Are users getting virus messages here?

I am considering an alternative to google adsense, if we find that some of these malware issues are related to ads they are servicing. That has happened in the past on other sites and I am looking into it.
I'm using firefox and have no problems here. Just tried to go to CF, and right away my avast stopped it, Malware warning.
Jon, FWIW, I've had the same virus pop up twice in the last 2 days, but only when I click on a link from the Facebook page...
I got three virus warnings tonight. I was trying to reply to the thread about the potential divisions in the new 12-team Big 10. I run malwarebytes and microsoft security essentials.
I have no problem logging on to the 'forums' page, but when I try to log on when viewing the 'home' page, an instant popup-virus announcement appears. One problem could be that the top 'banner ad' of your site runs across the password area of my logon, and I have to try to type "through" it, to log on. Also the term "My Cpanel" appears where my user name should appear, once I'm logged on. I hope this is helpful to your IE people. Or, it could just be Dace or Howe f**ing with you. :)
Jon, I was using my daughters Windows 7, IE8, with AVG antivirus at 3:27 pm on Thursday 8-19-10 when I got two virus messages. One was a trojanhorse warning for a virus called SpoilerA.
I use Firefox and I haven't gotten anything from here, but I did get hijacked by multiple viruses when I clicked on a link to CF on Wednesday.
Jon, i've gotten tagged with a bunch of virus messages.

9/13/2010 10:51:11 TROJ_JAVA.BA Scanned by DCS DCS Cleaned successfully
9/13/2010 10:51:11 TROJ_JAVA.BG Scanned by DCS DCS Cleaned successfully
9/13/2010 10:51:10 TROJ_JAVA.AZ Scanned by DCS DCS Cleaned successfully
9/13/2010 10:51:10 TROJ_JAVA.BA Scanned by DCS DCS Cleaned successfully
9/13/2010 10:51:09 TROJ_JAVA.BG Scanned by DCS DCS Cleaned successfully
9/13/2010 10:51:09 TROJ_JAVA.AZ Scanned by DCS DCS Cleaned successfully
9/13/2010 10:51:08 TROJ_JAVA.BA Scanned by DCS DCS Cleaned successfully
9/13/2010 10:51:08 TROJ_JAVA.BG Scanned by DCS DCS Cleaned successfully
9/13/2010 10:51:07 TROJ_JAVA.AZ Scanned by DCS DCS Cleaned successfully
9/13/2010 10:51:07 TROJ_JAVA.BA Scanned by DCS DCS Cleaned successfully
9/13/2010 10:51:06 TROJ_JAVA.BG Scanned by DCS DCS Cleaned successfully
9/13/2010 10:51:05 TROJ_JAVA.AZ Scanned by DCS DCS Cleaned successfully
HTML_IFRAME.CRM - Description and solution
TROJ_JAVA.BA - Description and solution
TROJ_JAVA.BG - Description and solution
TROJ_JAVA.AZ - Description and solution
also had this a couple times last month. IE8. doesn't happen all the time though. got the messages just by viewing messageboards, not clicking any links.
Jon, i've gotten tagged with a bunch of virus messages.

9/13/2010 10:51:11 TROJ_JAVA.BA Scanned by DCS DCS Cleaned successfully
9/13/2010 10:51:11 TROJ_JAVA.BG Scanned by DCS DCS Cleaned successfully
9/13/2010 10:51:10 TROJ_JAVA.AZ Scanned by DCS DCS Cleaned successfully
9/13/2010 10:51:10 TROJ_JAVA.BA Scanned by DCS DCS Cleaned successfully
9/13/2010 10:51:09 TROJ_JAVA.BG Scanned by DCS DCS Cleaned successfully
9/13/2010 10:51:09 TROJ_JAVA.AZ Scanned by DCS DCS Cleaned successfully
9/13/2010 10:51:08 TROJ_JAVA.BA Scanned by DCS DCS Cleaned successfully
9/13/2010 10:51:08 TROJ_JAVA.BG Scanned by DCS DCS Cleaned successfully
9/13/2010 10:51:07 TROJ_JAVA.AZ Scanned by DCS DCS Cleaned successfully
9/13/2010 10:51:07 TROJ_JAVA.BA Scanned by DCS DCS Cleaned successfully
9/13/2010 10:51:06 TROJ_JAVA.BG Scanned by DCS DCS Cleaned successfully
9/13/2010 10:51:05 TROJ_JAVA.AZ Scanned by DCS DCS Cleaned successfully
HTML_IFRAME.CRM - Description and solution
TROJ_JAVA.BA - Description and solution
TROJ_JAVA.BG - Description and solution
TROJ_JAVA.AZ - Description and solution
also had this a couple times last month. IE8. doesn't happen all the time though. got the messages just by viewing messageboards, not clicking any links.

I have gotten the same thing. The past few days have been ok though.
Off and on when I hit the site my Trend Micro Officescan will indicate an issue. I think the last time I received one was last week, but again I will sometimes unload Officescan because of the issue.
I got some a few days ago but I was running an outdated version of IE. No problems since I upgraded.
i have to use IE 6 on my work laptop with Symantec. it went crazy last night blocking trojan horses.
I use IE8 at both home and work. At work, we use a pretty stiff McAfee package, and about 10% of the time the entire site is blocked due to 'malicouse content' or something like that.

At home, I use avast. Every time I go to the main page from any other page, I get a spyware pop up and it blocks it. I can send the exact message later if you'd like.

In general, I try not to log in from home to be safe, since I go cheap on the virus protection.
We are considering changing our host provider, as we feel this could be an area where these occurrences could stem from. It's interesting to note that the 'cheaper' virus protection software programs are the ones that pop up with this, especially on outdated versions of IE.

I have run virus scans on every one of the four PC's I use at work, and there is nothing on them...nor on my three different PC's I use at home.

That being said, we have had reasons to look into a different host provider and this might just be the right time to make the move. If we do it, I think the weekend of the bye week will be the best time.

Thanks for the feedback.
Jon, i'm in a corporate environment, not using the "cheap" consumer software. Worry-Free Business Security<br>Advanced and Standard 6.0 - Trend Micro USA

I'm not using an outdated version of IE, everything is updated. I can do a virus scan and everything will come out clean. The strange thing is it has been random hits. I think it's happened 3 times in the last three months. I'll be on a page and then, boom. Normally i browse the site with no issuses at all. That's why it is difficult to troubleshoot. If i get hit again i'll try to document everything (what page i'm on, what ads are showing on the page). Maybe one of the ads could be causing it.
So, I just logged into the site this morning, and doing my usual scan through each subforum, and when I hit the General College Football subforum, I got this:

"Reported Attack Page!

This web page at Hawkeye Nation has been reported as an attack page and has been blocked based on your security preferences.

Attack pages try to install programs that steal private information, use your computer to attack others, or damage your system.

Some attack pages intentionally distribute harmful software, but many are compromised without the knowledge or permission of their owners."

This happened only with the General College Football subforum; no problems with the rest.