Alford running his mouth again!


Well-Known Member
Did anyone else hear Alfraud running his mouth at a radio interview before the Final Four today? He was talking about his contract extension and how they are upgrading their facilities at New Mexico. Of course, they brought up Iowa. He rambled on and on about how there was no support at Iowa, the facilities were not to his liking, and how you can't just bring in a coach to build a program.
He also mentioned when he was at Iowa that they had three winning season along with two big ten titles. What he failed to mention was that those two titles were from the big ten tournament and he only had one ncaa tournament win at his time at Iowa.
All in all even though I liked Alfraud he was way off today. Any thoughts???
Did anyone else hear Alfraud running his mouth at a radio interview before the Final Four today? He was talking about his contract extension and how they are upgrading their facilities at New Mexico. Of course, they brought up Iowa. He rambled on and on about how there was no support at Iowa, the facilities were not to his liking, and how you can't just bring in a coach to build a program.
He also mentioned when he was at Iowa that they had three winning season along with two big ten titles. What he failed to mention was that those two titles were from the big ten tournament and he only had one ncaa tournament win at his time at Iowa.
All in all even though I liked Alfraud he was way off today. Any thoughts???

Stop bringing up Steve Alford.
Did anyone else hear Alfraud running his mouth at a radio interview before the Final Four today? He was talking about his contract extension and how they are upgrading their facilities at New Mexico. Of course, they brought up Iowa. He rambled on and on about how there was no support at Iowa, the facilities were not to his liking, and how you can't just bring in a coach to build a program.
He also mentioned when he was at Iowa that they had three winning season along with two big ten titles. What he failed to mention was that those two titles were from the big ten tournament and he only had one ncaa tournament win at his time at Iowa.
All in all even though I liked Alfraud he was way off today. Any thoughts???

yeah, my thougts are you are consumed with Steve Alford and you need to move on with your life.
Got to agree with GodGodGodBathia on this one. I don't really care one way or another but it cracks me up that we can spend so much time bashing him on this site, but then act offended when he takes a jab back at us.

On a side note, I agree with him that "you can't just bring in a new coach to build a program." However, I definitely feel that things are already looking better than they were a month ago for Hawk fans.
Not sure why SA would still be hung up on Iowa but I would rather move on and let a coach that was pushed out run his mouth.
My thoughts are that I hope our new coach can rebuild this program to the point where we can stop bringing up the Alford and Lickliter years. We really need to stop worrying about what SA says anymore. It's not like it is anything new that we will hear from him. He is NEVER going to admit that he made any mistakes. It is always going to be about him not getting support or a new facility or what ever else he wants to bring up.
Although I agree that bringing Alford's name up gets old, I don't believe I've ever seen a coach dwell on a previous job the way this ******* does. Blaming others is the MO of Coach Alford. He blames universities and his own players to direct the attention away from his inadequacies. The only success he's had is when Noodles is sitting next to him holding his hand. I can't wait until Noodles gets a gig of his own so Alford has to prove himself. His true colors will show brightly then.
It does take more then JUST a coach to rebuild a program, and I like the CURRENT steps IOWA is taking to get this done. I would rather NOT think about the past, I have a good feeling about the FUTURE.
Although I agree that bringing Alford's name up gets old, I don't believe I've ever seen a coach dwell on a previous job the way this ******* does. Blaming others is the MO of Coach Alford. He blames universities and his own players to direct the attention away from his inadequacies. The only success he's had is when Noodles is sitting next to him holding his hand. I can't wait until Noodles gets a gig of his own so Alford has to prove himself. His true colors will show brightly then.

Did anyone else hear Alfraud running his mouth at a radio interview before the Final Four today? He was talking about his contract extension and how they are upgrading their facilities at New Mexico. Of course, they brought up Iowa. He rambled on and on about how there was no support at Iowa, the facilities were not to his liking, and how you can't just bring in a coach to build a program.
He also mentioned when he was at Iowa that they had three winning season along with two big ten titles. What he failed to mention was that those two titles were from the big ten tournament and he only had one ncaa tournament win at his time at Iowa.
All in all even though I liked Alfraud he was way off today. Any thoughts???

Alford had little to no support from the administration, same with Lickliter. Both were promised a lot and got little in return. Building the Iowa program will certainly take more than just a coach. The practice facility is a huge step in the right direction but if it ends there, things will not be greatly improved in the near future.

Frankly, based on your post I dont see what Alford said that is "way off".
He said the Hawks had only 3 winning seasons while he was coach? You are right, he was wrong...they had 7 winning seasons while he was coach at Iowa. Running down his own record?
I suspect an actual transcript of the interview will be a lot different than your ''interpetation''.
From what I heard, he said he was asked about Iowa...if he says he will not talk about that, fans like you say he is a DB,so, he answers questions about Iowa...what a crime. I heard he expressed sympathy for Lick,and wished Fran good luck...what a db. Everything he said about facilities is totally factual.
Just let it go.
Bottom line? Alford Left and within 3 years IOWA broke ground on new facilities. Mr. Alford needs to let it go as well. Be a better ambassador of the University and of the program and he would have had it sooner.
He said the Hawks had only 3 winning seasons while he was coach? You are right, he was wrong...they had 7 winning seasons while he was coach at Iowa. Running down his own record?
I suspect an actual transcript of the interview will be a lot different than your ''interpetation''.
From what I heard, he said he was asked about Iowa...if he says he will not talk about that, fans like you say he is a DB,so, he answers questions about Iowa...what a crime. I heard he expressed sympathy for Lick,and wished Fran good luck...what a db. Everything he said about facilities is totally factual.
Just let it go.

I think the point that many people try to make is that whenever he [name redacted] talks about his time here, he always points to the lack of facilities as a main reason for his failings. He doesn't point out keeping a rapist on the team, or throwing players under the bus in the media, or being a dick in the media, or anything else that was in his control. [Name redacted] failings at Iowa are - in his mind - not his fault, because he has never once blamed himself for what went wrong while he was here.

That's the beef some people have, that [name redacted] has never once said that he might have been part of the problem.
Bottom line? Alford Left and within 3 years IOWA broke ground on new facilities. Mr. Alford needs to let it go as well. Be a better ambassador of the University and of the program and he would have had it sooner.

I imagine Alford would let it go if reporters would stop asking the question. I don't see him running down Iowa. I think he is trying to justify his tenure here. That's not surprising and any one of us would do the same.

Still, I think it's time for Alford to bring out the "no comment" line when reporters ask the question. I can't believe that he likes bringing up his times at Iowa, especially when he is having success at New Mexico. I truly believe he would rather have people focus on his success at NM than his failures at Iowa(especially if he does have the superego that people claim he has).
I imagine Alford would let it go if reporters would stop asking the question. I don't see him running down Iowa. I think he is trying to justify his tenure here. That's not surprising and any one of us would do the same.

Still, I think it's time for Alford to bring out the "no comment" line when reporters ask the question. I can't believe that he likes bringing up his times at Iowa, especially when he is having success at New Mexico. I truly believe he would rather have people focus on his success at NM than his failures at Iowa(especially if he does have the superego that people claim he has).

Exactly. He has to know he can never say ''the right thing'' for some Iowa fans who will always hate him. But if he said ''no comment'', the same fans would call him out for being arrogant.
Maybe SA could come out and state some of his faults at Iowa instead of blaming it all on Iowa? It's typical SA speak. He could easily say "well, I had a convesation with Gary Barta at the end of the year, he basicly told me to win or I'm done. After the meeting I started calling schools that had an opening for a coach using my cell phone provided by the U of I and I ended up walking away from there because I sensed I was going to get fired due to the lack of quality recruits, lack of fan support and over all I just didn't get it done. I learned a heck of a lot t Iowa which helps to this day, I thank them for the oppurtunity but everyone knew I would leave someday..........I was hoping for Indiana not NM."

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