Alternate Jerseys!

There might be a "Whoosh!" meme coming because I missed an inside joke, but I think that's actually James Vandenberg. That pic must be from the season that shall not be henceforth be uttered...
Nope, I won’t give you a meme but I knew it was him. Being a smartass online is hard. :)
Took the colors of the Pittsburgh Steelers because they were dominate and Fry wanted the team to feel dominating. Now we add gray like fOSU because...?

Heaven forbid they change the color scheme by the slightest bit...they're called alternate uniforms for a reason.
I like them. I never thought we would see an at uni which actually liked good. Black out a few years ago was pretty okay, all the “throwbacks” were terrible
Hey genius, those are our colors, gray isn't.

Yeah genius, and we have worn silver/red/white/blue before so there's no set rule on colors and nobody owns a color(s). Is every article of Hawkeye clothing for sale only black and gold? No. It's a really dark gray on about 5-10% of the uniform that is meant to compliment the black. They look really good and the players seem to love em.
Nope, I won’t give you a meme but I knew it was him. Being a smartass online is hard. :)

Fryowa is really good at it. Its easy for him. I cant read his posts without hearing it in my head as if its the real Fry.
Yeah genius, and we have worn silver/red/white/blue before so there's no set rule on colors and nobody owns a color(s). Is every article of Hawkeye clothing for sale only black and gold? No. It's a really dark gray on about 5-10% of the uniform that is meant to compliment the black. They look really good and the players seem to love em.
And I don't like it. Why do you care if I don't like it?
I don't like the grey on there either, but still much better than those god awful grey things they wore for Veterans Day a few years ago. Was that the red pom-pom Wisconsin game too?


It appears that there is a Purdue player in the photo.
It's the trendy thing to do now in CFB.

I'd prefer Iowa wore their regular home uni's for Saturday.

Oh well, I'm a dinosaur.