Anyone hearing anything about Sienna search?


Well-Known Member
Their decision will have a direct impact on our staff. With the carousel in full bore, things are getting a little more fuzzy. Where is our Sienna poster?
Their decision will have a direct impact on our staff. With the carousel in full bore, things are getting a little more fuzzy. Where is our Sienna poster?

Here's a Sienna poster. Is this what you're looking for?

They are dragging their feet on purpose to make sure every quality assistant is hired before Iowa can put together a staff. Those Catholics can hold a grudge.
The Sienna search is over--I just talked to my Toyota dealer, and he set me up! It's a great minivan.

If you're looking for a Sienna poster, here's one you can print out...
I'm just waiting for my lucking day when my van decides to take me on a 90mph joyride through southeast Iowa. Luckily, there are very few stop signs or stoplights where I live.

Everyone said Sienna was uptempo and liked to run . . . .
Their decision will have a direct impact on our staff. With the carousel in full bore, things are getting a little more fuzzy. Where is our Sienna poster?
A great many of your fellow Americans, including some Iowans, have already done the searching for you

It will help if you spell the name correctly as Siena, but even misspelled you can find your way to the heart of Tuscany, where Siena aintains all its charm, architecture, cuisine, and medieval heritage that makes it the place in Italy that you do not wish to miss. One you visit, you won't be content until you get back.

The center-piece of Siena's heritage is St Catherine of Siena, Italy's patron saint. One of the most influential figures of the early Renaissance, and one of the notable women of history (who doesn't get much press any more because she doesn't fit the feminist image, had other kinds of policitcal skills & savvy).

Siena College in Loundonville, NY, outside Albany, a Franciscan school, was NOT named in honor of St Catherine...different order.
A great many of your fellow Americans, including some Iowans, have already done the searching for you

It will help if you spell the name correctly as Siena, but even misspelled you can find your way to the heart of Tuscany, where Siena aintains all its charm, architecture, cuisine, and medieval heritage that makes it the place in Italy that you do not wish to miss. One you visit, you won't be content until you get back.

The center-piece of Siena's heritage is St Catherine of Siena, Italy's patron saint. One of the most influential figures of the early Renaissance, and one of the notable women of history (who doesn't get much press any more because she doesn't fit the feminist image, had other kinds of policitcal skills & savvy).

Siena College in Loundonville, NY, outside Albany, a Franciscan school, was NOT named in honor of St Catherine...different order.
