At some point, the lack of leadership and execution has to come down on KF


Well-Known Member
He can't keep this NFl mentality forever. At some point, the buck stops with him. Lack of leadership is HIS FAULT. Lack of execution is not his fault directly, but are you putting YOUR PLAYERS in the best posible situation to succeed?
I love Kirk Ferentz and I love Iowa Football but he's the CEO and the responsiblity falls on him.
It shouldn't even be "at some point." The buck ALWAYS stops with him and always should. I'm sorry, but when you make nearly 4 million to win games, then you are going to be held to a high(er) standard. Most of us will never sniff 1 million dollars in our lifetimes. And that money is paid by taxpayers. KF is answerable to all of us... sorry but he is. And if he can't accept the responsibility of the position and take the blame for poor seasons like this, then he is in the wrong line of work.
At no point will it come down on him. He gets paid too much money for us to ever fire him and therefore he knows he doesn't have to change a thing in the program if he doesn't want to. All we can hope for is a cycle of success and disappointment. I can live with this season if we have a BCS game every 7 years and 3 co big 10 championships every decade. It doesn't make it any less frustrating this season though
That money is paid by football revenue. But that is neither here nor there I tend to agree, Kirk needs to take a long look in the mirror this off season.
It shouldn't even be "at some point." The buck ALWAYS stops with him and always should. I'm sorry, but when you make nearly 4 million to win games, then you are going to be held to a high(er) standard. Most of us will never sniff 1 million dollars in our lifetimes. And that money is paid by taxpayers. KF is answerable to all of us... sorry but he is. And if he can't accept the responsibility of the position and take the blame for poor seasons like this, then he is in the wrong line of work.

It amazes me how many times people are told this is untrue and people still say it.
Well, TECHNICALLY, his salary is paid by taxpayer dollars. I mean I'm assuming that most everyone who goes to the games is a tax-paying American citizen, right? If you're not, then the Americanzi will kick your a** outta here!!!!:D
You are right, his salary is paid by football revenue. He is a state employee. He is a government employee. He is the #1 highest paid public employee in the state of Iowa. That revenue is generated TOWARDS a public institution and is the "property" of that institution. That money is the UI's to dish out. The UI is a public institution. You and I are members of the public... a public that the UI and many other institutions are, in many ways, beholden to.

My point is still the same...
You are right, his salary is paid by football revenue. He is a state employee. He is a government employee. He is the #1 highest paid public employee in the state of Iowa. That revenue is generated TOWARDS a public institution and is the "property" of that institution. That money is the UI's to dish out. The UI is a public institution. You and I are members of the public... a public that the UI and many other institutions are, in many ways, beholden to.

My point is still the same...

and you are still dead wrong...... the dumb just drips off of you!
LOL, calm down their tx don't let the dbag in you out... :)

Though it is kind of funny when it's directed at some one else. LOL

I know right? the only thing i wish KF would do is get a TSA pat down to see if he's got nuts, that guy needs to get a lesson in inspiration.
He can't keep this NFl mentality forever. At some point, the buck stops with him. Lack of leadership is HIS FAULT. Lack of execution is not his fault directly, but are you putting YOUR PLAYERS in the best posible situation to succeed?

Quite the opposite. Ferentz very much comes across as an educator. And, as a teacher, I'm impressed by how he places such emphasis on fundamentals and execution.

It can end up hurting us some years ... but it also helps players develop to the extent where they become "NFL ready." Furthermore, it helps the program develop to the extent where we haven't lost a game by more than a score for many years.

If you have an issue with Ferentz and Co, one of the bigger ones I see is that he and the staff need to go back to the drawing board when it comes to expectation and managing expectation. They have the players well versed in how to say the right thing ... but the message quite obviously isn't fully getting communicated.

I think that part of it might also be attributable to motivation.

Ferentz and Co are EXCELLENT teachers, VERY strong when it comes to strategy, ... however, I'm not so sure about how they stand as motivators.

Anyhow, I just thought that I'd chime in a different perspective ....
Quite the opposite. Ferentz very much comes across as an educator. And, as a teacher, I'm impressed by how he places such emphasis on fundamentals and execution.

It can end up hurting us some years ... but it also helps players develop to the extent where they become "NFL ready." Furthermore, it helps the program develop to the extent where we haven't lost a game by more than a score for many years.

If you have an issue with Ferentz and Co, one of the bigger ones I see is that he and the staff need to go back to the drawing board when it comes to expectation and managing expectation. They have the players well versed in how to say the right thing ... but the message quite obviously isn't fully getting communicated.

I think that part of it might also be attributable to motivation.

Ferentz and Co are EXCELLENT teachers, VERY strong when it comes to strategy, ... however, I'm not so sure about how they stand as motivators.

Anyhow, I just thought that I'd chime in a different perspective ....

He does do a great job of teaching and emphasising execution, which is why we've developed a lot of NFL players. But the OP's point was that eventually, the lack of execution has to fall at KF's feet. Not totally sure about that (though I lean in that direction).
Quite the opposite. Ferentz very much comes across as an educator. And, as a teacher, I'm impressed by how he places such emphasis on fundamentals and execution.

It can end up hurting us some years ... but it also helps players develop to the extent where they become "NFL ready." Furthermore, it helps the program develop to the extent where we haven't lost a game by more than a score for many years.

If you have an issue with Ferentz and Co, one of the bigger ones I see is that he and the staff need to go back to the drawing board when it comes to expectation and managing expectation. They have the players well versed in how to say the right thing ... but the message quite obviously isn't fully getting communicated.

I think that part of it might also be attributable to motivation.

Ferentz and Co are EXCELLENT teachers, VERY strong when it comes to strategy, ... however, I'm not so sure about how they stand as motivators.

Anyhow, I just thought that I'd chime in a different perspective ....

I am sorry, but I don't give a rats behind how "NFL ready" our players are. I don't pay to see NFL ready talent go 7-5 to guys from Northwestern and Minnesota that will be working at McDonalds in 6 months. I expect our coach to have us win college football games. If he is just trying to make solid citizens, pay him $30k a year and let him go work for an Iowa high school district. At what he is making, he needs to win games and he needs to win them convincingly against mediocre opponents. This year was a real chance to step up and show that we could be a national player 2 consecutive years, and we laid a big cold egg.
Something has to be done. Every team can see us coming a mile away and thus we have to play PERFECT in order to win games.
I am sorry, but I don't give a rats behind how "NFL ready" our players are. I don't pay to see NFL ready talent go 7-5 to guys from Northwestern and Minnesota that will be working at McDonalds in 6 months. I expect our coach to have us win college football games. If he is just trying to make solid citizens, pay him $30k a year and let him go work for an Iowa high school district. At what he is making, he needs to win games and he needs to win them convincingly against mediocre opponents. This year was a real chance to step up and show that we could be a national player 2 consecutive years, and we laid a big cold egg.

Tell that to Mac Brown and Urban Meyer.

The collapse at Texas was almost exclusively due to how the team quit on eachother. You can certainly play the "blame card" on the coaches to some degree ... however, at some point, you just have to check it off as a bad season and look forward to the next one.

If it were easy to control the psychology of a group of people (let alone, football players) ... then the world wouldn't be facing nearly as many problems as it does.

While Iowa fought hard through last week ... Minnesota's fast start was the punch in the gut that our squad wasn't resilient enough to endure.
He can't keep this NFl mentality forever. At some point, the buck stops with him. Lack of leadership is HIS FAULT. Lack of execution is not his fault directly, but are you putting YOUR PLAYERS in the best posible situation to succeed?
If KF sees KOK as worthy of his position and refuses to remove him - then KF becomes the problem.

No one wants to talk about how KOK had to convince KF to replace Jake with Ricky. If KF can't see something as simple as Jake's limitations, then he needs to find a school that doesn't mind paying 3.7m for OJT
Tell that to Mac Brown and Urban Meyer.

The collapse at Texas was almost exclusively due to how the team quit on eachother. You can certainly play the "blame card" on the coaches to some degree ... however, at some point, you just have to check it off as a bad season and look forward to the next one.

If it were easy to control the psychology of a group of people (let alone, football players) ... then the world wouldn't be facing nearly as many problems as it does.

While Iowa fought hard through last week ... Minnesota's fast start was the punch in the gut that our squad wasn't resilient enough to endure.

I hope that was sarcasm because I got a good laugh out of it.
I am sorry, but I don't give a rats behind how "NFL ready" our players are. I don't pay to see NFL ready talent go 7-5 to guys from Northwestern and Minnesota that will be working at McDonalds in 6 months. I expect our coach to have us win college football games. If he is just trying to make solid citizens, pay him $30k a year and let him go work for an Iowa high school district. At what he is making, he needs to win games and he needs to win them convincingly against mediocre opponents. This year was a real chance to step up and show that we could be a national player 2 consecutive years, and we laid a big cold egg.

bighawkeyedaddy, i bet you play a lot off simple games like checkers if you think it is as easy as that. Granted we have given KF tons of latitude- but this is decade 2 and we are still laying the foundation of NFL ladened talent. You cannot get NFL talent at Iowa unless you have a proven product. Now that the '02/'03 players are reaching their peak performances in the NFL, and have many players competing for a starting position. i know that you have seen the stats of NFL players here at Iowa; the michigans', OSU's, & USC's of the world have had the groundwork already done for them with years of sustained success in order to get the talent that produces championships. This is as systematic of an approach to building a dynasty in College football.

"good things to those that wait" - Wait for 2011-2020 and I would be willing to wager that we have 5 or 6 Big Ten Championship game appearances with 3 or 4 wins; and it may seem sacrilegious to say now but we will play for all the marbles in the next 3-4 years. watch....

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