Well-Known Member
Ferentz does not talk about his internal punishment, so why should Lickliter??? Some just want to know what the punishment is, so they can decide if they have another reason to criticize the man or not???
It's not inevitable... that would make you an soothsayer, which I think is highly unlikely.
Could he let them down again? Absolutely. To say it's inevitable isn't true.
Tucker was 2nd in the team in scoring - that's bringing SOMETHING to the table.
Iowa is playing better, but that has more to do with a couple starting true freshmen getting more D1 experience and Fuller getting healed up. It's not because Tucker was gone - you have to look deeper than that.
I remember as a kid that a friend of mine got caught with a pack a cigarettes. So his dad made him smoke the whole pack right in front of him. Not a pretty sight. Needless to say, the kid didn't want to touch a cigarette again.
I'm sure Lickliter's punishment is sort of the same way.![]()
Are you implying that Lick made Tucker drinnk enough vodka to kill a horse then made him pummel a cabbie and his ride until his fists bled?
keep in mind that there are significant liability issues involved with player discipline.
The poster seems to be unaware of the federal legislation that binds coaches as well as other college administrators--and seems equally unaware of what U of Iowa policy-making and disciplinary procedures require..and allow.Lick has said repeatedly, as has Coach Ferentz in the past, that he has discretion to impose discipline above and beyond what the U. policy requires. That is very, very clear.
There are situations where an exception is warranted to the practice of keeping the nature of any discipline within the team. The more serious or repetitive the offense, the more merit there is in making it known what the consequences were. Among other things, it serves to help the people who support the program understand and buy into what the program stands for. I'm not equating Tucker's offenses with those of Pierre Pierce in terms of gravity, but do you think, for example, that the U. should have simply kept quiet about what Pierce's punishment (such as it was) would be?
Frankly I'd like to hear someone explain why it is that the "default rule" should be to keep discipline given by the team itself confidential when the discipline is given for a very public offense. If a kid screws up only on a team rule or in some other way internal to the team, that's one thing. If he does what Tucker has done twice, what is the harm of letting the public know whether and how any further dicpline is being imposed? It's simple public relations, and that's something this program needs to do a better job of in general. Are we afraid of embarrassing the kid? Why? You do the crime, you do the time.
Unless, of course, people within the program might be embarrassed at having to disclose that they really aren't administering any other discipline?
Whose time is Tucker going to take? Just John's or maybe some of Eric's or Aaron's? Will be interesting to see. And I'm betting on his reappearance in the Ohio State game.
He should be at the end of his lives. If he screws up again he needs to pack. Hopefully, if he messes up we have time to fill the roster. Love to add another 2011 recruit if he can't commit to the team.
He'll take that time, and little of Eric's. Fuller won't be affected by it. Tuck will really need to earn minutes if he expects to take them away from May.
Do you feel, as I do, that the minutes Tucker does take away from Eric will actually be to Eric's benefit. Eric works hard and hustles every second on the court. While he is in great shape, getting a blow from time to time will allow him to be just a step quicker late in games.
What are those issues? I'd be interested to know if a coach has ever been ordered by a court to play a kid he doesn't think belongs on the team. Of course, there's always a possibility of a lawsuit that has no merit and would be dismissed. The University deals with those from time to time as a cost of doing business.
A coach can administer discipline beyond what the University imposes, including the election simply not to have someone play. In addition, a scholarship is renewable at the election of the University for each academic year. Iowa coaches have elected not to renew players' scholarships on a number of occasions. There's no question they could choose to do that with Tucker at the end of this academic year if they wanted to.
iirc PP tried to sue the university to get back on the team. I'm pretty sure I didn't just make that up but could somebody verify this?