Anyone else think ARob loses PT next year

Well, if the problem is truly his grades, then that probably did start before the concussions as most grades are cumulative. And if the problem is missing class, you can't attribute that to the concussion. Also, I just think that Coker will play more then Arob next year because he is better. And I doubt that all of Arob's problems just started this year, as I would guess that missing GT is probably not the first penalty for academic indigestion.
It's not even an issue of him having bad grades. Kirk said in the presser that Adam IS eligible, just hasn't cleaned up a few things. Now maybe the initial problem wasn't due to the concussions, but those injuries may have affected his ability to "clean them up".
I think a lot of people forget these are STUDENT athletes. So they're students first. I would imagine most of them have easier majors, or have no major per se, just go for a standard degree (if you can do that), so they can focus on their passion for football.

On that note I've heard Coker is an Astrophysics major. And based on that article that was posted a couple months ago about how his mother has shaped who he is, and taught him to be a good well rounded citizen and always work hard, I'd say that's a fitting major. But still I wonder how anyone can handle such a strict discipline, plus the rigors of playing Division I football.

Perhaps he is someone that can handle it, but if things start to get really difficult, I would imagine football would take a backseat to his education.
ARob is a good back. Not fantastic, but good. Also, when was the last time he fumbled the ball? He knows the playbook, and has proven to be a good, reliable running back. Sure, he's not quick and shifty, or huge and lumbering, but even without playing against Indiana, a quarter against tOSU, Minnesota, he was just 59 yards shy of a 1000yd season.
I think a lot of people forget these are STUDENT athletes. So they're students first. I would imagine most of them have easier majors, or have no major per se, just go for a standard degree (if you can do that), so they can focus on their passion for football.

On that note I've heard Coker is an Astrophysics major. And based on that article that was posted a couple months ago about how his mother has shaped who he is, and taught him to be a good well rounded citizen and always work hard, I'd say that's a fitting major. But still I wonder how anyone can handle such a strict discipline, plus the rigors of playing Division I football.

Perhaps he is someone that can handle it, but if things start to get really difficult, I would imagine football would take a backseat to his education.

Rolle from FSU a couple seasons ago was a Rhodes scholar and an All-American. It's rare but it happens.
Ruddock is also enrolling pre-med, I believe. Another reason why the chances of him decommiting were always VERY low.
ARob is a good back. Not fantastic, but good. Also, when was the last time he fumbled the ball? He knows the playbook, and has proven to be a good, reliable running back. Sure, he's not quick and shifty, or huge and lumbering, but even without playing against Indiana, a quarter against tOSU, Minnesota, he was just 59 yards shy of a 1000yd season.

A-Rob had a few fumbles that were fortunately recovered by us. Coker's fumble against MN is just more glaring because it happened at the worst possible time and the fact it happened in the open field.

Robinson does play with a lot of heart and I'll give him credit for filling in nicely. However, I think next year will be Coker's time. He wears down a defense and much like Shonn Greene they will get tired of tackling him, especially if he's getting to the 2nd/3rd level with a more experienced offensive line.

I think we may see Rogers tote the rock a little bit next year as well. Some of the quick hitters to Morse worked real well this year.
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I think that it is an interesting take, but I don't think that it is correct. If it is because his grades weren't up to snuff, that doesn't just happen in a week or two or three. That's a whole semester piling up on someone. It couldn't have been evident in the beginning of the semester because any grades weren't known yet. The MSU game was about when midterms came out, and you didn't see him playing after that because of the concussion and then not starting at OSU due to grades. I don't think the concussions are a direct correlation.
I agree with you farmer. I think it was something a long time coming. I know a couple whose son played football at Lincoln with A-rob, and said that they were surprised that he made it out of high school and now two seasons at Iowa. I guess we will see if he shows up in January?
I just figured ARob would have more discipline than what he has been showing lately! He appears to be great friends with Jewel, so hopefully ARob doesn't take a page out of his book!!
Hope I am wrong but I have a feeling he will leave the team. Things just went south for him very quickly at the end of the season. He has a lot to offer our team so I hope he doesn't leave. I personally would like to see him catch some more out of the slot.
I love the way he runs and his patience, but I don't see him holding off Coker next year. I see him as a 3rd down back next year.

Does anyone think that he is able to hold off Coker to not just be the number one but to be the featured back next year?

Really hard to say. Some have alluded to the two fumbles ARob had, although we recovered both. Coker, on the other hand, fumbled at "crunch" time...IN the open field...AFTER switching the ball to his other hand in anticipation of a hit...and STILL fumbled.

KF may, as some say, have a "long memory" about dog-house issues. He also has an insanely long memory about fumbles and other miscues.

Frankly, if Wegher had stayed and Jewel hadn't gotten injured, Coker probably would have been redshirted this season, especially in mlight of being injured in camp.

I think in defense of ALL our RBs, people have overlooked the loss of Bulaga PLUS the injuries that mounted up.

ARob is a lot better than many think. Still, this season, along with 2004, are all the proof we need that RB depth is crucial, and too often, lack thereof is pretty significant for our program.
Has anyone noticed that his "academic indigestion" only started happening after he suffered a couple concussions? He was doing just fine in class up to that point. To think the two are unrelated would be pretty foolish.

I thought of that, too.
Has anyone noticed that his "academic indigestion" only started happening after he suffered a couple concussions? He was doing just fine in class up to that point. To think the two are unrelated would be pretty foolish.

He was doing "just fine" in classes? Really? You have no idea if he was struggling or not. You have no idea how "fine" he was doing in classes. And if his concussions screwed his head up so bad then he should never have been cleared to come back to play - yet he was. Sorry, I think that is stretching.

Occum's Razor here. He was cleared to play, hence he was fine. His academic troubles are of his own making. Whether or not he comes back to the team and contributes is entirely up to him. And to be perfectly honest, we don't even know that it was an academic issue that caused his suspension in the first place. KF was intentionally vague about that point.
He was doing "just fine" in classes? Really? You have no idea if he was struggling or not. You have no idea how "fine" he was doing in classes. And if his concussions screwed his head up so bad then he should never have been cleared to come back to play - yet he was. Sorry, I think that is stretching.

Occum's Razor here. He was cleared to play, hence he was fine. His academic troubles are of his own making. Whether or not he comes back to the team and contributes is entirely up to him. And to be perfectly honest, we don't even know that it was an academic issue that caused his suspension in the first place. KF was intentionally vague about that point.

Considering that Ferentz flat out said in the presser that Adam is academically eligible, I think it's probably pretty safe to assume that he was doing alright in class. But that's just a logical train of thought, what relevance would that have?

Kirk also said on the suspension (or something to this effect): he just hasn't cleaned some things up, going back to the OSU game.

Now we can either assume that that means A-Rob's current suspension is because of academics, or we can assume that Kirk was lying a month ago. Which sounds more likely to you?
I think you answered your own question. He sat out the OSU game for something related to academics or classes. And now he is sitting out again because he didnt fix it. I don't know where the ferentz lie would be, and it still would seem that Arob is doing something that puts him in the doghouse. And it seems like you're arguing just that he is passing his classes. No one disputes that, and KF did say he was academically eligible(thus, passing). But, there clearly something academically he is doing that has got him suspended twice. Again, my contention is that he has been missing/skipping class.
I would agree my guess is he's skipping classes. Attending classes is overrated particularly if you are doing ok in the class. If he is a B or C in his classes and that's all he aspires toward more power to him. I know plenty of other Co-eds that do the same damn thing and don't have a major commitment to a sport in college yet can't seem to find the classroom.
I'm guessing after the bowl game Coker will be the #1 next year. With Arob #2 alternating series.

I'll do you one better and say he begins the season at #4. I see Coker (assuming he has a big bowl game) at #1, COE at #2 (he was the team's top RB recruit this year, after all, and said he wants to go somewhere he can play right away), and De'Andre Johnson at #3. It probably won't stay that way but I don't see KF giving ARob a spot on the two deeps for the first game unless someone gets hurt or someone just can't hold onto the ball. Kirk doesn't just give anybody PT. You have to earn it. And just like KF said Wegher would start at the bottom of the chart and have to work his way up, I figure ARob will too (especially because ARob's been suspended whereas Wegher took a LOA).

I'm intrigued about the potential of 3 POWER backs (even though De'Andre is short he runs with a lot of power and aggression) running behind that OL.

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