At some point, the lack of leadership and execution has to come down on KF

Our coaching staff has been on cruise control. For instance, after Minnesota kicked the field goal on the opening drive, I turned to my son and told him they better watch out for the onside kick. A 2 win team with nothing to lose, why wouldn't they? We were totally unprepared for that, we looked like someone just stole our lunch money and we were waiting or the hall monitor to come save us.

How can our special teams be so bad week in and week out? For most teams, special teams is non starters and guys that are working their tails off to try and get some playing time. You wouldn't think that would be an effort issue. Maybe it's coaching?

Our defense has appeared to give up at times this year. I know we have had injuries that no team in the history of football has ever had to overcome, and with Eads, Angerer and Spievey gone from last year, we are lucky we won a game this year. But why can't we score points?

If it's because our OL has had injuries, what about "Next man in'? Isn't Kirk supposed to be the offensive line guru, why don't we have a couple of backups that can come in and be adequate? Why can't we consistently pound the ball on the ground against below average defenses like Northwestern and Minnesota?
bighawkeyedaddy, i bet you play a lot off simple games like checkers if you think it is as easy as that. Granted we have given KF tons of latitude- but this is decade 2 and we are still laying the foundation of NFL ladened talent. You cannot get NFL talent at Iowa unless you have a proven product. Now that the '02/'03 players are reaching their peak performances in the NFL, and have many players competing for a starting position. i know that you have seen the stats of NFL players here at Iowa; the michigans', OSU's, & USC's of the world have had the groundwork already done for them with years of sustained success in order to get the talent that produces championships. This is as systematic of an approach to building a dynasty in College football.

"good things to those that wait" - Wait for 2011-2020 and I would be willing to wager that we have 5 or 6 Big Ten Championship game appearances with 3 or 4 wins; and it may seem sacrilegious to say now but we will play for all the marbles in the next 3-4 years. watch....

So I want to make sure I get you quoted correctly on this. Due to current Iowa players performance in the NFL, Iowa is now going to be bringing in 5 star recruits left and right because they know the coaching staff will make them superstars and get them paid? So in a year or two, I won't have to listen to people complain about how we are poor old Iowa and just can't expect to get the recruits that the big boys get? What a relief, I can sleep easy knowing that we are now going to be handing it to everyone else in the conference in the next 10 years. So once all these superstars come into the program, do we open up the game plan, or do we still play Northwestern and Indiana down to the wire every year?
So I want to make sure I get you quoted correctly on this. Due to current Iowa players performance in the NFL, Iowa is now going to be bringing in 5 star recruits left and right because they know the coaching staff will make them superstars and get them paid? So in a year or two, I won't have to listen to people complain about how we are poor old Iowa and just can't expect to get the recruits that the big boys get? What a relief, I can sleep easy knowing that we are now going to be handing it to everyone else in the conference in the next 10 years. So once all these superstars come into the program, do we open up the game plan, or do we still play Northwestern and Indiana down to the wire every year?

absolutely not, playbook probably becomes even more simple. we will look much like Wisconsin did this year. They were able to impose their will on Michigan in the 2nd half and threw only one pass versus 30 runs. 2-3 backs with over 700 yds each. Game Manager QB's, and stout defense. That is Iowa 3-4 years from now.
absolutely not, playbook probably becomes even more simple. we will look much like Wisconsin did this year. They were able to impose their will on Michigan in the 2nd half and threw only one pass versus 30 runs. 2-3 backs with over 700 yds each. Game Manager QB's, and stout defense. That is Iowa 3-4 years from now.

Obviously you know something the rest of us don't then, KOk must be getting let go. There is no way an Iowa team runs the ball that much, especially if it's working. If we run 3 straight plays and gain 6 yards a carry, it's guaranteed we are going to throw the next 3 plays. When was the last time we ran it till they stopped it? We don't, we have to over think and get cute with the play calling.
So now we get cute with the play calling, i thought it was the most vanilla thing in the world?
What was working rushing we averaged 3.4 yards per rush???

Did you watch the game? Go back and look at the number of times we started to show some dominance running the ball (it wasn't that often, but when we did we gave up on it). Like to start the second half. Coker 3 straight times for about 15 yards. So we drop back 3 straight times, get nothing, and punt. Looking at averages at the end of the game means nothing. If we ran the ball every play and averaged 3.4 yards, we may have won 50-0, as it only takes 3.4 yards a carry and that's a first down every 3 downs. Don't forget those wonderful reverses we tried plus sacks are included in that total, Coker averaged 4.3 yards a carry.
Did you watch the game? Go back and look at the number of times we started to show some dominance running the ball (it wasn't that often, but when we did we gave up on it). Like to start the second half. Coker 3 straight times for about 15 yards. So we drop back 3 straight times, get nothing, and punt. Looking at averages at the end of the game means nothing. If we ran the ball every play and averaged 3.4 yards, we may have won 50-0, as it only takes 3.4 yards a carry and that's a first down every 3 downs. Don't forget those wonderful reverses we tried plus sacks are included in that total, Coker averaged 4.3 yards a carry.

Yeah cause you see alot of 22 play 80 yard drives all runs alot. By that theory we passed 5.8 yards so we shouldn't even see a 3rd down the whole drive if we passed everydown.. You pass the ball after 3 straight successful run plays because the defence starts to cheat up and your hoping to beat them. Not running a 4th or 5th straight down when having success previously doesn't mean your abandoning the run.
Tell that to Mac Brown and Urban Meyer.

The collapse at Texas was almost exclusively due to how the team quit on eachother. You can certainly play the "blame card" on the coaches to some degree ... however, at some point, you just have to check it off as a bad season and look forward to the next one.

If it were easy to control the psychology of a group of people (let alone, football players) ... then the world wouldn't be facing nearly as many problems as it does.

While Iowa fought hard through last week ... Minnesota's fast start was the punch in the gut that our squad wasn't resilient enough to endure.

The Difference is Mac Brown and Urban Meyer are WAAAAAYYYYY more successful than Kirk. They are allowed a bad year. Kirk has had more than one. And to H**l with NFL ready win football games.
Why are we "hoping" that something good happens? Obviously my point was an exaggeration, but seriously, why stop running if they don't stop it? I would hope as a coach we are "planning" or "expecting" something to work, not "hoping" it will work. You can hope in one hand and crap in the other and see which one fills up first. My point was that we were running the ball successfully, great, throw a play action on first down, but then we don't complete it so we automatically have to throw on 2nd and 3rd when it was obvious that Stanzi was not on his game today?
bighawkeyedaddy, i bet you play a lot off simple games like checkers if you think it is as easy as that. Granted we have given KF tons of latitude- but this is decade 2 and we are still laying the foundation of NFL ladened talent. You cannot get NFL talent at Iowa unless you have a proven product. Now that the '02/'03 players are reaching their peak performances in the NFL, and have many players competing for a starting position. i know that you have seen the stats of NFL players here at Iowa; the michigans', OSU's, & USC's of the world have had the groundwork already done for them with years of sustained success in order to get the talent that produces championships. This is as systematic of an approach to building a dynasty in College football.

"good things to those that wait" - Wait for 2011-2020 and I would be willing to wager that we have 5 or 6 Big Ten Championship game appearances with 3 or 4 wins; and it may seem sacrilegious to say now but we will play for all the marbles in the next 3-4 years. watch....

I like the enthusiasm and I myself like what we bring back next year and beyond but clearly we are not at the level nor approaching the level you are talking about. Even last year in our magic year, we played down to the level of competition. Wisconsin, tOSU, and soon to be Nebraska, in most instances, demolish lower teams.

It was a disappointing season, and I look forward to a bowl game and the next season. It seems like it went by way too fast, and way too many walks to the car from Kinnick saying coulda shoulda woulda... I hope next year it is more like leaving the Orange Bowl last year, singing the fight song and beer song all the way to the car and for the next 30 minutes.
dude I don't know what to tell you if 3.4 yards a carry is successful then I can't reason with you. The tendency when your playing from behind is to pass the ball to extend the game and get big chunks of yards. if you rush 4 yards a carry you'll take 8 minutes off the clock and if you don't score your screwed. I love me some Coker, I'm just saying I don't think running the ball a lil more fixes everything. Who knows maybe the coaches were afraid the true freshmen would fumble the ball if he got it 30 times. OH wait.....
I'm not callign for kirk to get fired but I just wish he would own it - admit that we should have been good this year. Everytime I listen to him talk I just can't read it - sometimes it really comes across as arrogance and ego - that anyone dare not critcize him or what he does.

Head up kirk you are not perfect, and it might be a better strategy to be honest then defensive.

This defensive posture does not represent mental toughness in any way shape or form
I get what you are saying, and no, I don't consider 3.4 yards a carry successful. But like I mentioned, Coker averaged a yard more than that a carry, the team average was weighted down by losses on sacks and on those terrible reverse calls (still not a great average but . Yet, why can we not run the ball against terrible teams? Is Coker not good enough for us to break down the defense? I know we were down 10-0 before we even had the ball, but did we not think it was possible for us to gain control and get back in the game at that point?
yeah it's hard to run the ball when your losing, just cause your literally shortening the game. I also believe the coaches just flat out had faith in Stanzi this year, especially since he wasn't turning the ballover. And I really can't hate on them to try to have their 3rd year starting SR QB win it. Rather then trying to comeback grinding it out with their true freshmen RB. Just Stanzi went 10/22 and seriously we just didn't have the ball that much 27 run plays 22 passes 49 offensive plays isn't many offensive plays. Comparison NW had like 65 in the second half against us.
I'm not callign for kirk to get fired but I just wish he would own it - admit that we should have been good this year. Everytime I listen to him talk I just can't read it - sometimes it really comes across as arrogance and ego - that anyone dare not critcize him or what he does.

Head up kirk you are not perfect, and it might be a better strategy to be honest then defensive.

This defensive posture does not represent mental toughness in any way shape or form
It's funny, cuz I've seen lots of people say they hate BB for his arrogance. And I'm thinking, "Having your agent extort money every spring isn't born of arrogance?"

I promise you this. KF believes with every cell in his body he is worth every penny of 3.7mil (factor in the private jet, C.O.L. raises and other perks and it's over 4mil/yr) tied to a lifetime contract.
So very weird to see the same staff which is in a league by itself when it comes to player development, struggle to actually coach a complete game (making changes when needed, etc)

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