Android Users: HawkeyeNation App is HERE!

Expect an update tomorrow late morning with much of this feedback incorporated. Sorry, no forum enhancements yet (I know, I know!).
Since it can't really open the web page portion, just parts of a page, how about making some sort of emphasis point to make us open HawkeyeInsider on our browser to see what exciting is going on! Most Droid users are going to have an active web browser.
Just downloaded and app looks great. I would probably mostly be reading stories and going to the forums. So, easy access to these areas are key. I know this has been asked, but is there any timeframe whatsoever on when posting will be available on the app? Then I would not have to go to the full site and type this post on my droid x like I am now.:) Also will there be any spellcheck abilities. Hate to make the spelling and grammar police upset with errors while typing on my phone?
We are working with Jon to figure out the best way to get a fully featured forum is definitely top priority. The last thing we want is some half-baked solution that works but is clunky.

Expect tomorrows update to include additional timestamps, support for landscape mode, more consistent "yellows", reordered bottom navigation, combined sports/news tab and a few bug fixes. Thanks again for helping us shape the app!
I am in the process of considering an update of the message board software...that requires retooling of the optimizations we have done and a few other things...we think it could help get us to the point where we can post via the app, but I have to weigh how it affects other things too
But believe me, we are working on making things as good as they can. I have been a part of the Iowa fan internet scene since its inception in the late 1990's...and the things that we are working on with this, in concert with the things we are working on for the site, this is the most comprehensive website/content package there has ever been...which is what I have always wanted to do.

So have a little patience, we are working on these things and when its all finished, you are going to be very, very pleased...then again, it's never all finished when you constantly want to push the envelope.
As jake703 promised, a new version is up which integrates a lot of the feedback we have received so far. Your phone should automatically detect the new build and notify you to update it if you wish, or you can go into the market to have it check more quickly. Thanks again for all of the great feedback and please keep it coming!

Changes in this version:
Enhanced icon (Requested by Jake)

Changed yellow color to be more consistent (Requested by BlckNGldHwk)

Reordered Bottom Navigation (Requested by Duffman and others)

Combined sports/news tab (Requested by BlkNGldHwk)

Added friendly timestamps to some feeds. (Requested by BlkNHoldHawk and others)

Landscape Mode Support (Requested by chicityhawk and others)

Sorry if I missed your name and you suggested a change. We really appreciate the feedback and are still working on some of the other suggestions, especially the forum.

Josh Lefler

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