Apparently There Is No F'ing 3 Second Rule Anymore......Geeesus!

Jeepers krist. Can Kofi Cockburn be in the lane any longer than he is. He literally goes down on the offensive possession and is the lane THE ENTIRE TIME ON EVERY POSSESSION!! Is this not a rule anymore! Holy shit. It's bad.
My kid’s freshman teammate got it called in him 3 times in a row tonight. I think high school refs are just bored sometime.
I mean I'm fine with a very long 3 seconds or even 4 but if a player is not even trying to move a bit It's gotta get called to keep the integrity of the game a bit. I mean it was bad. He'd just stand there and pivot around to face the ball.

If he actually had to move around more to leave lane on occasion he wouldn't be as effective. It'd take him out of his game a little bit. Then he's right there to get missed rebounds and put backs.
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Glad I'm not the only one that noticed that.. Pretty much every possession they had (the ones they crossed half court with anyway) he was camped in there 5 plus seconds. I guess the 4 seconds before he gets the ball doesn't count
My kid’s freshman teammate got it called in him 3 times in a row tonight. I think high school refs are just bored sometime.

Yea, they think because they have a whistle in their mouth, they have to become part of the game sometimes. Annoying.
That just isn't called any more, when a guy is 7' 285 letting him camp in the lane is just too much of an advantage. It's been this way for a while just like over the back is almost never called anymore as well. Kofi and the freshman basically mauled any Hawkeye that had them blocked out and just took the ball away. Refs just looked on.
Not just that. No home court advantage anymore as far as officiating it seems. Kofi can just go on the road and pretty much do what he wants. Either a little bit of home edge or call it straight. What's with allowing road teams to do things that give them an advantage?
It's been this way for a while just like over the back is almost never called anymore as well.
“Over the back” is not a thing. That’s like when people in baseball say, “tie goes to the runner.” There is absolutely no rule in baseball that says that whatsoever…doesn’t exist. He’s either safe or out.

Just like “over the back” does not exist in basketball.
Not only is he camping there at least 5/6 seconds and more

After the shot is released he stays right in front of the rim

Long term parking to be in perfect place for the rebound

Really difficult to move him away

Probably needed more of the London Lad Ogy
“Over the back” is not a thing. That’s like when people in baseball say, “tie goes to the runner.” There is absolutely no rule in baseball that says that whatsoever…doesn’t exist. He’s either safe or out.

Just like “over the back” does not exist in basketball.
Yes, it is not in the rule book. But it is real as a term have coined for that type of foul to differentiate. Has to be a foul though but it is just a foul. A foul we call by a name to quickly describe it. Same with reach in. Not a rule book foul named that but a descriptor. Helps on a radio call to show a guy reached in and committed a foul or he went over a guys back and perhaps came down on him committing a foul.

Then as usual people get lazy later on just say reach in foul and behind the back foul. Not a foul to do either thing but while going over or reaching in you can commit a foul. :)