Article...The End is near for Ferentz

Another point to consider boys & girls: The U is just now starting a search for a new prez. It would be tough to hire an outstanding coach until the new administration is in place. It is reasonable to expect any outstanding coaching candidate to have concerns about who will be his boss and what is the philosophy of the institution's prez. Iowa probably looks unstable to an outsider at this particular time. Unless the wheels fall completely off the wagon, I hope Kirk stays until a new prez is in place and the athletic department gets on more stable footing.
I don’t want to see a Bobby Bowden situation here with KF. I want to see him go out on his own terms and on top. Now whether BF will follow his dad as coach is still uncertain. Just depends how far Iowa can put the racial bias situation in the rear view mirror. I don’t think BF looks like the successor at the moment. Now should the worse case scenario plays out ( which I hope doesn’t happen), a coach that I would be very high on hiring would be Luke Fickell of Cincinnati (if he is still available.) He was by-passed as an Ohio St. coaching hiring when they went with Ryan Day. He has recruiting ties to the state of Ohio, and would have Michigan, Ohio St., and Penn St. circled on the calendar when they are on our schedule. We would would also keep the head coaching legacy in tact with hiring coaches whose last name starts with “F.” LOL! Longevity of Iowa coaches has to be a big plus for any coach is a big plus. Hiring Bob Stoops could be a pipe dream, his brother Mark Stoops would have to get a long look. But a younger coach like Fickell could be the ultimate hire here.
Well t
The statute of limitations on grievances of that nature is perpetual, so it won't matter how far in the past it is.
The situation at MSU is still lingering, but look how fast Penn St. recovered from its scandal. Both cases are far worse than anything going on at Iowa. At least Iowa is in the midst of making changes and that’s a positive. I don’t put much merit in the players lawsuit, they are just looking for a payday. You must also remember that people have short memories if you start winning. I think Iowa is actually in a good place right now and going forward despite some people trying their hardest to keep it going.
I don’t want to see a Bobby Bowden situation here with KF. I want to see him go out on his own terms and on top. Now whether BF will follow his dad as coach is still uncertain. Just depends how far Iowa can put the racial bias situation in the rear view mirror. I don’t think BF looks like the successor at the moment. Now should the worse case scenario plays out ( which I hope doesn’t happen), a coach that I would be very high on hiring would be Luke Fickell of Cincinnati (if he is still available.) He was by-passed as an Ohio St. coaching hiring when they went with Ryan Day. He has recruiting ties to the state of Ohio, and would have Michigan, Ohio St., and Penn St. circled on the calendar when they are on our schedule. We would would also keep the head coaching legacy in tact with hiring coaches whose last name starts with “F.” LOL! Longevity of Iowa coaches has to be a big plus for any coach is a big plus. Hiring Bob Stoops could be a pipe dream, his brother Mark Stoops would have to get a long look. But a younger coach like Fickell could be the ultimate hire here.

Brian might not be the next head coach

He might remain in his current position, but that remains to be seen when TheCaptain decides to retire


Brian will have absolutely have no difficulty getting another position if he doesn't stay with the Hawkeyes

Mere idle speculation

Nothing else

Does anyone think Brian is really gonna stay as the OC when KF retires if say after this season or next? No chance. I wouldn't be so sure Parker would keep BF on if he was given the job (which I don't think would happen) BF will either land a HC gig at a smaller school somewhere or as an OC most likely to attempt to build up his resume more which if he's ever going to be a HC at a D1 gig he clearly needs more of. Iowa was his best shot at that in the short term but with his name having been ran through the mud and not doing so hot on the field recently that doesn't lend itself to landing a cushy HC anywhere really.

If KF steps down after this yr or the next (I think after next is a possibility way more so then after this one) Iowa is going outside the box on searching. I don't think it'll be a Stoops. I'm not sure where they'll look but I'm scared shitless it'll be a bad hire though. I have no faith in Barta. Was really hoping KF would outlast him but it's not looking like it.
Does anyone think Brian is really gonna stay as the OC when KF retires if say after this season or next? No chance. I wouldn't be so sure Parker would keep BF on if he was given the job (which I don't think would happen) BF will either land a HC gig at a smaller school somewhere or as an OC most likely to attempt to build up his resume more which if he's ever going to be a HC at a D1 gig he clearly needs more of. Iowa was his best shot at that in the short term but with his name having been ran through the mud and not doing so hot on the field recently that doesn't lend itself to landing a cushy HC anywhere really.

If KF steps down after this yr or the next (I think after next is a possibility way more so then after this one) Iowa is going outside the box on searching. I don't think it'll be a Stoops. I'm not sure where they'll look but I'm scared shitless it'll be a bad hire though. I have no faith in Barta. Was really hoping KF would outlast him but it's not looking like it.
I am all in trying to convince Chris Klieman that the Iowa job is a step up from the KSU gig. He just seems like the right dude, right time, right fit sorta guy.
Another point to consider boys & girls: The U is just now starting a search for a new prez. It would be tough to hire an outstanding coach until the new administration is in place. It is reasonable to expect any outstanding coaching candidate to have concerns about who will be his boss and what is the philosophy of the institution's prez. Iowa probably looks unstable to an outsider at this particular time. Unless the wheels fall completely off the wagon, I hope Kirk stays until a new prez is in place and the athletic department gets on more stable footing.
The only university president going back to the immortal James O Freedman who gave two shits about athletics was Hunter Rawlings, and he brought a whole different set of problems with him.
And regardless of what our record is this year, anybody with a brain knows it's an exhibition/asterisk year.
Nothing more.
Final records this year in college FB aren't going to move the needle much.
I agree with most everything you said, except the part about Doyle being a diversion in the scandal. I think he WAS the scandal. He clearly was a problem and he was let go for it. The only issue remaining is that KF and BF were at the center of that culture, and condoned it. So I guess in that sense, Doyle was a convenient resolution to the problem...except that he was the problem for the most part.

This guy is completely, 100%, certifiably full of shit. He's a hack B1G "writer" who knows nothing about the program and just needs to get his click quoita for the month. He says, "the university" as if there's some sort of authority Ferentz has to pay tithing to.

Kurt Ferentz will be the Iowa football coach as long as he wants. The people who decide if he's the coach are donors...and they LOVE Kurt.

Barta doesn't decide, and Harreld doesn't decide. The Paca family, the Rastetters, the Jacobsen family, and a bunch of other million and billionaires do. They love Ferentz and they love having a coach who (in their eyes) is scandal-free and the ultimate image of wholesomeness. Have there been scandals? Yep. But Barta and Doyle and others get paid handsomely to divert the attention.

Harreld isn't going to get rid of him. Hell, who do you think got Harreld in office for god's sake??? Bruce Rastetter did. Harreld isn't an educator or administrator or anything remotely close to that. Harreld is a businessman only, who knows how to make money. And Kurk makes money.

He ain't going anywhere till he decides to leave. What a joke of an articl
Getting rid of Barta would have zero to do with getting rid of Ferentz if that's what you mean.

Barta couldn't get rid of Kerk if he tried. There are a whole bunch of people and families donating way more than Barta's yearly salary every year who love him. Those people also got Harreld appointed as president.

Barta is there to be the scapegoat when things go wrong, take pictures at fundraisers, and manage golf, somersault club, and pool jumping. Nothing more. The guy's a court jester and whipping boy.


sitting here at work trying not to bust up laughing .
You know what I am laughing about. I wish Kerm would just retire. ROFLMAO!!!!!!

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