.Not against our defense,No Way.They'll be lucky to score 10 pts.

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