Android Users: HawkeyeNation App is HERE!

No worries Jon, we are following the Twitter and Facebook feedback as well...but thanks! And Mac, we absolutely want to get full forum functionality plugged in very soon.
Works great running on my original droid running gingerbread. the only suggestions are move the forums button to a more prominent place on the nav bar. and make the arrows on the nav bar actual buttons to go along with the swipe. I catch my self clicking on the arrows and end up in " schedules" or "facebook"
other then that it looks very good
Just downloaded and I too would suggest making the forum area more prominant. Thats where most people will go. Maybe move the facebook and twitter items over and have the forums listed farther to the left. But overall, its great. Keep up the great work.
Not to **** in the punch bowl, but this is the third thread about this with the exact same title and exact same opening post.
Works well on my EVO. I would agree with the suggestion to make the link to the forums more readily accessible.

This may be a part of the full forum implementation, but it would be nice to be able to see a date and time stamp on posts.

Thanks for the hard work!
I agree with Duff about the bar at the bottom, but I do like the slide bar. Anyway it will have the capability to view in landscape?
Thanks so much for all of the constructive feedback! There are several of us on here from the development team and I expect our lead Android developer (jlefler) to chime in soon as well and help respond to some of the questions and concerns. Please continue to be candid...though as a longtime member of hawkeyenation I know that goes without saying! We want this to be a great app, and I know the forums are a vital part of that. Thanks again!
Hey all,

First, let me say thanks for all of the great feedback so far. I have high hopes for this app and the more information we get from you guys the better we can make it.

As far as the forums in the app - they are currently very very limited but we are working hard to fix that. The current limitations are that the app can only grab the most recent threads in each forum, it can only grab the first page of posts from each thread, and posting currently isn't possible. In other words, it can't do much just yet.

We are working with Jon to develop the necessary infrastructure to allow the mobile app to have full access to the forum including browsing everything and posting everywhere. We don't know when that will be done yet - but it is our top priority.

There are plenty of other great suggestions flowing in and we are making a list. Again, we really appreciate the feedback.

Josh Lefler
Awesome job so far on this!

Suggestions, not criticisms...

The 'gold' is coming off too Missouri gold and it feels like the 'gold' in the hawkeyenation header is different than the top sliding bar which is different from the color of the nav icons.

The schedules pages seem cluttered and unstructured. When looking at schedules I like to be able to quickly locate the info I'm looking for. I think a table format is much easier to navigate for schedules.

Add future schedules where possible.

Merge the 'Facebook' and 'Twitter' categories into one feed with distinguishing formats.

Add time/date posted to your news items, videos etc...

Combine 'Recent News' and 'Sports' and have an 'Recent, Football, Basketball, Wrestling' header.

Add ability to get push alerts when new items are posted, allow it to be sport specific.

Love it guys! Great job so far, I'm impressed.
Just installed it and am in love already. I have been traveling a ton and this is a much quicker way of hitting this sight when on the go than going into my browser.

My suggestions only suggestion to this point would be the bottom bar.

Sports and recent News seem to be a lot of duplication. Just looking at it I would think Sports would be exclusive to HN articles seperated by sport of interest and recent News would be more like Recent News Links, and links to outside sources if possible.

From left to right would be Sports, Recent News Links, Forums, Videos, Schedules, Facebook and Twitter.

Small suggestions and admittedly no app designers here.

Thanks Jon and design team
One thing I have noticed is that the forum feature will not let a person view multiple pages. Also, if you could consider putting timestamps on it that would be great as well.
I love this image from the market:
A couple initial reactions.

1) (this has been mentioned) once the forums have complete functionality the link to the forums need to be on the initial bar, and you shouldn't have to scroll.

2) You should show the entire tweet without having to click on it.

3) Work on the formatting of the text. Especially on the twitter page, all the text is the same, it should be easier to pick out who the tweet was said by, who it is in response to etc. just have it look like an actual twitter feed. Also you might want to bold the title of the articles or change the font. Just looks a little cumbersome and boring.

Looks pretty good though.
It looks like a nice wrapper around the website.

I assume it is loading all of the latest messages on start up. Will the app start if there is no internet connection?

One thing I would really like is the football roster & two deeps on the app. Sure you can find it a million places on the web, but on game day, in Kinnick, internet connection pretty much sucks. It would be nice if the app downloaded the roster & 2-deeps to a flat file on the phone and then was able to read it when the internet connection is down. I really like having that info on the phone as opposed to carrying around a printed out roster.
Keep the great feedback coming! We are looking at moving sports into the news in order to bring the forums into quicker view...I know it is a key feature I want to use as well. So much of your feedback is already being worked into a quick follow up.

The finishing touches are happening on the iphone version (also incorporating this forum feedback) and we should have that in for approval early next week. Approval generally takes around 2 weeks. Thanks again!