Anger (I need to vent)


Well-Known Member
I usually don't get to upset about message board stuff because I know places like this aren't actually big deals and shouldn't be taken too seriously; however, tonight is the exception. I was reading some comments on's recent article about the Hawkeyes being under pressure all of last year and a reader named SPPLFOREVER1972 described Kinnick Stadium the following way: "Its punny and is old and looks nasty and is named after some dead loser,its a black eye on the B10"
Maybe it is puny, and maybe it is old. Maybe it looks nasty, and maybe it is a black eye for the the Big 10. I guess those are opinions. Calling Nile Kinnick some dead loser makes me so angry, I want to pull my hair out. I can't imagine the ignorance it must take for a person to write that. Sorry to vent on you all, but I wanted to get this out around people who would sympathize.
Dont get upset. Its not worth it.

These type of people post negative things like that for reactions.

Thats the thing about the internet, it allows them to say anything they want without a face. They have no fear of backlash so it becomes a game to them to make other people upset.

Dont feed the beast. Dont respond and move on.
He is what you call a troll. He's just looking for an angry response.

Well unfortunately, I gave him one. I never stoop to the level of threatening someone on the internet (it's childish and stupid), but that guy's comment got me THAT mad.
I understand the anger, but keep in mind those ESPN boards are full of PSU trolls. I wonder if that person is a PSU fan. Anyway, there is constantly back and forth between their fans and Iowa fans on those things. I guess when your team basically is owned, some people like to run their mouths to get a reaction cause they got nothing else.
I have been to every stadium save PSU, the comment you responded to is so misinformed, you should be ashamed you even responded.
Sounds like someone who is, and should be, VERY VERY Jealous. Kinnick stadium is stunning and named after not only a fantastic football player, but and even better person. The stories you continue to hear about Nile Kinnick are incredible.

It is probably some Michigan fan who thinks the "Big House" is a nice stadium. Been there twice, and felt like I was in a sardine can both times.
Just plain ignorance, nothing more.

Now, if he would have bashed the mens restroom facilities I would have been right there with him. I miss the troughs.
That is what happens when parents don't monitor their kids on-line behavior.
It's kids playing around...don't get upset just consider the source and be better than they are.
Sounds like someone who is, and should be, VERY VERY Jealous. Kinnick stadium is stunning and named after not only a fantastic football player, but and even better person. The stories you continue to hear about Nile Kinnick are incredible.

It is probably some Michigan fan who thinks the "Big House" is a nice stadium. Been there twice, and felt like I was in a sardine can both times.

You mean the Big Hole? Thoroughly unimpressed.

Now, all this being said, I wouldn't mind Kinnick being expanded to at least 80,000 seats.
Probably some Gopher fan since they have the only new stadium in the conference and no recent success to speak of.
When you get upset over an obvious troll like that, there is a loser in that exhange, and it is not the troll.

There are two ways to encounter obnoxiousness; You can ignore it or you can fight it. In the first scenario, you win, and in the second, they win. An old proveb says "Never stop your enemy when they are in the middle of a mistake". Applying that to this situation, when some guy is being an a hole, let him expose himself as an ahole. Responding to him does nothing to hurt him, but drags you down to his level.

If you ever get angry over something written on the internet, that is a you problem, not a them problem.
"SPPLFOREVER1972 described Kinnick Stadium the following way: "Its punny and is old and looks nasty and is named after some dead loser,its a black eye on the B10"

Has to be an Illannoy fan. No Big 10 facility can hold a candle to Memorial Stadium.:eek::eek:
Kinnick is a classic stadium and one of the best and most historic in the Big Ten. Any fan from another school comes to watch their team at Kinnick for those exact reasons. Ask any Big Ten coach or athlete what they think about Kinnick Stadium and none of those things that guy said will come out of their mouths. That guy, however, is everything that people have described him as.. He is a troll, a coward, very jealous obviously, and probably hasn't beaten Iowa for a long period of time. We tend to do this to people, and I am starting to have fun with it, you should too! Go Hawks!
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I'm going to guess the poster doesn't really know the real story of Nile Kinnick & that he died serving his & our country. Prob some young punk who really doesn't have a clue. Most fans around the Big 10 respect the Hx of Nile Kinnick & Kinnick stadium.

This poster is just an uneducated jack-azz. If he realized his significance & that he died while in the military, he would probably feel like azz.

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