Assistant coaches B.S.


Well-Known Member
Let's put it to rest.

The only problem that we have with assistant coaches not having been hired yet is that some people think that it is hindering our ability to do what Caff wants to do.

Perhaps he has decided that any recruiting that will be done this year will be accomplished by him, Francis, and anyone else that he might hire that we don't know about but that he has a good idea on who the coach will be.

Give it a rest people. I don't wear black and gold glasses, but I can read between the lines.
I think Caff has targeted his guys he wants, he is just allowing them to make all their changes and see if Iowa is where they want to be. I have heard rumors of several interviews, but nothing set in stone yet.

Also caff has been recruiting like crazy, so i doubt he has hardly anytime to be looking and waiting around for assistant coaches. I am sure after the spring signing period is done, he will focus more on the whole coaching issue.
Let's put it to rest.

The only problem that we have with assistant coaches not having been hired yet is that some people think that it is hindering our ability to do what Caff wants to do.

Perhaps he has decided that any recruiting that will be done this year will be accomplished by him, Francis, and anyone else that he might hire that we don't know about but that he has a good idea on who the coach will be.

Give it a rest people. I don't wear black and gold glasses, but I can read between the lines.

I have a feeling he's taking his time because he wants a top notch staff and is doing a thorough job of interviewing. He is setting the course for the future and not just filling slots, either for players or coaches, but is actually putting a plan together. These assistants are not going to be rookies so right now they are working for the college they are at. After colleges have signed their roster then Fran will be actually hiring. But he is allowing those other colleges to fill their rosters instead of having those teams go without assistants right now. And I am sure than Fran and Coach Francis know who they are targeting for this class and the full staff will be available soon to go after the next class.

IOWA basketball right now is like a new business venture, and the CEO of that business is trying to get the best people around him that he can. Not just "yes men", or his dad, or his son as a grad assistant/stat guy, or his ex-players, or just a one-system guy, but actual seasoned coaches that can teach, coach, and recruit.
The players Iowa can get this spring will not save the program or turn it around next year. I want Fran to take his time and do things how he wants to do them.
The players Iowa can get this spring will not save the program or turn it around next year. I want Fran to take his time and do things how he wants to do them.

I am sorry, but I just don't agree. I feel very strongly that FM will hire an assistant coach and the PG that will in fact start the turn around will sign shortly thereafter. Believe it or not guys, there are good players out there that have not signed LOI's, or that will become available as Spring shakes out. Also, there are coaches that are currently not employed that have very strong contacts with JC's, AAU, and the Prep Schools.

FM knows he needs a midwest recruiter. Everyone has told him this, particularly Van.

Just keep thinking, Kenny Hasbrouck, Kenny Hasbrouck...
I was just thinking it was a little odd that we don't have at least one more assistant on board, but it certainly doesn't concern or alarm me. Let's face it, Fran seems to be everywhere, doing everything, talking to anybody and everybody. While I'm sure he's given a lot of thougt to who his assistants are going to be, he just hasn't had the time to make things formal.
I remember when Coach Ferentz started, he seemed to take forever in putting his staff together. Yes, it would be nice to have everything in place, but these are hopefully long term decisions that deserve some time and effort. And it's not like Coach McCaffery is letting an incomplete staff slow down recruiting activity. I like his approach.
Any assistant hired now is not going to go out and get a recruit. He has to already have that recruit, or have such tight connections that it will be a quickly done deal.
The Forbes magic didn't work this time. Tenn. board said he was the last coach to speak to Shelby before he committed to Kansas.
The Forbes magic didn't work this time. Tenn. board said he was the last coach to speak to Shelby before he committed to Kansas.

The Forbes magic was way overblown on this site. There was a lot of spin being run by a few people who had a personal interest in the situation. Others picked that up.
Selby going to KU had nothing to do with Forbes. He was basically the only thing about Tennessee that Selby liked.

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