anyone else apathetic rather than angry?

Who else is so proud here? C'mon I know you're out there, get so proud! Let's get proud now! Let me hear you get your so proud out hawk fans! We can still win the BoneG and get to the playoffs! The Cyclowns didn't beat us it was the refs and the super bowl!

Trolling so hard but it wont work if no 1 curr.
Question for the apathetic folks -- if you don't care, why visit and post in fan forums?

As for me, I was/am annoyed at the loss ... but I'll wait and see if it leads to a season-ruining downward spiral. If it does, I won't let it ruin my life, but i will be disappointed. We've lost to Iowa State with good teams, bad teams and decent teams. So i'll reserve judgment until we see if they can rebound (though, the team has not looked good so far). The conference is down, so we may not have the horrendous year some are predicting - of course, that means we will stick with the coaching staff that everyone seems to hate.

I have friends and family that are fans of ISU, Illinois, and purdue. I wouldn't trade places with them ... even with our predictable play and standard-issue bad loss (which somehow are still not expected).

This is what concerns me. We'll beat someone like Wisconsin or Nebraska and people will be posting "We Are Back!" threads and "KF teams always show improvement" threads and all will be well.

Iowa football hasn't looked like the "Iowa Football" we used to know for almost 5 years now.

I keep asking myself if Kirk is able to see that as well, or is he blind, ignorant and ridiculously stubborn?

If his method is the only way to win, then where are the wins? It's obvious that his philosophy and offensive schemes are NOT WORKING. We have been hearing about lack of execution since the day he got here. Perhaps the players can't execute because the system is too complicated for college or they aren't recruiting good enough players. Either way it falls on the coaches.

Kirks thinks he knows exactly how to win. The problem is that he isn't winning. Perhaps he needs to do some serious self-evaluating.
If my time is free, I'll watch the game, but I'm no longer going to make special arrangements to do so. Can't stand watching that offense and the waste of talent by Ferentz.
Iowa football hasn't looked like the "Iowa Football" we used to know for almost 5 years now.

I keep asking myself if Kirk is able to see that as well, or is he blind, ignorant and ridiculously stubborn?

If his method is the only way to win, then where are the wins? It's obvious that his philosophy and offensive schemes are NOT WORKING. We have been hearing about lack of execution since the day he got here. Perhaps the players can't execute because the system is too complicated for college or they aren't recruiting good enough players. Either way it falls on the coaches.

Kirks thinks he knows exactly how to win. The problem is that he isn't winning. Perhaps he needs to do some serious self-evaluating.

Pump the brakes, there. Everyone knows the time for self-evaluation, program review, tweaking, etc is after the season. Afterall, football is such a complicated game there can't possibly be any changes made in-season. In the meantime, just sit back, stay the course and take it like "the Gimp".
Forty-eight hours has done nothing to temper my anger over this loss (and, frankly, the way a supposedly talented, veteran team has played in three games this season). I have plenty of other priorities in my life higher than Iowa football but I do love the Hawks and it sickens me the way Kirk Ferentz squanders talent and games. Let's face it, the Greg Davis experiment has been a failure. Time to end it. But Kirk needs to go with him, even possibly Barta.
Agreed. This is a horrible team to watch, ZERO playmakers on the field. Three on the bench( CJ, Powell & Willis). Their offense is So boring, it's brutal to watch. Nice kids, but come on.

When CJ gets a start, I'll go out of my way to check him out, otherwise I know how this movie plays out and care not to make any extra effort to watch.

If my time is free, I'll watch the game, but I'm no longer going to make special arrangements to do so. Can't stand watching that offense and the waste of talent by Ferentz.
Apathy is right under the surface for me right now. I'm going to watch the games live cause that's what I do. I'm more in the frustration phase right now. I attended the practice scrimmage at Valley and saw things I really liked. Receivers jetting downfield and scoring big plays! Guys like Willies, Smith, Derrick Mitchell Jr., Andre Harris. They looked fast and very involved with the offense during the scrimmage. It was only a small glimpse, but it reinvigorated my excitement about the progression of the offense.......Then.....the season starts and the entire offense looks like 2012 all over again. I heard things like "Davis is going to be shifting all these receivers in and out of the game keeping fresh legs streaking all over the field" Have Mitchell Jr. and Andre Harris even seen the field? What was the point of going out and recruiting all these receivers? I fear that as the season progresses, guys like Smith and Willies will get frustrated with running wind sprints for 4 quarters and lose interest.
Forty-eight hours has done nothing to temper my anger over this loss (and, frankly, the way a supposedly talented, veteran team has played in three games this season). I have plenty of other priorities in my life higher than Iowa football but I do love the Hawks and it sickens me the way Kirk Ferentz squanders talent and games. Let's face it, the Greg Davis experiment has been a failure. Time to end it. But Kirk needs to go with him, even possibly Barta.

I had had pretty much reached my limit of Ferentz' approach to the game in the '09 season. Way too many close games for all the wrong reasons - unable or unwilling to go for the jugular when he had the opponent down and instead relying on a lucky bounce towards the end of the game.

Fast forward one year. I was at the Wisconsin game and Kinnick was as alive as it's ever been. I thought maybe I was wrong, that maybe the Ferentz way was the right way for Iowa football. Then as the fake punt unfolded I could feel my enthusiasm for Iowa football draining from my body. It hasn't returned yet nor have I been back to Kinnick since that day. The next time I'm at Kinnick someone other than Ferentz will be head coach.
Agreed. This is a horrible team to watch, ZERO playmakers on the field. Three on the bench( CJ, Powell & Willis). Their offense is So boring, it's brutal to watch. Nice kids, but come on.

When CJ gets a start, I'll go out of my way to check him out, otherwise I know how this movie plays out and care not to make any extra effort to watch.

I agree. We can watch them not play the best playmakers and get our 6-6 record maybe, with boring play or we can hope for KF to start CJ, play Willies more and give Canzeri at least 10 carries a game but I have the feeling that's never going to happen. KF must just pucker up when thinking about actually taking a chance and playing better albeit slightly more risky players.
I had had pretty much reached my limit of Ferentz' approach to the game in the '09 season. Way too many close games for all the wrong reasons - unable or unwilling to go for the jugular when he had the opponent down and instead relying on a lucky bounce towards the end of the game.

Fast forward one year. I was at the Wisconsin game and Kinnick was as alive as it's ever been. I thought maybe I was wrong, that maybe the Ferentz way was the right way for Iowa football. Then as the fake punt unfolded I could feel my enthusiasm for Iowa football draining from my body. It hasn't returned yet nor have I been back to Kinnick since that day. The next time I'm at Kinnick someone other than Ferentz will be head coach.

Wiscky 2010 did it for me as well bro

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