Awesome Stanzi Article - He hates hippies and loves America

Well, I hate ultra right wing nut jobs, but I love America. There are a bunch of goofy sorts on the ped mall, but that's what makes America great: it takes all kinds, and for the most part they're basically harmless. In fact, I would venture to guess, the vast majority of them are downright peaceful people.

And downright proud to drive a Stivers Ford.
Exactly. That crowd probably doesn't even know there is a football game on Saturday. I guess the "hate America" comment cuts a little to close to home for some of our "dear" posters on HN.

No, sparky, it's the assumption that they "hate America" that rubs many the wrong way.

Why do you hate America?
Apparently some hippie took offense to his comments. Deadspin says that someone is trying to sell a pic of him smoking pot in high school..

Someone Wants To Sell Us A Photo Of Hippie-Hater Ricky Stanzi Smoking Pot

So where's the picture then? I call BS on this. If this anonymous person in fact HAD a picture, why would he/she hold the picture? Maybe to buy some time so said person can photoshop his head onto one of their own pictures chiefing?

I lived in IC for 3 years and I have seen what Stanzi is referring to. Hippie deadbeats hanging out panhandling, homeless people fighting with each other ect.. Most of it is comical, but pathetic at the same time.

People hating on Stanzi not voting because of his comments? Give me a break... He's making nothing more than an honest observation, coupled with an opinion of that observation.
My question is who was the interviewer? His questions seemed to be loaded. "communists" in the class room? Did we time warp back to 1980?
And yet, those are very likely the same people showing up on game day to watch him play, who cheer him on because he plays for the Iowa Hawkeyes.

Apparently he's not the brightest bulb after all.

What does the fact that they may support Iowa Football have anything to do with this topic? If Stanzi didn't play QB for Iowa they wouldn't care an ounce about him, and neither would you.. so not really seeing how that relates here.
I think that it would be fair to say that it is generally not wise to make blanket statements about any group of people nor is it very smart to judge someones character based on their outward appearence. Example : There used to be a guy that lived down the street from that looked like the biggest dreadlock wearin' hippie in the world. In truth he owned his home, was married with 3 kids, owned and ran his own business (successfully) and worked like a dog. Hopefully Rick learns these lessons soon and becomes a better person for it.
For Senior day I'd like to see Stanzi with a short haircut and cleanly shaven. He's been looking a little ragged lately.

Then he can talk about the hippes all he wants.
I don't care if you hate hippies or whoever, hate on. What i dont appreciate is questioning the patriotism of someone, whom you don't know.
For Senior day I'd like to see Stanzi with a short haircut and cleanly shaven. He's been looking a little ragged lately.

Then he can talk about the hippes all he wants.

Who cares if he doesn't have short hair?? He's probably just trying to look like Tom Brady. After all, people are always comparing him to Tom.
Since when does this forum need to be politically correct? He is the quarterback of the team we all love, he is not running for political office.

Damn, hippies causing all the problems again.
Who was the reporter? He sounded downright creepy. It was like he had read and seen every Stanzi quote and has been thinking of every nerdy question he could possible ask. Commies in the classroom? Really? Stanzi should have said, "Dude, I play football and I love America. End of story."
Who cares if he doesn't have short hair?? He's probably just trying to look like Tom Brady. After all, people are always comparing him to Tom.

Yes but everyone is comparing Brady to Justin Bieber. And anyone who compares Stanzi with that muppet will have to answer to me. (I know you're all shaking in your boots.)
Good for Rick. Hippies suck ;)



Great. The Archie Bunker of college quarterbacks.

It's a shame that Mr. Stanzi hasn't scheduled a civics class to go along with his patriotism class. It's only "fair and balanced" to do so.
I don't care if you hate hippies or whoever, hate on. What i dont appreciate is questioning the patriotism of someone, whom you don't know.

Especially when you don't even take an hour to vote. Not impressed with his comments. I found myself shaking my head.

Patriotism is more than saying USA#1. That's just talk.

I like the guy. That interview, not so much.

However, if he beats tOSU tomorrow, I can be persuaded to think he's USA Football Jeebus.
Spent time in a classroom in any of the liberal arts classes at Iowa?

My question is who was the interviewer? His questions seemed to be loaded. "communists" in the class room? Did we time warp back to 1980?

Went to graduate school at the UI (1990s). I would say a very goodly (more thatn 25) percentage of people I was in class with would be somewhere to the left of Castro and close to Mao. Daily discussions about how horrible the U.S. was, how the U.S. was responsible for most of the turmoil and strife in the world, how "visionary" guys like Che Guevara were the role model for enacting "real change" and other such drivel.

Stanzi's just speaking his mind. It is a free country after all :)
Wow...those quotes are pretty embarrassing.

Apparently, Ricky loves America, except for other American's First Amendment rights (freedom of speech and expression).

Ricky loves America, but was too busy to vote.

Ricky didn't vote because the only thing he learned about the candidates (from TV commercials, of course...busy watching TV) were that all the candidates are bad. Yet those hippies protesting those bad politicians in the ped mall should love it or leave it.

Liberals are communists?

Ricky loves hooting and hollering when he hears "Born in the USA" by Bruce Springsteen. Has he ever listened to the lyrics of the song (other than the chorus)?

The interviewer definitely set Ricky up with some loaded questions but those were still some ignorant answers.

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