Another Clone Footballer Arrested

Kid got busted for pot. A victimless crime, wow. It's not a performance enhancing drug and if he's doing good in his classes I'd might consider making him run wind sprints for being in the news.

Oh boy thank god we have the government to make laws to help me from myself. Pretty sure our forefathers put banishment of Mary Jane in the constitution.... Oh wait I remember Thomas Jefferson's quote "the greatest service which can be rendered any country is to add an useful plant to it's culture" & we all know he's way smarter than the POLITICAL MACHINES THAT REPRESENT LOBBYIST INTEREST & not interest of the people.

When's the last time you heard of a guy getting stoned and being able to bench 300lbs cause of it? Yet we test for pot and not steroids. When's the last time you've heard of a dad that smoked too much pot so he beat he's kids & wife? Yet whiskey is legal and pot is illegal.

Kid got busted with possession of pot. Not dealing it but just owning a small amount of a non addictive herb. Why did he have weed? Maybe he likes to relax with minus the hangover and muscle wasting toxins alcohol has. Your choice is who you choose to be and if your causing no harm your alright with me. My choice is who I choose to be and if I'm causing no harm don't bother me.

Off my soap box now
Kid got busted for pot. A victimless crime, wow. It's not a performance enhancing drug and if he's doing good in his classes I'd might consider making him run wind sprints for being in the news.Oh boy thank god we have the government to make laws to help me from myself. Pretty sure our forefathers put banishment of Mary Jane in the constitution.... Oh wait I remember Thomas Jefferson's quote "the greatest service which can be rendered any country is to add an useful plant to it's culture" & we all know he's way smarter than the POLITICAL MACHINES THAT REPRESENT LOBBYIST INTEREST & not interest of the people.When's the last time you heard of a guy getting stoned and being able to bench 300lbs cause of it? Yet we test for pot and not steroids. When's the last time you've heard of a dad that smoked too much pot so he beat he's kids & wife? Yet whiskey is legal and pot is illegal. Kid got busted with possession of pot. Not dealing it but just owning a small amount of a non addictive herb. Why did he have weed? Maybe he likes to relax with minus the hangover and muscle wasting toxins alcohol has. Your choice is who you choose to be and if your causing no harm your alright with me. My choice is who I choose to be and if I'm causing no harm don't bother me. Off my soap box now
just the response we were looking for :)
FUISU, or Ben Harper, or whatever your name is, pot is illegal. This is not an argument about whether or not it should be legal. Football players know this and therefore should avoid putting themselves in situations where they can hurt their team by getting arrested. Find another way to "relax."
FUISU, or Ben Harper, or whatever your name is, pot is illegal. This is not an argument about whether or not it should be legal. Football players know this and therefore should avoid putting themselves in situations where they can hurt their team by getting arrested. Find another way to "relax."

like milking the prostate?
DJL alcohol was once illegal and maybe should ask yourself why pot is illegal? Or maybe you like the government to think for you? I bet you think the government is never wrong (slavery)?
No punishment just like the two felons they have allowed to play in the past.

I thought they were of such high moral character up there at ISU. Iowa suspends guys for rumors and Iowa makes all the headlines as having a problem.

Cops in Ames protect as many football players as possible, kind of like when Daddy Mac was Chief of police in Iowa City. The only time they get busted is when it would be impossible to hide it.

Again, Iowa does the right thing and gets punished for it. Just another reason to hate most ISU fans.
You are missing my point. I'm not arguing that pot should be legal or not be legal. Right now the law is what it is, and even if football players don't agree with the law, they should expect to be punished for breaking it. If pot is legalized, fantastic smoke it up. Until then, find a different hobby
DJL alcohol was once illegal and maybe should ask yourself why pot is illegal? Or maybe you like the government to think for you? I bet you think the government is never wrong (slavery)?

you're going way off into left field with conspiracy theory and tin foil hat type of stuff here.

the fact of the matter is that the plant the givens had is currently illegal to possess under Iowa law. bottom line. and he should know better as someone who represents a university.

that being said, this doesn't mean much. a little pot isn't a big deal. he'll probably sit for the opening game. moving on
Grow up we haven't had our share of problems. I'm getting sick of crap like this.

Anyway, those clowns smoke ditch weed.:D If you're going to get busted, at least go down with the chronic.
Grow up we haven't had our share of problems. I'm getting sick of crap like this.

Anyway, those clowns smoke ditch weed.:D If you're going to get busted, at least go down with the chronic.

wait, was it actually released that he was "in possession of the shwag"? that would be hilarious.
Your missing the point. If its not a PED, if he's not dealing it, he didn't have a large amount, he wasn't committing a violent crime so whats the big deal? You know it's still illegal to kiss a women in public in Iowa if you have a mustache?

I look at this as j walking. If he's grades aren't a issue I tell him as a coach to be more careful next time. Miss no playing time.

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