At what point will ANY of the coaches be held accountable?

Aldenberg is the epitome of my only pet peeve with fellow Hawkeye fans. How many championships does Captain Kirk have? 0. We almost jumped to the National Championship tier like our fellow B1G Badgers have, but have instead digressed. "You play to win the game" Sounds like some false advertising if you're satisfied with 8-4.

I'm not saying 8-4 isn't something to be proud of, but Iowa has all the tools to be a National Championship winning type of program, yet we **** it down our legs every time.

I don't know about the rest of you, but something needs to change drastically if we ever want to see a National Championship out of the Hawks.
kok is a total dumb ***. this game plan with 2 weeks to set it up. sheet for brains

You can blame O'Keefe all you want, but it is KF's fault. O'Keefe has other plays and gameplans in the book, KF won't let him use all of it very often! It is KF not O'Keefe!
I don't agree with a lot of the coaching staff's decisions...Do they bear some responsibility? Sure. Did KF of KOK throw a pass into quadruple coverage on a square-in pattern when they had another running an out pattern, and this when down by 10 with just a few minutes to go? Nope. This shows me this game isn't just the players' fault or just the coaches fault.
The WR has attempted 5 FG this year.

Why hasn't the leader of his own MENSA chapter addressed this? He apparently had 3 beefs, just want know his response to this.

Never a Ferentz apologist, clock management is TERRIBLE, among other things, but I think he runs as clean of a program as possible and graduates players. People who say he doesn't see the bigger picture are looking through the lens of a football season.
Why hasn't the leader of his own MENSA chapter addressed this? He apparently had 3 beefs, just want know his response to this.

Never a Ferentz apologist, clock management is TERRIBLE, among other things, but I think he runs as clean of a program as possible and graduates players. People who say he doesn't see the bigger picture are looking through the lens of a football season.

KF doesnt run a clean program. You realize he doesnt make he just enforces the policies? Any coach can come in there and graduate players. If they wanna play, they need to pass classes, thats a standard set by the school and big 10.

As for the WR attempting 5 FG, I dont care, if he isnt the normal place kicker, Im playing more for a fake then a block.
All of your points are spot on, I have never in my life seen a coaching staff that never, ever learns and I Tony LaRussa manages my favorite baseball team so that is saying something. My 6 year old daughter could manage the clock better than these guys and the thing that bothers me the most...these players deserve a much better effort out of the coaching staff
Years ago, this staff was known for making good adjustments, but it seems those days are over. I agree about the players; it must be frustrating, to say the least

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