All time Iowa Roll your eyes/shake head team

Mossbrucker? How so? He's only played one season and went 13-15 on FG's which led the conference and 31-33 on PAT's. The two missed PAT's are the only reason I can think you would say he's inconsistent.
Not to mention his 1 of the missed FGs and PAT was the week after the PSU game and he probably was ****** he didnt get to take the game winner. I second Shada, and Grigsby but what about Kyle Williams? The 4/5 star linebacker that never showed up.
Kyle Williams - Yahoo! Sports
I could make a case for Sandeman as well earlier in his career with his muffed punts.
QB - Matt Sherman ... more prolonged sucking than Beutjer and Christensen
WR - Bashir Yamini ... AKA "Stonehands" ... WTF did they keep running him out there on the field
TE - Zeron Flemister ... the final argument on why any TE should go to Iowa ... if he can get paid by the NFL for a couple years, anyone can
DE - Ryan Loftin ... team MVP
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Wow. I really hate this thread ---

1. Very negative.
2. You seem to forget that these kids are 18 to 21 years old -- they make mistakes.
3. Why take it out on the players?
4. Matt Sherman? Give me a break - he was injured in that game!!!!
5. Rollins? WTF - one of the best LBs we ever had.

If you want to criticize coaches, or fans, or officiating, I don't have a problem with that. The coaches make big money and can take the heat.

But lay off of the players. They are doing it "for the love of the game"

Keep it positive dude -- there is so much to be excited about right now with Iowa FB. Write about the positives.

Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner. This thread is very tasteless and should be ended quickly. Sure Iowa has had a few kids that have made on and off the field mistakes...some much worse than the others, but I think we should look forward to the good things of which this team is capable.

P.S. Adam Shada was an Academic All-American.