August 2012....


Well-Known Member
After seeing our bball team play tonight....reminds me how much I love Iowa football with KF and all....I don't care if you're an absolute moron O'Keefe!! Just please put this bball season out of it's misery. Is it August yet??

I am going to Soldier field...just decided.

After this football season....I didn't think ANYTHING could turn me back into full on support and diehard love for this football program....I was wrong.
Obviously you're not a very loyal or good fan when it comes to the basketball program. Seriously, I don't know what in the hell people expected. If you didn't expect disappointment and A LOT of growing pains, then you weren't following the basketball program closely at all anyways.

See ya.
Obviously you're not a very loyal or good fan when it comes to the basketball program. Seriously, I don't know what in the hell people expected. If you didn't expect disappointment and A LOT of growing pains, then you weren't following the basketball program closely at all anyways. See ya.
I expected losses...but thought...idk...that we might be COMPETITIVE in said losses?
It'll get turned around eventually. It wasn't going to happen overnight. The team is obviously in a real bad funk right now. There's a lot of season left, thus a lot of time to improve. Have some faith. It's not like Fran has been here for 10+ seasons and still having teams look flat and un-inspired...
I am highly dissapointed so far. My expectations were rediculous. That being said I still trust in Fran.
Yes, expecting Iowa's basketball team to not get routinely blown out by mid-major and poor BCS level teams are outlandish expectations.

Some of you people are just beyond pathetic.
It'll get turned around eventually. It wasn't going to happen overnight. The team is obviously in a real bad funk right now. There's a lot of season left, thus a lot of time to improve. Have some faith. It's not like Fran has been here for 10+ seasons and still having teams look flat and un-inspired...

LOL!!! That is some funny $hit--- agree or not---that's some fun irony there folks :D:p
Fran is in the process of rebuilding a program that was in even worse shape that the football team when Ferentz took over. He hasn't even had two full seasons (at which point Ferentz was 4-19, a .173 winning percentage).

Give it a little time.
Yes, expecting Iowa's basketball team to not get routinely blown out by mid-major and poor BCS level teams are outlandish expectations.

Some of you people are just beyond pathetic.

Agreed with the exception of the last sentence--- Everyone is entitled to their opinions but really my only expectations were to at least be competitive --- no expectations personally for the BB team other than maybe go .500 and be competitive---- clemson really is not a good ACC team--yes yes, it's ACC--but clemson in grand scheme of things suck. yeah-- our team probably sucks as well in grand scheme of things--which makes this blow-out loss kinda tough to swallow.
It'll get turned around eventually. It wasn't going to happen overnight. The team is obviously in a real bad funk right now. There's a lot of season left, thus a lot of time to improve. Have some faith. It's not like Fran has been here for 10+ seasons and still having teams look flat and un-inspired...

Yeah good call, once you’ve been here 10 years you’ll never have a team look flat or uninspired…if you are a good coach….:rolleyes:

Yeah good call, once you’ve been here 10 years you’ll never have a team look flat or uninspired…if you are a good coach….:rolleyes:


It would probably be alright if it was just 1 year, not a few bunched together with a good season sprinkled in?

I think that's a stab at the football coach, maybe I'm getting too old?

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