anyone else apathetic rather than angry?

I'm pretty pizzed off. This is a fat cat problem, a fat cat AD and a fat cat coach. I think they are just now beginning to understand the spot Iowa football is in. They are losing fans and support. Barta lived this with Lick and it is amazing that he is letting it all happen again. The changes that they have made by backing off the police and getting a better experience in the stadium are nice.....but it is too little to late I think. If this team wins 8 games or less, they are going to get KILLED on ticket sales next year. I was already thinking of no season tickets next year with how weak the home slate is. A disappointing year this year will seal that deal.
Angry, still very angry. And sad for the players.

- I like JR but we need to see both qbs getting reps in games. Without a vertical game (JR is a gamer but its either his confidence...or..gulp...coaching not going down field). Wrs as a group, need 12+ touches a game.

- Get back to running MW more until Canzeri can heal up and split carries. Neither Bullock or Daniels can see the cutback lane, MW doesn't have great vision but at least can pick up yards.

-KF may very well be the problem overall, but GD's "try everything" scheme sucks. Get back to "doing what you do".

I'm p!seed and exhausted.
A mixture of both. Certainly headed towards apathy. My plan is to stop watching the games live. I don't need to spend 3 hours torturing myself. Life is too short to be so affected by the offense we have to watch play out. I'll use the DVR and watch the game later if I choose to. During the game, I'll do something I know I will enjoy. Play golf. Hang out with my family.

I'm glad I live so far away and don't go to any games. If I were there on Saturday, I would plan to not return until the Hawkeye offense is at least somewhat fun to watch. It's so boring and predictably terrible.

Greg Davis needs to go AND KF needs to have no input on offensive philosophy and playcalling.
I can't be the only one.
I think the apathy is the result of KFs comfy secure contract that guarantees he is our coach for at leaSt another 3-4 years. We can all be disgusted ,but at the end of the day ,there is nothing that can be done to change the course of this program unless KF leaves. He is not leaving 4 mil a year. And he truly believes his way is the right way or the highway. BUT we can fire the idiot that got us in this situation. Bring in an AD with a pair to put pressure on KF.
Apathy set in a few years ago for me. Truth be told I didn't even watch the game on Saturday; I was pretty sure they would lose, was positive they would lose to either Ball St or ISU before the season started because that is how Ferentz rolls. Over the last few years I've often taken to DVRing the game then watching it later if they win. The games are so boring and aggravating I have a hard time watching them in real time. The loss didn't upset me in the least; I expected it and really have no expectations of excellence when it comes to Iowa football anymore. That won't change until Kirk finally graces us with his departure.
Will apathy turn into empty seats?
I turned down 3 free tickets with a parking pass for Saturday. Better things to do. Glad I stayed home and got some things done around the homestead.

Looks like saturdays are opening up again. No reason to kill the whole day to watch dog crap football. Boring offense and terrible personnel and game management. The Spanish teacher coaching JV at Hoover is a better Gameday coach than Kurt.
Definitely apathetic - will be angry if his successor isn't a good hire.

Still a Hawkeye and that won't change, but this team is a snoozer at this point.
Was angry....then in stage is apathy I assume. Will probably be there by year's end if/when we don't compete for a division crown with this pathetically easy schedule....
Football is supposed to be fun. No one is having fun. I sure as he*l am not, the fans at the game are clearly not, the players and coaches are not. I just want to have fun watching them play, be pleasantly surprised for once.
It's hard to say, don't want to watch the games because I know it'll be a boring poorly played game but it'll be so close I can't turn it off until the final horrible minutes.
Was angry, now apathetic. We will probably still have a good win, when we shouldn't, but I won't be elated. There'll be another bad loss around the corner.

I really don't remember a time more people have been this ticked for this long. It all started when we struggled to win the first game, not that UNI is that bad, but we should have covered the spread.
I don't care really anymore win or lose. Wins aren't that exciting and most feel undeserved. Loses just feel like par the course. I no longer watch games live, I DVR them and if they win I will watch the scoring drives and FF the rest. If they lose I just delete off the DVR. That's what I've come to.
Who else is so proud here? C'mon I know you're out there, get so proud! Let's get proud now! Let me hear you get your so proud out hawk fans! We can still win the BoneG and get to the playoffs! The Cyclowns didn't beat us it was the refs and the super bowl!

I think our coach beat us.
I think fed up is how I feel. KF is bringing players into this program and demanding they give their all but he doesn't demand that of himself anymore. Jon Miller said KF would go down as a legend. I think he will but with every passing year he is tarnishing his reputation.
I think a couple of the players need to stand up and rally the troops around them and decide we're going to win this year in spite of our coaches. If that doesn't happen I can see dissension creeping in before seasons end.
2010 was angry.
Since then, it's been apathetic, but I started to buy into a lot of the hype with the number of key returnees on offense.
After UNI, I'm thinking, we had a close in against them in 2009.
Ball State was a major head scratcher.
Losing to Iowa State for the NINTH time under Ferentz started to bring out the anger.

This season has the potential to go down like 2006 and 2010 and flame out the rest of the regular season.
I expect losses nowadays, especially this last Saturday, but it still pisses me off.

I feel bad for the players, because this coaching staff is just f'n pathetic. The effort is there, in my opinion, but so is the fear of making a mistake. Kirk doesn't put his players in a very good position to succeed.

Oh, and I love how Canzeri, Powell, and Willies sit on the bench mainly. That helps. And maybe someday Bullock will show why the coaching staff decides to keep giving him so many touches.
Question for the apathetic folks -- if you don't care, why visit and post in fan forums?

As for me, I was/am annoyed at the loss ... but I'll wait and see if it leads to a season-ruining downward spiral. If it does, I won't let it ruin my life, but i will be disappointed. We've lost to Iowa State with good teams, bad teams and decent teams. So i'll reserve judgment until we see if they can rebound (though, the team has not looked good so far). The conference is down, so we may not have the horrendous year some are predicting - of course, that means we will stick with the coaching staff that everyone seems to hate.

I have friends and family that are fans of ISU, Illinois, and purdue. I wouldn't trade places with them ... even with our predictable play and standard-issue bad loss (which somehow are still not expected).

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