Another Gameday tradition dies - Myrtle Parking lot closed to general public.

You're never going to be able to control the flow of tickets. Giving them away "to put them into Hawkeye fans hands" will insure that "Hawkeye fans" make a profit scalping them to the other team.
I wasnt saying that. Dont be an azz. I know you couldnt do it with the IA St game, but I would rather see the program donate tickets (end zone type seats) to Hawk fans than have 10,000 fans from the other schools there. If you dont think next year Nebby fans will try and make that short trip, you are mistaken. I do realize when Nebby comes to town tickets will be of short supply. But you get the point.

You do realize we sell out most games, right? And you also realize that giving away tickets is a tactic only used by bottom scraping programs like Illinois and Northwestern, right? Why do you want to deprive the University of revenue again? Are you scared of the chants of the 2500 Northwestern fans?
Don't lump all of the endzone ticketholders together as a bunch of non-donating proles. We take two cars and I'm not about to double my donation amount just for an extra parking pass.

Hey just because you don't donate money to the university for those endzone seats doesn't mean there isn't alot of non-U donating going on! I donate about $140 in gas to and from each game, fast food places here and there, Hamburg Inn, occasional hotels, black and gold store, coffe stores, the occasional parking ticket, "contibutions" to the tailgate, the Hawk Shop, the various vendors at Fry Fest.....A season of football is not cheap especially if you go to every home game AND you're a lumpenprole!
Hey just because you don't donate money to the university for those endzone seats doesn't mean there isn't alot of non-U donating going on! I donate about $140 in gas to and from each game, fast food places here and there, Hamburg Inn, occasional hotels, black and gold store, coffe stores, the occasional parking ticket, "contibutions" to the tailgate, the Hawk Shop, the various vendors at Fry Fest.....A season of football is not cheap especially if you go to every home game AND you're a lumpenprole!

I understand completely. I just hate this stigma that endzoners don't donate. I'm not going to say what we donate just so I don't create a ******* match but we do donate. I actually like sitting in the north endzone and wouldn't move if offered.
I understand completely. I just hate this stigma that endzoners don't donate. I'm not going to say what we donate just so I don't create a ******* match but we do donate. I actually like sitting in the north endzone and wouldn't move if offered.
Thats my thought also. I would want seats right next to the 3,000 alloted.
Interesting. The school should cut ticket prices to $5 per seat per game. Then they should institute a means tested donation system so that the rich guys making over $50k a year have to donate at least 5% of their income in order to buy tickets. Then, those donations should be given to other Hawk fans of lesser means to help them buy gas and tailgating accessories to come to the games. That seems like a good way to solve this problem and let everyone have an equal shot at going to the games.

You have it backwards. They need to harmonize ticketing with the current state of higher education.

The school should raise prices to $1,000 per seat per game. All seats same price, so as not to harm anyone's self-esteem, but sideline and between-40's seats are allocated to people from disenfranchised and underserved cultures (certified yearly by a blue-ribbon faculty panel). Then they should institute a means tested financial aid system to subsidize tickets, gas and accessories for lower income folks. Administering all this will require a shiny new LEED-certified building housing 60 new employees with appropriate salaries and 90% pensions beginning at age 55, plus a $5 million dollar computer system. Good living wage jobs for Iowans.

I understand completely. I just hate this stigma that endzoners don't donate. I'm not going to say what we donate just so I don't create a ******* match but we do donate. I actually like sitting in the north endzone and wouldn't move if offered.

I'm a southsider myself near the ground and I love my seats too.
I wish they would let people park on the hill again. That was fun as hell. Watching cars slide down the hill during that Michigan game was classic.

+3. I miss Myrtle Hill and the cars sliding down the hill was epic. The U of I is actually missing out on some extra scratch by not opening the flat part of the hill. You could fit 100 cars in there.
The gameday culture in Iowa City has changed drastically since 2004.

I vividly remember attending a minimum of 4 home games each season during Ferentz's early years thru '03. The '02 Orange Bowl season, on a "day in, day out" basis, was the best time to be a Hawkeye.

When ticket sales picked up after '02 and they eliminated the 3 packs for the awesome home schedule in '04 I quit buying tickets. It was about this time that the stadium was "reseated" and parking really became an issue.

I haven't paid for a ticket out of my own pocket since 2004. If I do go to a game...1 per year at's a free ticket from some vendor or other business. I don't buy food or gas in Johnson county. I am a Hawk fan, AD despiser. Only folks that have it that good can find a way to try and cook the golden goose.

Their loss will be to try and win over an entire generation of rural Iowa kids whose parents grew up loving the Hawks and attending games, but who don't take their kids because of the BTN and high tickets prices combined with horrid parking.
Today in big time college football it takes MONEY to win. How much does the Captain make again? To get recruits you need facilities. I am sure you all want Iowa to win, so what are you ******** about. Do you expect GB to banish the guy donates $5k or the guy donates $1k or nothing? Simple economics. As far as kids not becoming fans because they can't afford coming to games as a kid is a joke. If you are raised in Iowa or attend Iowa there is a pretty good chance you will be a fan, regardless of the attendance to games.
Started in Myrtle years ago. Then off to a yard near Melrose at the prompting of friends but after years of wet yard parking unknowns I got a 2F pass and established a location across from Carver. Now it looks like it's back to Myrtle. I am no happier than those displaced from their favorite spot.What smokes me is the suprise after the renewal process.I even switched my seats three years ago to the west stands since we would be closer to Carver parking. I'm not rich. I have a limited entertainment budget and 4 kids who are Hawk fans and enjoy going to game and tailgating whenever possible. And I enjoy them coming. $2600.00 for 4 tickets, I Club Donation and Parking Pass. That's the majority of my entertainment budget for the year.Oh, and lets not forget the 2 basketball tickets which also went up this year. If only I could go back to the Knot Hole tickets of my youth.......but the football wasn't this good back then either.
Dude, you're a regular IC lifer. 7 years loyal! Rock on, Mr. Hawkeye.

I didn't claim to become a Hawk fan in '04, nor did I emphasize any prior commitment to the program. The date range in my post pertains to the recent history of the game day atmosphere in IC. Especially during the Ferentz regime. Bowlsby started the ball rolling, Barta has given it a push.

Most of the 90's aren't relevant to this conversation. The UofI was so concerned with declining attendance they were willing to put up with a much more raucous crowd, both inside and outside Kinnick.

By the way, do you have an actual opinion on this topic?
You could protest by NOT buying football tickets...

Obviously there are enough Hawk fans willing to pay the bucks and money always speaks...just ask politicians.
The gameday culture in Iowa City has changed drastically since 2004.

I vividly remember attending a minimum of 4 home games each season during Ferentz's early years thru '03. The '02 Orange Bowl season, on a "day in, day out" basis, was the best time to be a Hawkeye.

When ticket sales picked up after '02 and they eliminated the 3 packs for the awesome home schedule in '04 I quit buying tickets. It was about this time that the stadium was "reseated" and parking really became an issue.

I haven't paid for a ticket out of my own pocket since 2004. If I do go to a game...1 per year at's a free ticket from some vendor or other business. I don't buy food or gas in Johnson county. I am a Hawk fan, AD despiser. Only folks that have it that good can find a way to try and cook the golden goose.

Their loss will be to try and win over an entire generation of rural Iowa kids whose parents grew up loving the Hawks and attending games, but who don't take their kids because of the BTN and high tickets prices combined with horrid parking.

You quit buying tickets just because they did away with the 3-pack? Odd.

Sounds like you were there more the party then the game. Im sure Johnson County is missing your patronage.
Started in Myrtle years ago. Then off to a yard near Melrose at the prompting of friends but after years of wet yard parking unknowns I got a 2F pass and established a location across from Carver. Now it looks like it's back to Myrtle. I am no happier than those displaced from their favorite spot.What smokes me is the suprise after the renewal process.I even switched my seats three years ago to the west stands since we would be closer to Carver parking. I'm not rich. I have a limited entertainment budget and 4 kids who are Hawk fans and enjoy going to game and tailgating whenever possible. And I enjoy them coming. $2600.00 for 4 tickets, I Club Donation and Parking Pass. That's the majority of my entertainment budget for the year.Oh, and lets not forget the 2 basketball tickets which also went up this year. If only I could go back to the Knot Hole tickets of my youth.......but the football wasn't this good back then either.

Honest question on this subject, do you have to park in a certain 2F lot or can you go to any of the 2F lots?

You bring out the other side of the argument. But the thing that suck is you see 1F and 2F lots jam packed but the KC lots will have many open spaces.
The gameday culture in Iowa City has changed drastically since 2004.

I vividly remember attending a minimum of 4 home games each season during Ferentz's early years thru '03. The '02 Orange Bowl season, on a "day in, day out" basis, was the best time to be a Hawkeye.

When ticket sales picked up after '02 and they eliminated the 3 packs for the awesome home schedule in '04 I quit buying tickets. It was about this time that the stadium was "reseated" and parking really became an issue.

I haven't paid for a ticket out of my own pocket since 2004. If I do go to a game...1 per year at's a free ticket from some vendor or other business. I don't buy food or gas in Johnson county. I am a Hawk fan, AD despiser. Only folks that have it that good can find a way to try and cook the golden goose.

Their loss will be to try and win over an entire generation of rural Iowa kids whose parents grew up loving the Hawks and attending games, but who don't take their kids because of the BTN and high tickets prices combined with horrid parking.

We're all happy for ya'. So much courage making such a stand -- you're a modern-day Rosa Parks.

You realize that most games sell out, right? I don't think the program is hurting for fans.
Any SH lot as they are designated now. I'm not interested in ramp and my understanding is the other option Finkbine remote is a combo with SH, RV's and the general public and very conjested to exit.
You quit buying tickets just because they did away with the 3-pack? Odd.

Sounds like you were there more the party then the game. Im sure Johnson County is missing your patronage.

Or because he couldn't afford full-season tickets? I wouldn't know, since I'm still a student, but I would guess that 3-game packs were probably pretty nice, especially if the home slate was good.
whenever they finally demolish the arts campus there will be room for tons of parking there

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