Amani Jones to DE

He clearly is a freak of an athlete who plays downhill, I like the thought of finding a way to get him on the field in a manner where he can have success.
I think it creates a monster pass rush.

1) Raider: Amani, Golston, Nixon, AJE.
2) 4-3 base look. Amani lines up as an LB behind AJE. If he blitzes, that side of the opposing OL can’t double team them both. With a head of steam headed at the QB, he is going to run over a lot of OG’s. Maybe he gets there, maybe not quite, but I suspect he has the QB thinking about backside protections and could have an effect on the quality of the throw...

3) line 5 guys up on the LOS in the Raider package. Maybe Amani, Golston, AJE, ZVV and Waggoner. 4 of the 5 attack the QB and a different guy drops back into coverage each time. I am thinking that could create some confusion both in the QB’s reads and the OL. Maybe it forces a big mistake and we get a free shot at the QB. Maybe the ball comes out and we are going the other way!

Man you are frothing at the mouth about Sept Hawk football already. But I have to agree, Kinnick is great when the defense is just eating up other teams. I cant wait either.
Let the kid live his life the way he wants to.
Not everything is about the money.

If he goes, he goes. If he stays he stays.
Right now anything any of us say about it reflects our own beliefs, not AJ's.

AJE can get and should already maybe have an insurance policy. Most working people in the US never make $2 million in their lifetime. A good share never make $1 million in their working life so get the insurance to protect potential NFL earnings for even this upcoming year and then make your decision.

How could we have a problem with a kid playing 3 years at Iowa and going pro early. Most hawk players dont play a good 3 years worth at Iowa by the time they finish their 4th year of eligibility. Defensive line player rotation is here for good as long as they have the bodies. If AJE plays 70% of snaps this year but is fresh on passing downs that is great.

The early NFL entrants that hurt are the Josh Jackson types who have one sterling year and you just wish to see them play one more as a hawk.

I saw plenty of Desmond King in his first three years and if he would have left early that would have been fine and maybe Josh Jackson then has two great years.
Hopefully he can rest up and be ready to go for fall camp. Don't wanna risk aggravating an ankle injury and have it linger all year.